The World Online

Vol 3 Chapter 1008: In the name of free trade

The red river originated from Longhu Mountain in Dali, Yunnan Province. Due to the red sand shale formation in the basin, the water is bright red, very special, and has the same beauty as the famous Jinsha River.

It is like a winding red dragon, flowing through 17 counties and counties in Yunnan Province, and finally remitted to Annan Yuechi, passing through the famous Red River Delta, and finally into the Beibu Gulf and into the South China Sea.

Wangcheng River in Annan District is located in the northwest of the Red River Delta, on the right bank of the Red River. The red river water flows slowly from the side of the city, and the entire city is surrounded by the Red River embankment.

The name "Hanoi" came from this.

This is an ancient city with a thousand-year history. It was the political, economic and cultural center of Annan since the 11th century. It is rich in historical relics, with numerous historical sites and historical sites. It enjoys the reputation of “the land of thousands of cultural relics”.

What has to be said is that this city has a lot of connections with China and is the hometown of China.

In 111 BC, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty set up the Toe County, and Hanoi was within its scope. Song of the Southern and Northern Dynasties set up a county in the Hanoi area, governing Changguo County. When the Sui Dynasty was changed to the county, it was the administrative office of Jiaozhi County.

Founded in 621 AD, Hanoi was the county under the Annan Dufu government of the Tang Dynasty. It was the political, economic, and cultural center of northern Annan at that time. It was aliased “Zicheng” and later renamed “Luocheng” and “Daluocheng”. ".

In the late Tang Dynasty, Hanoi became the resident of the static navy.

Why is Hanoi's status in Annan so high?

Annan has a long and narrow terrain, which is a bit like a capital "S". The mountains are numerous and the mountains are long. It is divided into the south and the north by Haiyun Mountain. The climate difference between the two places is huge.

Whether it is from the south to the north, or from the interior to the coast, Hanoi is a must-have place. The geographical position is very important, and it has the largest river port in the north.

Therefore, Hanoi can become the center of Annan.

Hanoi in the game is also a Xiongcheng. Because it is influenced by Chinese culture, it is also divided into inner city and outer city. The inner city is divided into three parts: the forbidden city, the imperial city and the capital.

The king, the heir and his descendants, and the place where the servants lived were called the Forbidden City; the imperial city was surrounded by the imperial city, which was the seat of the court of the courtiers; the neighborhoods, markets, and residential areas outside the imperial city were the capital.

The imperial gardens in the Imperial City have beautiful scenery, and the pavilions in the forbidden city are magnificent. The towers in the capital are towering and the temples are towering. The architectural style is influenced by the Tang culture and has a classical beauty.

In addition, Hanoi is located in the subtropical zone. Because of its proximity to the Beibu Gulf, the climate is pleasant. The seasons are like spring. The rainfall is abundant, the flowers and trees are lush, and the flowers bloom. It is known as the “Hundred Flowers Spring City”.

There are several wide and straight streets in the city, centered on the Hoan Kiem Lake, which radiate into the surrounding area. There are tall trees growing in all seasons on both sides of the street.

The name of the street in Beijing is very interesting. It is named after the line, such as leather line, copper line, cotton line, sugar line, Ma line, peach line, sail line, etc., the skin line sells leather goods, and the copper line sells bronzes.

Every street is basically controlled by the Chamber of Commerce.

Pixing Street, Tongchun shop.

The whole section of the street is the same industry as the Spring Festival Chamber of Commerce. Tongchun Store is the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce. The owner of the Chamber of Commerce is surnamed Chen. He is a well-known merchant family in Hanoi. He not only manages leather goods, but also involves industries such as copper, cotton and sugar.

Two months ago, the Spring Festival Chamber of Commerce welcomed a mysterious merchant and said that there were ways to help the Spring Festival Chamber of Commerce transport the goods to the Daxia Dynasty for sale and earn high profits.

This person is a word and a letter.

On the eve of the Spring Festival, the first batch of goods was successfully delivered to the North Seaport, so that Mr. Chen made a big profit.

Businessmen are born to benefit from profit.

"Capital" said: "If there is a 50% profit, capital will dare to take risks; for 100% of profits, capital will dare to trample on all human laws; with 300% of profits, capital will dare to commit any crime, even sway The first danger."

In view of the tension between Annan and Daxia, the lord of Haiphong City, Tian Tianyu, has long been arguing that any trade association is prohibited from conducting maritime trade with Daxia, and offenders are severely punished.

This ban applies not only to the Chamber of Commerce in Haiphong City, but also to the Wangcheng Chamber of Commerce.

As the only remaining lord of the wilderness of the Annan District, the words of Hao Tianzhu are still very weighty. In recent years, there has been no trade between Annan and Daxia.

This is the case, once the trade is secretly opened, the profits are surprisingly high, comparable to smuggling.

The Hanoi Chamber of Commerce and Industry did not think about secretly trading with Daxia. The entire Beibu Gulf was in the scope of the Daxia Navy. Without the help of high-ranking people, their merchant ships could not get close to the North Harbour.

Tasting the sweetness, Mr. Chen did not care what the newly-acquainted merchants had in the big summer, and they directly matched the brothers. As soon as Yuan Zhen was over, he prepared a second batch of goods for the second transaction.

This time, the goods were loaded with five merchant ships and went down the Red River all the way.

Looking at the caravan down the river, the boss of Chen could not conceal his greedy look, and his eyes flashed a bit of fanaticism. According to the current situation, if this secret business path is maintained, the Spring Festival Chamber of Commerce will rise rapidly.

It is not impossible to jump into the largest chamber of commerce in Hanoi.

When Chen Boss was thinking about making another big fortune, the accident suddenly happened. I don’t know why, but I don’t know who leaked the news. When the caravan, which was extremely secretive, was blocked by Haiphong City, it was suddenly stopped.

The judicial defense of Haiphong City was investigated, and the first trial was sent. The news of the Spring Chamber of Commerce was suspected of violating the territorial ban, and the news of private trade with Da Xia immediately became clear.

When he got the news, he got angry and smoked his nose. He not only deducted the five-ship cargo, but also brought all the people to the case, and tried to judge these people in the law of Haiphong City.

If there is no accident, it is estimated that the death penalty will be directly imposed.

The caravan leader is the second son of Chen Boss, who is extremely smart and capable. When I got the news, Chen’s boss was scared and white, and asked for enthusiasm everywhere.

It’s hard to kill the chicken and the monkey, and I don’t talk about any feelings at all. The Daxia Dynasty is the biggest taboo in the heart of the gods, and it is the existence of a nightmare.

Who wants to touch this taboo?

Even the Annan royal family was arrogant with the scorpion, not only to turn a blind eye to Chen’s grievances, but also to use this as a reason to list Chen’s crime of treason against the enemy and to investigate the Tongchun Chamber of Commerce.

Under this, Chen boss is really in a desperate situation.

At this moment, the mysterious merchant appeared again and found Chen Boss.

"You still have a face! Say, the message is not leaked to Haiphong City, you are going to push me into the fire pit." When Chen saw this person, he immediately angered and looked up.

He had long forgotten that when the caravan set off, the two were still commensurate with their brothers.

The mysterious merchant is very calm. "Why should I leak it? What good is it for me? Besides, if I leaked it, would I still be stupid to see you again?"


Chen’s boss looked awkward. “This is extremely secret. If it weren’t you, who would it be?”

"I think I should have a ghost inside."

"Ghosts?!" Chen boss's eyes flashed a cold light.

The mysterious merchant explained: "This sale is only known to the people of the Spring Festival Chamber of Commerce. It is difficult to guarantee that there are no other spies in the Chamber of Commerce. Your dead eyes will see you have to make a fortune, and how can you not let you go to death?"

"I am careless!"

Chen boss closed his eyes in pain and was ready to accept his life. Since ancient times, he has not been in the official battle. This time he was planted in the hands of Haiphong City and the royal family. He is really powerless.

The mysterious merchant smiled a little, "There is no turning point."

"What kind of strategy does the brother have?" When Chen Boss heard it, he immediately came to the spirit. The fat body jumped agilely from the chair. "As long as the brothers helped me through this difficult time, I must thank you."

Don't say thank you, as long as you can escape this robbery, you must ask Chen boss to swear.

The mysterious merchant asked: "Who are you doing business with?"

"Great summer." Chen boss blurted out.

After a moment of sighing, Chen Boss only came back to God, and his expression instantly became frustrated and languid. "You will not say that I am asking for help in the summer. How can people care for me?"

In the eyes of Chen Boss, what a great thing is in the big summer, how many tens of thousands of merchants come and go, how can they negotiate with Annan for a smuggling merchant.

"Don't try to know." The mysterious merchants stepped forward and seduce and said with a smile: "I just know a senior official of the Daxia Commercial Department. As long as you write a letter for help, explain why, I can help you." Xia Lilai attaches importance to free trade and attaches more importance to the protection of the Chamber of Commerce. It does not matter whether you live or not."

Boss Chen has been forced into a desperate situation. At this time, he can only die as a horse doctor. He bites his teeth and writes a sincere letter of help according to the guidance of mysterious merchants.

Handing the letter of help to the mysterious merchant, Chen boss said with a sincere attitude: "Please, as long as you can solve this crisis, you will be my relatives and the great benefactors of the Spring Festival Chamber of Commerce."

Mysterious merchants are laughing in the heart, short talks, this person called a number of changes, it is really a businessman's face.

On the surface, the mysterious merchants are quiet, close the letter of help, and smiled: "You can rest assured, I immediately rushed to Shanhaicheng, waiting for my good news."



The following week Chen boss hopes to wear autumn water.

On March 15th, things finally ushered in a turn. Based on the letter of help from the boss of Chen, Da Xia Hong Yu Temple sent a letter of negotiation to the Annan royal family and Haiphong City through formal diplomatic channels. He hoped that Annan would respect the free trade rights of the Chamber of Commerce and hear the case in accordance with international trade rules.

I really want to say that according to Hongjun Temple, it is only a penalty.

The Annan royal family received a letter from Daxia, and the performance was embarrassing. The special envoys of the Hongjun Temple were left, and they were given a reply after giving a serious deliberation.

What about 阮天阙? The direct gas will tear the negotiation letter.

"Insult, this is the red-naked-naked insult!"

I really want to agree with Da Xia’s request. I am afraid that I am going to sweep the land in Annan’s prestige; I have to disagree, I am afraid that I will face the late summer’s move, and I will be in a dilemma.

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