All night, very quiet.

There was only the sound of a chirping chirp in the sinker. In the silence, it sounded extra dull, like a nervous and irregular heartbeat.

For a while, footsteps sounded in the courtyard, gradually approaching. It's so late and in such a remote place, how can anyone come?

Ye Ye Wuya winked at the little **** on his side. The little **** rushed to the door and tried to block the person, but after seeing what the person looked like, he flinched back.

"The emperor, it's the emperor!" Said the **** lowly.

Suddenly, Ye Ye Wuya was surprised, and saw that the door was pushed away by two eunuchs, and Emperor Jiaxiang walked in quickly, followed by Han Shuo, the in-house waiter behind him.

The night without a limit to save the night without smoke is hidden from everyone. There are very few knowers. He, Yun Qingmang, and the sinker who came to serve, no one else. Unexpectedly, his father the emperor found here.

After all, who leaked the wind?

In fact, it is not that some people have leaked the wind, but that Emperor Jiaxiang will come to this dilapidated courtyard every few days and turn around. The palace people are not allowed to move the plants and trees here, and the palace people are not allowed to clean. The original appearance is maintained here, even though it is full of dust, but it is still the same as before.

Alas, this time, he found that an orange light was shining through the window. His heart was suddenly startled, and he couldn't stop shaking. He quickened his pace, and as soon as the door opened, he strode across the room, followed by the cold night wind.

Ye Ye Wuya did not expect that the father would find here. After rescue Ye Yefu from the prison that day, the situation was urgent, and he sent someone to Ye Yefu to the palace. In the imperial palace, only this run-down courtyard was rarely visited on weekdays.

He thought it was a safe place. Unexpectedly, only ten days later, he was approached by his father.

父 Since that battle, Father Emperor has been a little discouraged and sick. Therefore, since he ascended the throne, everything has been done regardless of whether he is in the court or the palace.

Hey, why did Father Emperor get here tonight? !!

Moreover, what made Ye Wuya startled was that perhaps because of the torture of his illness, the father emperor looked much older, and his expression was extremely embarrassing. ,

The Emperor Wu Jiaxiang was also shocked to see Ye Wuya, thinking that it was a brave slave who was hiding here, but did not want to be Ye Wuya.

无 "Boundless, what are you doing here?" He asked in a deep voice, and as soon as he finished speaking, he became silent.

He saw the night smoke-free lying on the bed, and at that moment, the night smoke-free woke up from a nap, and opened the bright eyes of Dan Feng. His body was wrapped like a cripple. At the moment, only these eyes remained outside, and only those dark eyes, let people know that he is still a living person.

Emperor Wu Jiaxiang stared at Ye Wuyan's black eyes, stunned.

黑白 The eyes are black and white, and the pupils are black and bright like a mirror, as if they can hook away the seven souls and six souls.

How similar it is!

He couldn't help but sigh.

At that time, he was lost in such eyes and couldn't help himself!

"Wanyue ..." He called lowly, his voice low and affectionate, with a hint of confusion in his eyes, as if immersed in the past, "Is it you?"

The person in front of me heard his whisper, but his black eyes were stunned, his eyes were flowing, sharp and cold.

Jiaxiang, the emperor, shook the drama and stepped back two times, pointing at Ye Wuyan and whispering to Ye Wuya, saying, "Who is he?" He stared at him, staring at Ye Wuyan with a slight finger Quivering and condensing, "You ... are ..."

He already knew who he was, and only he had those phoenixes similar to her, but he pursed his lips and couldn't speak for a long time.

"Father Emperor, six brothers. It was I who rescued him from prison. He was very injured. That's why I took him here to heal him!" Ye Wuya said helplessly, and he had intended to hide his father The emperor, because he knew that the father emperor had a lot of dissatisfaction with the smoke-free night. But he didn't expect to be discovered by him.

"He's not dead !?" said Tai Xiang, the emperor Jiaxiang, lowering a smile of joy on the corner of his lips, but it quickly passed away and turned into a complex look.

"Father Emperor ..." Ye Wuya shouted in amazement, looking at the complex look of Father Emperor, did he still remember that he hated the six brothers' rebellion.

"Boundless, here, this is not the place to be injured, move elsewhere!" The Emperor Jiaxiang suddenly turned and said coldly.

"Father Emperor, six brothers can't move at will now. His hand and hamstrings have been cut off. They have just been picked up. It is still uncertain whether they can recover as usual. If ... it's a torment, I'm afraid Arms and legs will be abolished. "Ye Wuya said in a deep voice.

Emperor Wu Jiaxiang was shocked when he heard the words. He thought that the smokeless night was just a wound to his skin. He never thought that his hands and hamstrings had been cut off. He turned around and walked slowly to the smoke-free night, his sharp black eyes suddenly filled with compassion.

Yan Ye took a glance at Emperor Jiaxiang without a smoke, and his thoughts seemed to be out of sight. He looked at him lightly, and closed his eyes again, lying there without moving, no one knew what he was thinking.

He is such a harmless and indifferent eye, but like an ice needle, he pierces into the heart of Emperor Jiaxiang.

"The emperor, the old slave dared, hoping that the emperor could ... can ..." Han Shuo was very happy to see Ye Yeyan resurrected without smoke. He knew that the Emperor Taima was concerned that night smoke was not his son's business. Therefore, he wanted them to test their relatives with blood.

The Emperor Wu naturally knew what Han Shuo was going to say. He raised his hand to stop Han Shuo's words below, and looked back at Ye Wuya, saying, "Wai Ye, you take them out."

"Father Emperor!" Ye Wuya wondered why Father Emperor wanted them out.

Supreme Master Wu Jiaxiang whispered, "You are alone and tell him, you can go out for a while, just fine."

Yan Ye Wuya frowned, and signaled that Yun Qingkang and the sinker would go out with him, but Yun Qingkang did not seem to see him. And the sinker, although he stopped his medicine, fell on his knees without saying a word or getting up.

"What would Gu ’s not do to him? Just a few words to ask him!" Yun Qingkang can also be regarded as a life saver to Emperor Jiaxiang, so he is not angry, but just said lightly.

Jin Yun said rudely to the emperor: "The emperor, forgive me all my sins, and I really ca n’t leave the master. This is an accusation of my subordinates. Whatever you have to say, though, you will never reveal half a word.

Emperor Wu Jiaxiang glanced at the cloud frivolity, his face gloomy for a moment, his eyes narrowed for a moment, and said, "You are really loyal, let alone, you can stay without bounds, Han Shuo, take a bowl."

朔 Han Shuo took a white porcelain bowl from the wooden case next to him.

"Master, the emperor wants to take a drop of blood from you, and you can bear a little pain." Han Shuo said lowly to Ye Wuyan.

Yan Ye closed his eyes smoke-free, and his eyelashes never fluttered. There seemed to be no objection.

The Emperor Wu Jiaxiang walked to Ye Wuyan's side, holding up Ye Wuyan's wrists wrapped in cloth.

Ye Ye Wuya's face changed, as if he understood the intention of his father. Yun Qingmang also seemed to understand what Emperor Jiaxiang wanted to do, and laughed at himself.

Emperor Wu Jiaxiang stabbed a silver needle at the smokeless fingertips at night, dripping a few drops of blood in a white porcelain bowl.

Jin Yun's madness thought he was going to have a blood test here, but he didn't want Han Shuo to take a porcelain bowl, and finally glanced at the smoke-free night, leaving the house first. And the night on the bed was smoke-free, except that when he came, he opened his eyes and looked at him, he kept his eyes closed. He didn't even blink his eyelashes when he just confessed his blood.

No one knows what Ye Wuyan is thinking about.

"Master, don't you want to know the result?" Yun Qing madly walked to the smoke-free night and asked lowly.

Yan Ye's smokeless eyelashes blinked, and the corners of her lips evoked a smile of indifference.

The question of who he is is not important to him. He didn't care. As long as he is a mother's child, it is enough.

In the courtyard, there suddenly came a sound of "Dangdang". Yun Qing went madly to the door, opened the cotton curtain, and saw Emperor Jiaxiang fall to the snow. White porcelain bowls shattered into pieces on the snow, and a few drops of blood splashed on the snow, red and dazzling.

I only heard Han Shuo Xinxi's voice come over, "Too much emperor, the slave knows that the king is your child, it really is."

Jin Yun sighed madly. In fact, as long as he looked at the emperor Jiaxiang's face, he knew the result of the blood test.

Emperor Wu Jiaxiang was helped by Han Shuo to stand up from the snow and stood outside the house for a long time, his expression in the deep dragon's eyes was complicated. He stood there all the time, and didn't enter the room again. For a long time, he suddenly laughed.

朔 Han Shuo stood on one side, looking at the tears that were constantly falling in the eyes of Emperor Jiaxiang, he could not tell whether it was a happy smile or a happy cry.

The next day, there was news in the palace that Ye Wuchen was sent to Xijiang by the Emperor to be the grandfather, and that the Empress Dowager was given death. Xijiang is a barren and desolate place. No one had expected that the Emperor Tai would send the prince always beloved there.

Yan Ye Wuyan laughed at himself when he heard the news.

He is almost certain that the Emperor Jiaxiang actually knows what the Empress Dowager did, but he hasn't touched her for so many years. It may be based on other considerations, or it may be because there is no evidence.

He never thought that the Emperor Jiaxiang would personally give the Empress Dowager death. Does he have feelings for his mother-in-law?

In fact, Ye Wuyan could have killed the Empress Dowager long ago, but he always wanted to let her take a look and see how his Kunlun boy beats his two princes and sits on the nine Respected. However, in the end, he fell short and let Wuya become the throne.

The night Ye Chen was sent to Xijiang, it should have caused her a lot of heartache, and also gave her children a taste of being degraded to the border.

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