The World Online

Vol 3 Chapter 1049: Grand army

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Dongpu District, Sancha City.

Confirming the layout of the Daxia National War, Honda Keisuke took a long sigh of relief.

Since the release of the information piece [Imperial Expedition] by Gaia at the beginning of the year, all Dongpu District players, including Honda Keisuke, have been in a very depressed atmosphere.

The mighty Huaxia is like a cloud of boundless clouds that hang over the east.

In order to save the country from survival, Honda Keisuke began to act from that time. He knew that Dongpu District could not block China. Only by external force can he win.

The biggest boost is naturally the hand of silver.

Although the status of the Honda family in the hands of silver is better than that of the non-God family, it is also one of the core members. Moreover, some people in the organization do not want to see that the big summer is too strong, and naturally it is a hit.

At the beginning, the Honda family also hoped for the dust of the Dust, and hoped that the Dust would win the leader of the national war in Huaxia District, so that any problems would be solved.

It is a pity that the day is not a wish, and the dust of the emperor is in a disastrous defeat with Ouyang Yu.

Seeing the national war is inevitable, Honda Keisuke wants to find an enemy for China to reduce the defensive pressure in Dongpu District. The Koreans who bordered Daxia became the first ally of Dongpu.

The reason for the death of the lips, the lord of the Ulsan City, Park Shengji, naturally understands, "If this year, Goryeo sits on the east, the next year's Korean will face the same fate as Dongpu."

In addition to Korea, Honda Keisuke originally wanted to find a populous country like Luzon, Java, and Scorpio, but for a variety of reasons, they could not make it.

One of Java and Tianzhu is too far away from China. The second is not yet completely settled. If you want to cut off the neighboring countries, you will naturally not want to participate in the water.

Lu Songguo has a heart, but the domestic opinions are different, and he can only give up. In desperation, the Honda family retreated to find the next one, and found two true ghosts.

There is a reason to say that there is a ghost.

It is unclear to the players of both countries that after the summer of the capture of Annan, the next step must be to attack them. It’s just that the player is holding the ostrich psychology and is not willing or willing to attack the big summer.

Can drag one day is one day, can mix one day is one day.

The Honda family directly used the killings and bought the national war leaders Bi Wenlie and Langgong of the two countries. They ignored the opposition of domestic players and directly selected the national war target as China.

At this time, the two are afraid that they are living in dire straits.

But presumably they will not care, in order to win over the two, the Honda family has a bloody, even if the two countries are finally destroyed, Bi Wenlie and Langgong can also live in the hope of the planet.

"Just this is not enough!"

The three countries did share some of the pressure for Dongpu, but the Huaxia District was too strong. Even if it only used three successes, it would be enough for Dongpu to fall into ruin.

"Look now how he will choose..."

Honda Keisuke looked at the country just a few feet away from the sea, his mind was uncertain and his expression flashed.


May 27, Shanhai City.

Starting today, the expeditionary forces of various national wars will start one after another, counting the time of the army on the road. Basically, the national war month has officially opened.

The most convenient is the southwestern battlefield of Daxia.

The Long Yujun commander Bai Qi has returned to the Annan province. With the cooperation of the Privy Council and the Annan Governor’s Tuen Mun, the grain and grass materials hoarded by the War Defence Agency are transported to the front line.

At the same time, it is necessary to formulate a marching plan.

Yesterday afternoon, Huo went to the hospital and led the Guards. He was directly transmitted to the Stone City through the transmission array and moved to the border area of ​​the Northern Territory and the Goryeo border.

The Fei Xiongjun led by Li Jing had to wait for two days because of the difficulty in assembling.

The Governor of Northern Xinjiang has already received the Ouyang Decree, and must ensure the logistics support of the Expeditionary Force.

Ouyang Yi pursues the strategy of "defending the enemy outside the country" and is unwilling to introduce war to the territory of the northern province. Since Gao Li dares to declare war, he must be ready to destroy.

He is so confident that there is a reason.

Yesterday afternoon, the Daqin Dynasty, the Dahan Dynasty, and the Datang Dynasty were sent to report respectively. As long as the national war was opened, the three dynasties would send 150,000 banned troops to the north of the province to assist the Daxia local defense.

As a result, Da Xia had no worries at all, and the 840,000-strong army led by Li Jing could drive straight into the border and directly into the territory of Korea.

In the battle against Korea, Ouyang Yu became more and more confident.

Because it is an active attack, the nine kings of China, the total number of banned troops, but it is impossible to go abroad with the army, it is a pity, although it is still possible to assist the local defense.

This tens of millions of banned troops is the pinnacle of China in the Huaxia District. No matter what the national war is, it can at least guarantee the innocence of China. This is one of the reasons why the surrounding countries are jealous of China.

The ban on the army, coupled with the Qin Shi Hanwu, Tang Zong Song Zu, such as the world's master, and Wang Wei, Wei Qing, Li Ji such a peerless star, such a combination is simply desperate.

The strength of Huaxia District is not only in the big summer.

Lu Song’s final abandonment of attacking China was also due to such considerations.

In terms of adventure players, the elite groups of "Blood Shadow League", "Jiangshan League", "Ziyue League" and "Liuguang Pavilion" have already assembled in the city of Hard Rock.

In addition to the four super guilds, there are a large number of "discrete" players assembled in the northern provinces, the total number even exceeds the sum of the four super guilds, enough to fight the combat professional adventure players in the Goryeo District.

There are three reasons why adventurers are so active.

First, the Hongxu Temple outside the propaganda department has a good propaganda and instigated meritorious service.

Violet constantly arranged people to launch a wave of big discussions in the forum, which aroused the enthusiasm of the adventurers' national war and devoted themselves to this war.

Second, the demonstration role of the three dynasties of Qin, Han and Tang Dynasties.

These three dynasties occupy an unshakable position in the hearts of Chinese players. They have a large number of pumps, and Xianyang, Chang'an and Luoyang are also the most concentrated kings of the three adventure players.

The three dynasties voluntarily promised to send the ban to assist the Daxia local defense, which is an obvious vane. As soon as the news came out, there were countless adventure players who rushed to the northern provinces.

Third, radish cabbage has its own love.

Dongpu is certainly the most hostile to players in China. Similarly, in China, there are also a lot of players who don’t have a cold on Korea. These people learned that General Li Xia, the general of the summer, had to go to the Korean homeland and naturally signed up.

All of the above, the balance that is destined for the victory of the Battle of Korea, has been tilted towards the big summer. The extent to which this war can finally be reached, and what price will be paid in the summer, it will be seen by the military **** Li Jing.


In addition to the above two groups, the Dongpu group also began to take action.

Undoubtedly, no matter how the Korean battlefield attracts the attention of the players, no matter what happens, the battle of Dongpu is always the most eye-catching and the most involved in the adventure players.

Because of the remoteness of the ocean, the first expeditionary forces also set off today.

North Harbour.

Early in the morning, Ouyang Yu led the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs to the dock to see off for the expeditionary army.

The Daxia Military Aircraft Division divided the battle of Dongpu into four stages, namely naval battle, landing war, sweeping war and the final battle of the king city.

The naval battle, as the name suggests, is the maritime confrontation between the two navy.

Dongpu has always had the habit of looting the coastal areas of China, and thus has rich experience in navigation and sea warfare. With the shipbuilding technology and firearms technology provided by the United States, it has cultivated a strong sergeant.

Without destroying the Dongshui Navy, the next landing war will be impossible.

The great summer shoulders this heavy responsibility is the Pacific Fleet led by Shi Lang. As for the Yashan Fleet led by Yu Dazhao, it is mainly responsible for the maritime **** between Daxia and Dongpu and coastal defense.

It is foreseeable that there are tens of thousands of merchant ships that are being used to transport large numbers of troops, adventure players, and grain supplies to the battlefield. Even so, I am afraid I have to run back and forth a few times.

Such a huge fleet, without armed escorts, is absolutely impossible.

In addition, although Huaxia is an active attacking party, it is also necessary to prevent Dongying from playing the yin and secretly dispatch a fleet to destroy the coastal areas of the Great Summer.

Although it has nothing to do with the overall situation, it can also shake the hearts of the military.

The ability to burn and rob the East can even cause huge losses. Therefore, Ouyang Yu must arrange for the Yashan Fleet to undertake coastal defense and prevent such situations from appearing.

As for the main battlefield of the Dongpu naval battle, the Dongshui Navy is even stronger. Under the attack of the Haixia Fleet of the Daxia Pacific Fleet and the Yucheng City, I am afraid that it will not be good.

A few days ago, with the integration of Danyang City, Bawang City and Red Blood City into Yucheng, under the leadership of Emperor Dust, the entire military structure of Yucheng was also reshaped.

The first thing that makes the change is the Navy.

In view of the fact that the Yucheng Fleet, the Red Blood City Fleet and the Overlord City Fleet have not yet reached full compilation, in order to achieve optimal configuration, the three fleets were reorganized into two full-fleet fleets, namely the squadron and the Haizhou Fleet.

This time, the Dust is also preparing to let the squadron keep the house and the Haizhou Fleet.

The land forces also carried out a drastic adaptation of the dust. The first one is to refer to the mode of the Great Summer Guards, and to mobilize the elites to form the Yulin Army, and Lian Po is the commander of the Yulin Army.

Then, the army of the various territories and the "Yanhuang League" captured a large number of prisoners of war captured by the South Fujian Province and the Western Chu Dynasty. They were jointly organized into three full-armed group armys, namely the Danyang Army led by Tian Dan, the Wu Junjun led by Wu Qi and Xie. Xuan Tong led the red blood army.

As a result, there are four full-armed group army in Yucheng, with a total of twenty field army groups, with a total of 1.4 million troops. Any country that is outside of China is a well-deserved giant.

Closer to home.

It is the Yashan Fleet that departs from the North Seaport, accompanied by the First Army Corps of the City Guard and the two Legions of the Falling Flames of the Phoenix City, and then the elite group sent by the Bloody Mercenary Corps.

The Yashan Fleet will go all the way north and will also join the First Army of the Tigers in the coastal province of southern Fujian.

The above four field corps are the first pioneers of the Expeditionary Forces of the [Shan Haimeng], and the ruling army commanded Guo Ziyi as the vanguard officer. 17046

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