The World Online

Vol 2 Chapter 838: Open a country

[PS: I’m going out, I’m going to reward 20,000 plus one more chapter, Grandpa, don’t you come? 】

During Ouyang’s visit to the southern province of the province, [Blood Shadow League] has begun restructuring and relocation work, and it is expected that it will be completed within half a month.

The first batch of players of [Blood Shadow League] have already arrived in the satellite city. They are all members of the elite group. They will be the first troops to take the lead in the underground world to explore the road and draw maps.

Ouyang Yu is also very interested in this.

According to Gaia's setting, the entrance to the underground world within the territory, the lord is able to explore with the army. Ouyang Yu is also somewhat curious, what a surprise in the mysterious underground world.

April 1st, Shanhai City.

Ouyang Yu hastily ended the inspection of the southern province of Fujian and returned to Shanhai City along with the Guards. The Guards Army made great contributions to this and took a thousand miles to attack. It was completely determined by the First World War and completely washed away the shame of Yongren City.

Huo’s attacking tactics, which will make many people feel a headache.

After being promoted to the capital city, I wonder if it is an illusion. Ouyang Yuzhong feels that Shanhai City has become more and more prosperous, and the merchants and players in the streets of the city are endless.

Really have the metropolitan weather.

Back to Shanhaicheng, the first thing Ouyang Yu did was to apply for a country.

The palace has been basically rebuilt and it is waiting to be established. In the main hall, Ouyang Yu opened the operation panel of the territory, clicked to apply for the country, and a system sound was heard from the ear to start the basic condition detection.

"System Tip: Testing Shanhaicheng to apply for a country condition..."

"Condition 1: The main city is promoted to the capital, meeting the requirements!"

"Condition 2: The Lord's title is at least the Duke, meeting the requirements!"

When he was promoted to the capital city, Ouyang Yu won a worth of 400,000 points at a time. The current total value of merit is already 1.46 million points of terror. The next level of Wang Jue is only 500,000 points worth of merit.

"Condition 3: The lord's reputation is at least [excellent], meet the requirements!"

Not to mention that it is [famous], that is, the next level of [famous four seas] Ouyang Yu has been reached. Ouyang Yu now has a reputation of 1.48 million points, but it is far from overflowing.

I don't know if Gaia will launch a higher level of prestige order next time.

"Condition 4: At least four counties, meet the requirements!"

The requirements of the country for the territory have increased the number of places in the county compared to the capital. If it is not for the existence of a certain city, there is a king city, Gaia is afraid to directly set the conditions as a province.

For some small and medium-sized countries, the premise of the founding of the country is basically to complete the domestic unification, otherwise the conditions of [territory] can not meet the standard.

"Condition 5: The population of the Territory has exceeded at least 10 million to meet the requirements!"

Gaia thinks thoughtfully. If a certain territory is arrogant and arrogant, and thinks about foreign wars and plundering tactics, it only knows how to destroy, does not know how to build, and engages in a newly occupied territory with a thousand miles and a population withered.

Such a territory is also not eligible to apply for a country.

The capital, the title, the prestige, the territory and the population are the five basic requirements for the founding of the country. Did not meet this standard, even the qualifications of the application are not, or broke the idea of ​​the founding of the country.

"Condition 6: The territory's gas transportation is at least the second order [Red], meeting the requirements!"

The dragon of air transport is already a third-order purple dragon, and even the requirements for establishing a dynasty have been reached.

"Condition 7: Territory [People's Heart] at least 95 points, meet the requirements!"

Opening up to the country is a major event of the people's heart. [People's heart] is not up to standard, and the territory is even more powerful.

"Condition 8: Have a kingdom of the country, meet the requirements!"

By the coincidence of the small ink machine, it evolved into a beast of the town, and it was really timely. Otherwise, Ouyang Yu can only find a way to let Xiaoqing evolve again, breaking through the last layer.

As for the auspicious animal, it belongs to the special spirit beast and cannot be used as a beast of the town.

It is also funny, Shanhai City is a totem for the dragon, whether it is the flag of the lord or the shape of the gas transport is the dragon. Where did you think that the first town of the country is actually a unicorn.

It’s just that the dragon’s whereabouts are embarrassing, and Ouyang Yu is not sure if there is a chance to encounter the dragon in the future. If you can come back to a **** dragon as a national animal, it is called prestige.

"Condition 9: At least one piece of national treasure, meet the requirements!"

As early as the expedition to the sea, the seals worn by Ouyang Yu were completely unsealed in Long Island and turned into Emperor Yin. The unsealed emperor's seal is not only authentic, but also the top secret of the founding of the country.

The nine basic conditions, meaning the return of the ninety-nine, is the return of the fate.

It can be seen that the nine basic conditions are one is harder than one. Even if there is a territory promoted to the capital, if there is no such opportunity as Ouyang Yu and the essence of Shanhai City, it is impossible to apply for a country in a short time.

"System prompt: Congratulations to the players, no clothes, all the application conditions of the established territories meet the requirements, do you apply immediately to open a country?"


"System Tip: Congratulations to the players who have no clothes to apply for a successful country and begin to automatically match the mission of the country."


"System prompt: Task matching is complete!"

"Task 1 [four-Yi surrender]: There are at least four systems-approved alien settlements in the territory."

Gaia is really a martyr.

[Siyi's surrender] is indeed the weather of the founding of the country, but it is easier said than done.

Even if it is Shanhai City, the aliens currently recognized by the system are only the Shanban people in the territory, the Li people living in Qiongzhou Island, and the Yizhou Island Gaoshan who have just received the service.

Four missing one, still one.

The nomadic tribes in the Lianzhou Basin are estimated to be too small, and they are not living here. They are not the source of the upstream shepherd tribe, so they are not recognized by Gaia.

The ethnic minorities in the provinces do not have the problem of conquering, and naturally they are not recognized by Gaia.

This is hard to get to Ouyang.

In a short time, ask him to go and find another Alien recognized by Gaia, but also to accept it? ! Ouyang Yu’s association with the Yi people in the lowlands is far from the mountains and the roads are quite difficult to implement.

"we'll see!"

Ouyang Yan shook his head silently, and he knew that the mission of establishing a country would not be simpler than the task of upgrading to the capital.

"Task 2 [Vientiane update]: The recent territory will have to achieve an academic breakthrough, develop a new type of weaponry and acquire a new type of technology to celebrate the birth of the new dynasty."


Ouyang Yu suddenly face a black line, what task two, is this obviously three tasks? How did he feel that Gaia was getting less and less fucked.

What is an academic breakthrough? Ouyang Yu has no solution for the time being.

In the case of new types of weapons and equipment, the Z1 type warships that the Department of Shipping has been researching and developing under the Industry Department will soon be formed according to Ouyang Yu’s knowledge and should be able to catch up.

Look at this, you have to remind the ship division.

Finally, it is a new type of technology, which is the most difficult. With Gaia's urine, the existing technology in the wilderness is definitely not to be counted, either to re-develop one, or to go to a black technology.

Ouyang Yu is really tired, how can there be such a toss.

"Task 3 [Eight parties come to congratulate]: At least 50 lords will come to congratulate when they set up the country. Friendly reminder: The lord is not limited to players, but also NPC forces, and is not limited to the country."

The ruins of the wilderness in China are less than one hundred. According to Gaia’s request, this is to ask the lords of more than half of the wilderness to congratulate the rhythm of the establishment of the country.

If it was before the appearance of [Silver Hand], Ouyang Yu confidently had this face.

However, after the [Silver Hand] is so mixed, the water in the wilderness is completely mixed. Ouyang Yi is really not sure, how many lords will come to Shanhai City to congratulate.

[Yanhuang League] The camp must not be expected, they will not send bombs.

Ouyang Yu estimated in his mind that in addition to the three ally of Feng Pianhuang, Siege Lion and 碔砆, the 20 lords of Jiangchuan Province can at least ask for fifteen.

Then there are two major city-states, such as [Northern Sichuan City State] and [Shonan City State], and Ouyang Yi’s estimate of fullness is also eighteen, and the rest have variables.

In the NPC forces, Xichu should come. If there is no accident in Xianyang and Luoyang in the Nine Kings, they should also arrange for the minister to congratulate.

Originally Quanzhou was also in place, and now it is definitely not expected.

Domestically, it is estimated that this is the case. It adds up to thirty-nine, and is still a little worse than the fifty lords. Ouyang Yu has some regrets and won the southern province, otherwise, It is not a big day to make up for fifty lords.

Just with Gaia's nature, Ouyang Yu has reason to suspect that the 50th is Gaia's accurate calculation. If the southern province is still there, then the task may be six or seventy as the lord.

Gaia will not let Ouyang Yu drill the loopholes.

Therefore, Ouyang Yu can only count on foreign countries. If it is not [the hand of silver], even in foreign countries, with the great influence of the great route, Ouyang Yu has the confidence to gather 50 foreign lords to congratulate.

With such a thought, Ouyang Yu is full of resentment against [the hand of silver].

"Wait, one day, one day, I will cut off your hand." Ouyang Yu thought silently.

In foreign countries, William and Henry can't count on it now, but Queen Atlantis Kalia should come to Shanhai City to congratulate.

Other lords of the Mediterranean can hardly say it. Ouyang Yu now also knows how many of them are members of the [Silver Hand] or are controlled by the [Silver Hand].

Can be determined, the estimate is three or two.

Then there is ASEAN, especially in several countries with trade agreements with Shanhaicheng. There should be three or four lords coming to congratulate.

Such a calculation is still four or five.

Ouyang Yu is not too worried, things are artificial. There is still time, Hongjun Temple can still do the work, as long as the **** is diligent, you can always dig some corners of the [Silver Hand].

It’s just a price, it’s inevitable.

"System prompt: All three national missions must be completed in order to successfully establish a dynasty."

Ouyang Yu silently, this is really nothing unexpected. Strictly speaking, the three tasks designed by Gaia are very profound and fully worthy of the style of the country.

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