The World Online

Vol 3 Chapter 1016: Annan’s counterattack

Li Jing was employed and did not take immediate office.

At present, the battle of Annan is entering a critical period. The Flying Bear Army is commanded by Bai. Li Jing’s intervention in the middle is not beautiful. It is better to wait for the Battle of Annan to go to the Flying Bear Army.

Li Jing did not stay in Shanhai City for a long time. The king was so heavy that Li Jing did not think that he could only prove to the Daxia Army that he was worthy of the rank of general.

In history, Li Jingbei destroyed the East Turkistan, and the West broke the Tuyuhun. Whether it was grassland combat or plateau combat, it was hard to beat the Tang Dynasty.

The combination of Li Jing and Li Mu's "two Li" will be the main force of Daxia's future against Tubo, Xixia, Xitu and Mongolian tribes.

Ouyang Yu has already made a duel with Li Jing. When the battle of Annan is over, the Fei Xiongjun station will be transferred from the current Jiangchuan province to the county of Suidi, responsible for fighting against Tubo.

When Li Jing left Shanhai City, he was going to the county to carry out an early exploration of the Tubo.


In the Xia Gong Yu study room, just sent away Li Jing, Ouyang Yi called the Hongyi Temple Qing Zhang Yi and Shan Haiwei commander to make a sin, and gave the two people a secret mission.

On the night of the night, the magical power submarine "Black Shark" moored in the North Harbour quietly left the port and disappeared into the sea.

With the departure of the Black Shark, there is also a senior official residence of Hongjun Temple.

Gaia, April 20, Annan District.

A few days ago, China’s turbulent waves continued to stage a scene of “inner fighting”. The Annan District was not really calm and waveless. After adjustment, the entire Annan War situation has entered a crucial stage.

The final fate of the 500,000 Annan army trapped in the mountain road is self-evident.

The Fourth Army of Haiphong City was also completely defeated under the joint efforts of Huo's disease and Mu Guiying. The entire southern boundary of Annan was officially under the rule of Daxia.

After the war, the two roads did not stay in the South for a long time. In addition to leaving a unit to guard the South, the prisoners were taken by the way. The large units used the merchant ship to bypass Haiyun Mountain and appeared in the north of Annan, with the Ma Chao Department.

After the two major regiments reunited, they continued to go north and swept all the way.

At the same time, the three city security corps led by Shi Wansui also acted frequently, speeding up the sweeping speed of the northern border of Annan, and the momentum was fierce.

Haiphong City is also not calm.

Recently, the Royal Fleet teamed up with the first formation of the Pacific Fleet to carry out a series of bombings against Haiphong City.

As the main city, the defense level of Haiphong City is certainly higher than that of the Hong Kong City. Although it is a coastal city pool, there are more than 200 artillery pieces in the Haiphong City.

This is very scary.

Under the volley, few fleets can resist.

Even the world's top fleets such as the Royal Fleet have been eating and drinking in the face of the defense of the Haipeng City. The losses have been heavy and they have to alternate with the first formation of the Pacific Fleet.

Wait until the Yashan Fleet performs the sweeping mission, and will also gather in Haiphong City. By that time, even if Haiphong City is a steel city, it will be smashed into pieces.

Prior to this, the Royal Fleet could only cover the accompanying First Guards of the Guards and the Third Corps, and camped in the fifteen miles south of Haiphong City, ready to attack Haiphong City.

It is equal to saying that the Daxia soldiers are divided into three roads, and they go hand in hand and look at the posture. It seems that they are preparing to sweep all the way, preparing to meet in Wangchenghe and complete the final blow.

At this time, Annan has guilty, it is really life.

The advocacy of the addicts of the Haiphong City lord, Tian Tianyu, is overwhelming, and if it is not a strong mentality, it is feared that he will commit suicide.

But you can't die!

Because of the heart and soul, Annan players are reluctant to reinforce Haiphong City. The 160,000 troops stationed in Haiphong City will wait for the Daxiayashan Fleet to come to the reinforcements. It is absolutely impossible to stop the attack of the two Guards.

Once the Haiphong City fell, most of Annan’s fate would be gone.

To this end, Scorpio is in a hurry, but in desperation, he can only go to Hanoi personally, visit the heads of the guilds one by one, and explain the interests of them.

As the only landlord city in Annan, Haiphong City not only makes a corner with Wangcheng River, but also stands at the outpost of the Red River.

Once the Haiphong City fell, the Daxia Fleet could go up the river through the Red River and go directly to the outside of Hanoi to launch an overwhelming shelling of Wangcheng.

Such consequences are simply catastrophic.

In addition, once the Haiphong City fell, the entire territory of Annan except the Wangcheng declared its fall, and the city of Haiphong City will lose its will to resist and let the Daxia Army trample on it.

In that way, Hanoi will soon become an isolated city.

Once the situation has developed to this point, Annan’s distance from the country is also a matter of time. Even if there are 800,000 banned troops in Hanoi, there are 900,000 combat professional players, still a cage bird.

He also reminded the heads of the guilds, "Don't forget, how did Daxia win the Rabat of the Moroccan kingdom, and just a big fire, it will turn Rabat into ashes."

"So, do you really think that you can win this national war by sticking to Hanoi?" 阮天阙 questioned, the leaders of the guild were speechless, and even quietly shuddered.

By that means, they believe that Da Xia will be able to use it again.

This is not the case. He said: "As a territory, Haiphong City has allies in ASEAN, and it can reinforce Haiphong City at a critical moment, and Haiphong City has fallen for a while, that is, they want to reinforce and they are powerless."

At present, Annan has not shown signs of defeat.

In the unclear situation, the ally of Nanzhang and Zhenla will not rush to reinforce Haiphong City. After all, the threat of the summer is everywhere, and they dare not act rashly.

Even if they are reinforcements, they are limited to their respective territorial forces.

When there was no other national war in the summer, neither the South Palm player nor the true wax player would come to Annan to help.

What's more, during the war, Daxia never stopped diplomatic activities.

During this time, Daxia arranged for the Indian Ocean Fleet and the Pacific Fleet to patrol the ASEAN waters, and stalked the squadrons;

Xia Wang declared that "the war between Daxia and Annan is nothing but a local conflict caused by trade. Daxia has no intention of confronting ASEAN, and will not easily expand the war."

In order to enhance persuasiveness, Da Xia is even willing to sign a non-aggression covenant with the members of the four Pan Pacific Trade Partnership Agreements, including the Johor, the Mud, the Siam and the Laos.

As soon as the news came out, the four countries of Johor immediately became fascinated.

While speeding up the war in Annan, and playing diplomatic cards, this set of combination punches of Da Xia seems dazzling, but in fact, it cuts the mind and basically breaks the foreign aid of Annan.

Under such circumstances, Annan should be more united internally.

He is the most thorough person to watch. He does not even want to argue that what Daxia called to defend free trade is simply a blind man, but simply admits his mistakes.

This pot, he slammed his back.

"Brothers, I admit that I am guilty. After this war, regardless of success or failure, I will sin and die, and will not tarnish the glory of Annan. Before the end of the war, I would also like to temporarily put down the hostility towards the Haiphong City and unite. Fight against strong enemies and protect the country!"


"For the survival of your home country, please ask me again!"

Speaking of the estrus, the scorpio is going down.

In this way, Qi Tianyi visited a family, mobilized again and again, promised again and again, and finally opened the door to the guilds with sincerity.

The heads of more than a dozen guilds once again gathered around the scorpio to discuss the plan.

"what should we do?"

The Daxia Army’s three-way attack made an aggressive posture, which is really daunting.

阮天阙 is full of confidence. "You, the situation at the moment is far from the as bad as everyone thinks. The big summer army is divided into three roads. It seems to be aggressive, but in fact it is a taboo."

"What is the solution?"

Talking about it, "It’s very simple. The Daxia Sanlu army is just a group of seven legions and less than 500,000 troops. Although we lost the southern region, the 800,000 ban army has not yet dispatched a soldier. There are also 160,000 elites in Haiphong City, not to mention the 900,000 troops led by you."

"From the comparison of forces, we completely crushed the summer."

Speaking of this阮天阙 mouth flashed a hint of ridiculous meaning, "Da Xia this time is too arrogant, and only 500,000 troops will dare to declare war on us, it is arrogant! ”

"In this way, the other party even dared to divide the three roads. Isn't it clear that let us break through the road? I can only say that Daxia was stunned by victory."

The analysis of Hao Tianzhu caused resonance among all of you.

Some people have also questioned, "There is no right. It is said that the army alone has more than two million troops. Why did the expedition only allocate 500,000 troops, which is totally different from the style of the big summer."

No one would think that Daxia is really stupid.

Another leader of the guild said: "I heard that Daxia has just put a dead rival in the country [Yanhuang Meng], and did not mobilize the army before the expedition, it should be the main force was stunned by this matter."

After listening to this, other people were amazed and looked at each other.

The leader of the guild who spoke at the beginning said cautiously: "Now the big war in the country has ended. Does it mean that another army is about to leave for Annan?"

"Eight nine will not leave ten!"

Everyone’s mood has become heavy.

Only the scorpio is still fighting high and shouting loudly: "I say you, this is our chance!"

"How to say?"

"The second unit of Daxia came to Annan, at least for a week. We only need to defeat the Daxia Sanlu army in this week, even if the summer reinforcements are coming, they are unable to return to heaven."

"That's right!"

The leaders of the guilds were bright, and they swept away the gloom of the genius. They also looked at the eyes of the scorpio and admired them. In this way, Hao Tianyi once again won back the trust of the leaders of the guild.

The leaders shook their fists one by one and said: "How to do it, please show your brother!"

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