The World Online

Vol 2 Chapter 275: Rise the stars

? Langshan, Qin Jun shogunate.

Wu'an Junbai started to raise the account again and deployed the next phase of combat missions.

According to the white sixteen-word strategy: the perimeter of the aid, the wall is clear, the snake is seven inches, to cover the coffer! After the support of the perimeter, it is the hard-field clearing, that is, the capture of the Wangling camp.

"After the camp, Zhao Jun was trapped and guarded, and once again formed the pattern of siege Zhao Jun. Therefore, tomorrow, in any case, it must be determined in one battle." He said in a white voice.

"I will follow the order!" The generals will sing.

"Tomorrowing the city tomorrow, with the main force of the Mongolian army as the main force, the Ministry of the Ministry and the Department of the Leopard as the general policy, responsible for blocking the Zhaozhuang army at the foot of the old customs, Wang Hao army still stick to the camp, not to fight!"


Ouyang Yu sat on the side and looked a little doubtful. Since it is a real siege, why the warrior Wang Hao army is still unable to stand. He only observed Wang Hao's expression, and he did not feel any dissatisfaction. He could not help but feel strange. Perhaps there are other undisclosed arrangements from White.

The annihilation of the army of the Wei State not only undermined the integration of the countries of Shandong, but also seized a large amount of grain and grass materials.

The Qin State supported the Wild King Fortress for three years, and the treasury’s military grain was almost exhausted, and it was shipped to the Wild King Fortress. Zhao Zhuang's big fire, burned, but Qin Guo hard years of hoarding grain. Therefore, although the grain road is restored, the food and grass that Hou Fanzhen can collect in China is very limited.

Because of frequent food levies, the old Qin people in Guanzhong have been complaining. In order to support the frontline army, even the rations of the people's homes were asked to contribute, how to prevent the people from complaining.

Because of this, Zhao Kuaicai concluded that the two armies continued to hold together and Zhao Jun was stronger than Qin Jun.

It is a pity that Wei Guo’s defeat was a great loss. The countless grain and grass materials brought from the country were randomly discarded in the camp or on both sides of the road. It was really cheaper than Qin.

Qin Zhaowang has already organized the people to transport the rations to the Light Wolf City.

The plains of the Qin and Wei army were in Hanoi County, very close to Changping, saving the hardship of transporting grain in the middle. Within a few days, the military grain will be shipped to the Light Wolf City. Therefore, the shortage of grain and grass in the Qin army has been greatly alleviated, far from the poor food and clothing that Zhao Jun prejudged.

The next morning, the rising sun was another good weather.

Early in the morning, Zhao Jun began to get busy and carried all the old chariots and available things in the fortune to prepare for the round of the car.

Just when Zhao Jun was busy, the opposite Qin Jun was already coming out.

The black tide that covers the sky and hides the sun, in the drums and sounds, stepping on the neat beats, arranged in a uniform and uniform army array, and then walked out of the military camp, smashing the flags and recruiting the sun.

As usual, he climbed the watchtower as usual, and commanded the army.

The first to go out is the 120,000-step riding army led by Meng Yu. This army of the road has been besieging the Wangling camp for several days, and has long been familiar with the road. The difference is the death command issued by the military Sima last night.

In the Qin army, once the war is dead, but those who have rebelled against the war, they will not be embarrassed. If the circumstances are serious, it will also affect the family. Therefore, in all battles, the soldiers are all brave and determined to fight back.

In the smoke and dust, the army of the army and the army of the leopards passed the smoke and the tail went behind the army. In the First World War in the Qin and Wei Plains, the Leopard Alliance Army suffered little damage, and the 100,000-strong army still had 90,000 battles.

The army of Mengyi once again marched to the Wangling camp. The garrison of the battalion looked at the army that was far from coming. It was not so nervous. The two sides fought a few days, and Zhao Jun concluded that the enemy opposite was just pretending.

The news of the defeat of Wei Jun was limited to the generals of Zhao Jun and the generals. In order not to affect the military heart, the general Zhao Zuo ordered that it is strictly forbidden to spread down, and the offenders are embarrassed.

Therefore, among the defenders, except for a few generals, most of the soldiers were kept in the dark.

They do not know that today's Qin army is completely different from yesterday. Although the generals knew that they also ordered the soldiers to fight the spirit, unfortunately the results were minimal.

Because the military order has been set up in front of Wu Anjun, Mengyi has invested in the main force and launched a storm. A few days of war is not fruitless. At the very least, the trench in front of the camp has been basically filled.

The army, stepping through the ditch, set up a ladder, and launched an endless storm on the camp that was originally owned by him. The soldiers are not afraid of death and go on and on.

Such a storm, hit Zhao Jun a surprise. They realized that the Qin army opposite this time was going to be real. When I wake up, it is already a heavy loss.

Fortunately, Zhao Jun is not a mediocre generation like Wei Jun. Although he suffered a big loss at the beginning, he quickly adjusted it and used the advantage of the city wall to launch an extremely brutal fight against the attacking Qin army.

All kinds of defensive devices, such as the fierce fire oil cabinet, were operated by Zhao Junshi to the extreme, and caused a lot of casualties to Qin Jun.

The monk was seated in the middle of the army, his eyes did not have a slight fluctuation, and he ignored the huge casualties in front. Coldly waving the flag, sending a team of soldiers to the front line, not reaching the goal, swearing not to give up.

The continuous and fierce attack brought great pressure to the camp defenders, and they didn't even have time to breathe. Under the impact of repeated attacks, some places in the camp have already had gaps. Although they have been blocked in time, they are already in danger. If they attack this way, it will only be a matter of time before the city breaks.

How sharp is the ignorance, seeing the loophole in the defensive rhythm of the opponent, immediately put the reserve forces on the line. For a time, the Wangling camp was in jeopardy. The defending garrison had to send a distress signal to the Zhaozhuang army.

Although Zhao Zhuang is responsible for arranging the big battle of the city, he has long secretly paid attention to this siege war not far away. Seeing that Qin Jun, as he expected, turned from a smashing attack to a real attack, immediately organized a large army and prepared to rush to support reinforcements.

Just when the Zhaozhuang army rushed in, the squadrons who had been hiding behind the Zhaozhuang army suddenly rushed out, and invincible, stopped the Zhaozhuang army to retreat.

The 90,000 iron ride is like an insurmountable iron wall, between the Zhaozhuang army and the Wangling camp.

The two generals of the 桓龁 and the 嬴 ,, according to Bai Qi’s instructions, this campaign is to block the enemy and kill the enemy. The army relied on mobility and interspersed in front of the Zhaozhuang army, so that the Zhaozhuang army could not move forward.

Zhao Kuo stood in the head of the city, and saw that Zhao Zhuang’s army was stopped. He knew that Qin Jun had ironed his heart to take the Wangling camp and unplug the nail.

Although he prepared a big car market, Zhao Kuo did not hope that the Wangling camp would fall early. If it is not good, it will also take over the 50,000 army in the camp safely.

Just as Zhao Kuo was preparing to mobilize the internal army of the deceased and to reinforce the Zhaozhuang army, the scout suddenly came to report: "The generals, there are a large number of Qin army in the north of the Guan, carrying a large number of siege equipment, like attacking the customs. ”

"What?" Zhao Kuo did not believe that when Qin Jun detoured behind the Great Wall, he did not know that the scouting team was incompetent, it was damn. “How many people do they have?”

"No less than 100,000!"

Zhao Kuo’s heart trembled, and the 100,000-strong army, if you first sent the deputy guards to the Zhaozhuang army, then it was critical.

"No!" Zhao Kui frowned and said to himself: "How could it be so smart?"

After thinking about it, Zhao can't help but feel cold. The Qin army in the north must have set off a few days ago, in order to catch up with the Qin army's main siege of the Wangling camp, in a timely manner, so as to contain the illegal army, so that it can not go out to rescue the camp. If Zhao Kui does not care, then the enemy's containment will immediately turn into a true attack. As a result, there is always one to be lost in the Guan and Wangling camps.

Both are light and heavy, and they are clear.

This is a bright and stern plan. Zhao Kuo can only choose one of the two bitter ones, or he can only choose to stick to the old customs and give up the Wangling camp. As for the Qin Jun, who is the guardian of the pot, it is not feasible to attack the Qin army in the north.

The distance between the pots and the gates is too far away. Once and for all, the enemy has long since ran without a trace.

This is the shortcoming of Zhao Jun's defense line. The longitudinal defense line is pulled too long, and it can't smoothly echo each other, leaving the enemy with an opportunity.

At this moment, Zhao Kuo had a profound understanding of the use of the soldiers. Obviously, this war has shown that Bai Qi has thoroughly seen through the weaknesses of the Zhao Jun defense line and made targeted arrangements.

In contrast, Zhao Kuo does appear to be somewhat immature.

Zhao Kui’s dilemma lies not only in sacrificing the 50,000-strong army of the Wangling camp, but if he really does not care about it, watching the garrison being won by the Qin army is a huge blow to the morale of the whole army.

Save it, be powerless; don't save it, the military heart is lost.

Zhao Kui shook his head in pain and said bitterly: "Order the defender to go to the north to defend the Qin At the same time, give the camp defender orders, be sure to hold on, and after solving the attacking Qin army, the army immediately Guan Zengyuan."

"Nuo!" The squadron trembled in his heart, his face did not dare to have a strange look, and retired with respect.

Everyone knows that Zhao Kuo’s so-called clearance reinforcement is just a piece of paper. When the main force really repulsed the Qin army in the north, the Wangling camp had already fallen, and he added reinforcements.

Although everyone knows well, after all, in logic, Zhao Kuo did not give up the Wangling camp. It is because of the containment of Qin Jun that he has to do it.

As a result, the morale of the entire army will not have much impact.

I have to say that although Zhao Kuo’s trick is not bright enough, it is an effective way. For the sake of the person, this is going to be a heart of stone, and when you are worried, you have to worry.

From the beginning, he gave Zhao Kuo a good lesson.

After experiencing this battle of flatness, Zhao Kuo grew at a speed visible to the naked eye and matured. If you can really walk out of the Changping Theater, you will be a rising star. (To be continued.)

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