"You want to hear from him? Well, 朕 tell you! His whereabouts are very clear." Ye Wuya condensed, looking back at the **** behind him: "Read!"

"Yes!" Said the **** respectfully, holding a stack of cymbals of paper in his hand and saying loudly:

"On the tenth day of the first month, Tianqing, Miss Jiang wore a snow fox fur and a purple corset skirt, and ate rice with Khan to Mei Xiangzhai in Beilu. The two drank plum wine together, and Miss Jiang was so drunk that she returned home."

"On the fifteenth day of the first month, Miss Jiang wore an apricot pleated skirt, mimicking a palace, and Huili was proud of the night market. Watching lanterns, viewing plum blossoms, and Haijiang to Linjiang Tower, the two drank pear flower wine together. Miss Jiang was drunk, dancing in the streets and singing songs. When the streets were full of tourists, she stopped watching the lanterns and went to watch Miss Jiang ’s peerless dance. The audience is crowded and the road is blocked. Wagon, return home. "

"On the 16th day of the first month, Miss Jiang wore a purple satin skirt and a snow-stained Xiaoxiang water skirt, and Helian, who was a micro-dress, scented on the fragrance of the cold plums of Xiang Miao Mountain. At that time, there were many tourists on the mountain. Because of the large number of viewers, the mountain road was blocked because of this. Miss Jiang walked down the sedan, and the silver beggars were rewarded, and everyone was jubilant. "

I wonder if Ye Wuyao was the little **** he was looking for. His voice is gorgeous and his tone frustrated, as if reading an article. If you ignore the content and listen to such reading sounds, it is a pleasure.

It's just a pity that the smokeless face at night is getting darker and darker.

哪里 Where is Helian Aotian's whereabouts, clearly his whereabouts.

Apricot yellow pleated skirt, imitation palace.

Snow fox fur, purple tunic skirt.

Purple satin 袄, Xiaoxiang water skirt of Xuesha.

怎 How he had never seen her look so beautiful. At that time, when she was with him, except the blue shirt was the green skirt. But I don't know how she wore an apricot pleated skirt and a purple tunic skirt. Well, he admits he hasn't seen it, so he can't imagine it.

舞 Dancing in astonishment, the audience is so crowded that the road is blocked? !!

Yan Ye's smokeless face became darker, he couldn't hear it anymore, he said coldly, "Okay, don't miss it!"

Xiao **** heard the whisper.

"Emperor, is there anything else?" Ye Wuyan said lightly, and anyone could hear the depressing trembling in his flat voice.

Ye Wuya slowly said, "It's not a big deal, it's like this. Sixth brother, you know your temperament. There are few things in this world that make you excited, even the throne." Once you are tempted, I will definitely seize the opportunity, and I will not give up if I do not get it. I will never care about the claims that people are in danger. If the sixth brother is not going to get better and recapture her, then I will not mind Fight with Helien Aotian. "

After all, Ye Wuya waved his sleeves, and waiting for Ye smokeless to answer, he led the small internal servant in a hurry to leave, and at the end, did not forget to add that sentence.

"Little Shunzi, go and bring some of the discounts in the Royal Study. Sixth brother is also idle, so just approve the discounts for me. Pendant, read the discounts to your owner." Swinging away.

Li Ye was lying on the soft chair smoke-free, and her lips twitched a smile, but her hands clenched unknowingly.

"Lord, your hand, your hand ... can you move it ?!" The sinker shouted joyfully, tears of joy bursting into her eyes.

Yan Ye slowly and hardly raised his hand without a smoke, a happy smile on his lips.

He has always been confident that his hands and feet will be okay, but he never expected to move so quickly. It seemed that he could go to see her for a few more days.

Linjiang Tower.

Zanyang is spread on the lake outside the window. The lake is full of light and shadow, and the scenery is beautiful.

Selby sat in front of the piano case in the elegant room on the second floor. She has been sitting here for a long time, playing songs for a long time, one after another, almost playing the songs she knows.

These days, she is almost going to collapse.

Every day, I was walking with Helen Aotian in Feicheng, or I was walking with Ye Wuya. Ye Wuya is now also the emperor. Every morning, she will look for her with a little clothing. He really doubted when he approved the memorial.

However, even so, the person who should have appeared still did not appear.

Isn't her speculation wrong?

Is he deliberately leaving clues to make her think he is alive? So that she won't be too sad!

is this correct?

Just thinking, a sound of flute suddenly came from not far away. Between the quiet world, the flute sounded like a gentle invisible lotus flower, blooming leisurely on the lake, with infinite lingering and lingering, With her deep and deep feelings, she nodded twirlingly, yoyo, and crossed her heart.

The trembling trembled in my heart. This kind of flute sound is exactly the familiar flute sound in memory.

I was exactly that song-"Feng Qiu Huang".

is it him?

Xi Seshouyu plucked the strings, and once the sound of the piano turned, he also began to play "Feng Qiu Huang", with the melodious piano sound and the flute.

The flute sounded melodious and the piano sounded beautiful.

The chirping of the piano is mixed with the quiet sound of the dongxiao. In this quiet night, it is so touching. At this moment, even the always noisy Linjiang Tower was quiet like nobody.

The sound of Wu Qin's flute sound seemed to be a question and answer. The sound of the flute was low, and the flute sound slowly deepened, but it was low and continuous, gentle and gentle, elegant and low, continuous, and breathless.

Her fingers rested on the strings, the sound stopped, and the strings trembled, like her heart.

She got up and looked through the half-open window to the lake.

A light boat floated from the lake.

The small boat smashed the waves on the water, and the lake was shimmering with ripples. It also shattered the heart of a lake, which could not be calmed for a long time.

Only, there was no unexpected figure on the bow of the boat. The bow of the ship was empty, and only a stern was rowing at the stern.

Suddenly, my heart was stagnant, and it was smokeless at night? Isn't it him? However, the song she heard clearly was the one he played.

He opened the window and leapt forward, as if flying out of the window like a nightingale, casting a cloud step, and flying over the water. The lilac shirt floated across the lake, like a flower fluttering in the wind, gently falling to the bow of the boat.

The water of the Laohu Lake flows silently, wave after wave, reflecting the setting sun on the water surface, and the trees on both sides and the building boat are projected into the water. Sedently standing on the bow of the boat, with the rippling of the boat, she saw her shadow gently swaying in the water, as if she couldn't calm her heart lake.

"The mountains and rivers are flowing, and the companion is hard to find. Only then was I fortunate to have a ensemble with your lord, I wonder if you can come out for a while!" Crowdly stood on the bow of the ship, said with a clear voice, staring at the bamboo curtain hanging on the cabin door.

Uneasy, jumping wildly uncontrollably, it seemed possible to jump out of the chest at any time.

There was a silence all around, it seemed that no sound could be heard except the sound of his heartbeat!

The light in the cabin was relatively dim. Through the dense bamboo curtains, Secretly faintly saw a white figure, and slowly moved towards the door.

Step by step, very slow very slow!

He almost raised the curtain and looked at the people in the cabin.

The curtain was slowly opened by a pair of slender hands, and a long moon-shaped figure standing out of the cabin was coming out of Zoran, holding a tube of jasper holes in his hands. He slowly stood on the bow of the ship, and the pure white clothes hugged him in the setting sun, making him look like a **** standing in the clouds, elegant and dusty.

白 His white suit, vaguely, was not pure white, but a poem embroidered with elegant ink lines.

"If you are shocked, you are like a dragon ... as if the moon is covered by light clouds, and if the wind is flowing back into the snow ..."

The handwriting of Xun Longfei and Feng Wu, with a hint of madness and elegance, is clearly the white shirt when it first appeared.

Everything looks just like when you first saw it.

"In the next spring, I am very happy to sing with the girl's piano and flute!" He whispered, his voice clear and gentle, with a faint enchanting smile on the corners of his lips.

He slowly walked towards Serus, lazy, showing a lazy grace.

He stared at the person in front of him, afraid to blink, for fear of blinking, he would disappear. The string that had been taut at the bottom of my heart slowly relaxed. The heart that had been hanging from the throat slowly sank to the chest.

He is him. He is not dead. He is not dead. He finally came and stood in front of her.

He looked up and stared at him, he also stared at him.

The four eyes are opposite, time passes, and for a moment, it seems to be eternal.

She slowly walked to Yewuyan, shook out her fingers, and gently touched his eyebrows, nose, and nose. It was his silky skin, real existence, not fantasy, not dream.

I'm not wrong, it's him!

He is his eyebrows, his eyes, his lips, his nose.

He threw himself into the smokeless arms of the night, yes, it was his arms, the scent of the man with bamboo scent.

Tears slipped from his eyes somehow, infinite grievances, unprecedented, tears of joy, fluttering only to drop, wet his clothes.

Ye Wuyan hugged Seser tightly, bowed his head, and looked at her in the arms by the last rays of the setting sun. The crystal clear tears fell in a string, like a pear with rain, a hint of stubbornness in the tenderness. People love.

He hugged her like he was holding a treasure, and saw her crying. He was so horrified that he couldn't speak. He never seemed to see her as a tender little woman, to make him feel pity, to make him feel heartache, and a heart had already turned into a spring.

He reached out his finger and wanted to wipe her tears, but she didn't know she suddenly changed her face.

泪 Tears remained on her cheeks, but her expression suddenly turned to anger.

She pushed him away, gritted her teeth and said, "No smoke at night! Aren't you dead ?!"

He froze, a faint smile on his lips, he said lazily, "Yes, no smoke at night is dead. No smoke in the world, only Mingchun water."

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