The World Online

Vol 3 Chapter 884: Open up new routes

The 60,000 pirates who had scored in the Friendship City had not survived the afternoon and all surrendered.

Nearly 30,000 pirates died in the city. After the war, the whole outer city was in a mess. The corpse was everywhere, and the rich **** smell permeated the streets. Even if there was a sea breeze, it would not be scattered for a long time.

Gu Xiuwen, a friendship city, took up the responsibility to clean up the city, appease the people in the city, put out the fire, and count the casualties and financial losses of the statisticians. Everything is in order.

Uneasy people's hearts have gradually stabilized.

In the city's main government, Ouyang Yu, who won the victory, was not happy, and had a face. One of the battles was only a group of pirates, so there was nothing to show off. Second, Farah escaped again, making Ouyang Yi quite frustrated. There are many doubts behind this matter, such as an invisible hand that manipulates everything in secret.

It is no accident that the Friendship City was attacked.

Although this time repelled the pirates, it was a great impact on the credibility of the "commercial capital" that was established by the Friendship City and even the credibility of the great route.

With the news coming out, this negative impact will gradually spread and it will be difficult to eliminate in a short time.

Imagine, in the face of a city that may be attacked by pirates at any time, do ocean-going businessmen dare to come here to call for supplies? In the face of a not-so-flat route, how many businessmen will be discouraged?

The answer is obvious.

Behind this attack, the goal is directed at the trade foundation of the Daxia Dynasty, and the intention is not sinister.

In the afternoon, the black snake guard commanded the black snake to be rushed from Rabat City to Friendship City. Ouyang’s instructions to the Black Snake are simple: “Give the King a thorough investigation and find out who else participated in this pirate attack on the city.”

Intuitively, Ouyang Yu suspected that there should be Farah’s internal response in Somalia.


The black snake did not dare to neglect, immediately mobilized the elite power, starting from interrogating the captured pirates, and stalking the vines, it is necessary to find out the people behind the scenes.

The captured two leaders have naturally become the key questioning targets for the Black Snake.

It is only Ouyang Yu knows that Farah is the key figure and soul figure in the pirate regiment.

Therefore, Ouyang Yu’s order has been renamed the original Mediterranean fleet of the Atlantic Fleet, and the fourth and fifth formations are arranged to cross the Mediterranean Sea and rush to the waters of the Gulf of Aden to capture the “pirate king” Farah.

Only by taking Farah and completely annihilating the "Sirius Pirates", and beheading the public, and bringing them to justice, can we restore the lost reputation of the Friendship City and ensure the prosperity of the great route.

This time, Ouyang will not release the tiger back to the mountain.

In the study room of the city's main government, when Ouyang Yu thought about the situation in the Gulf of Aden, Xu Wei came to report: "Qi Yu Wang, the head of the division of the Friendship City Guards Corps is looking out the door."

Ouyang Yu listened, and his brow jumped, and suddenly he didn’t hit a place. He snorted and said: "He still has a face to see the king? If you pass the order, you don’t have to see it. You immediately take the person and hand it over to the Military and Legal Department of the Privy Council. ""

In this battle, a garrison of the garrison, possessing the advantages of the land, and having a strong city to defend, facing the 60,000 pirate siege, even lost the outer city in less than three hours, it is really the loss of the Daxia Dynasty Face.

The pirates are cruel, but the Guards Corps is negligent in training on weekdays, and the command is improper in wartime. It is also an objective fact. Switching to another Guards Division, it is impossible to be so embarrassed.

In such a case, how does Ouyang Yu are not angry?


Xu Wei rarely saw the wrath of the king, did not dare to speak, can only mourn for the head of the division. He didn't come to see it, but the king might still be able to get down from the light; now he hits the gun, but no one can help.

Ouyang Yu is also associated with other guards by the bad performance of the Friendship City Guards Division.

"It seems that it is necessary for the Privy Council to conduct a major assessment of the policing divisions around the country." Ouyang Yu secretly thought in his heart that the relaxation of local military equipment was a taboo for the rule of the dynasty.


In the evening, Ouyang Yu personally hosted a banquet in the city government to treat the big businessmen in the friendship city.

The invitation of Xia Wang is really a lucky day for businessmen.

Ouyang Yu’s move naturally needs to appease the hearts of businessmen and reduce the impact of this attack on the friendship city trade as much as possible, and revitalize the confidence of businessmen. Originally, this matter was made by the city guard Gu Xiuwen, but Gu Xiuwen came forward to come out with Ouyang Yu, the effect is not the same.

In the grand ballroom of Ou Da, Ouyang Yu toasted, and the audience was quiet. Ouyang Wei looked around at the big businessmen and said: "This friendship city was attacked by pirates. The court will never tolerate it. The dynasty Atlantic fleet has set sail, and will soon arrive in the Gulf of Aden, completely annihilating [Sirius Pirates], and one in the Gulf of Aden. Taiping."

"Xia Wang Sheng Ming!"

Businessmen are overjoyed. They have been doing business in the Mediterranean region all the year round. They know the reputation of the Atlantic Fleet and know that there is such a fleet. The Sirius Pirates will not be spared.

The restless heart gradually calmed down.

Ouyang Yu went on to say: "The imperial court is responsible for defending the earth. You trust the court to stop the supply in the friendship city. The pirate attack will compensate you 100%. You will be able to register the loss to the city government tomorrow. After the verification, immediately compensate."


The businessmen looked at each other and did not expect to have such good things. According to the general rules, even if the court does not make any compensation, the merchant has nothing to say. This kind of full compensation is simply unheard of.

"Xie Xia Wang Grace!" Merchants are really grateful to zero, especially the loss of this battle is huge, it is almost tears. Although the ocean trade is profitable, all the goods can be robbed, and it may be necessary to lose the bottom.

The imperial court’s move did not know how many merchants’ futures were saved.

Ouyang beheaded, his hand is similar to "buying gold," rather than spending a little money, but also to restore the confidence of businessmen in the court, which is more important than hundreds of thousands of gold coins.

With this good news, the next banquet is a joy for the guests.

Ouyang Yu bought people's hearts in Friendship City and never thought that bad news came from the next day.

The fourth and fifth formations of the Atlantic Fleet were ordered to cross the Mediterranean Sea, met with collective protests by the Mediterranean lords, and even stopped the ongoing negotiations.

In their words, "Since the Great Summer dynasty has promised that the Atlantic Fleet will no longer be involved in the Mediterranean, it is time to keep its promises. The Atlantic Fleet is undoubtedly a breach of contract."

"We are deeply suspicious of the sincerity of the Daxia Dynasty," Caesar said.

In desperation, the negotiating team is making Violet only urgently ask Ouyang Yu, how to deal with this matter.

Ouyang Yu got the news, long time no words, this time it was the big summer dynasty.

"Just, isn't it too coincidental in time?" Ouyang Yu had to be suspicious. Negotiations and pirates attacked the friendship city. Is there any connection between them? Ouyang Yu is still not easy to draw conclusions.

Last night, Ouyang Yi also wanted businessmen to promise to send the Atlantic fleet to destroy the pirates. If you lose your faith, it will be really a face, and all the efforts of Ouyang Yu will be lost.

Faced with this dilemma, Ouyang Yu finally turned his eyes to the southernmost tip of the African continent, where there is a magical land called the Cape of Good Hope.

Before the Suez Canal was uncut, Europe's route to Asia could only be from Western Europe through West Africa, and then bypassed South Africa's Cape of Good Hope to reach Asia. The Cape of Good Hope became the only sea route for Europeans to the East.

After the opening of the Suez Canal, the role of this route has been weakened, but it is still an indispensable important passage between Europe and Asia. Some giant ships cannot pass the Suez Canal and must be detoured from here.

When it comes to the Cape of Good Hope route, you have to mention the famous Crusades in European history.

In the 1000th century, Europe began to change dramatically. Roman Catholic believers wanted to drive Muslims out of the Middle East. The Crusades launched by the Holy See began in 1096 and lasted for about two hundred years.

The emergence of European troops in the Middle East has promoted the development of ocean trade in disguise.

Italian merchants in places like Venice have made war money by transporting and providing supplies for warring parties. At the same time, when the Crusaders returned to Europe, they brought back spices, perfumes, silk, steel and medicines from the Middle East, making them the best-selling products in Europe.

The ocean trade has driven the rise of cities and towns, and it has also created a large number of wealthy European businessmen. The strength of European countries has grown. They set up the army and the government. The tax paid by taxpayers is enough to maintain the army and The operation of the government.

By the fifteenth century, the European countries had been ready to go out and prepare for the expedition.

The Portuguese were the first to act. In 1400, they wanted to control the trade of spices with the East. They wanted to cross the intermediaries of Venice and Arabia and do business directly with the East.

If they can go directly to Asia to buy these goods by sea, they can greatly increase their profits.

Portuguese explorers have been to the west coast of Africa, hoping to find a route to India and East Asia, and they finally arrived at the southern tip of the African continent, the Cape of Good Hope.

Compared to the Suez Canal, the Cape of Good Hope is not an ideal route.

Because the Cape of Good Hope is just at the confluence of the warm currents of the Indian Ocean and the cold currents of Antarctica, the turbulent waves of the strong westerly rapids have been going on all the year round. In addition to the storm, there are often “killing waves”.

The front of the wave is like a cliff, and the back is like a gentle hillside. It appears frequently in the winter, and occasionally the rotating waves caused by the polar wind are added. When the two waves are superimposed, the sea state is even worse. Moreover, there is a strong coastal current. When the waves meet the stream, the whole sea surface rolls like a pot, and the ships sailing here often suffer.

Therefore, the Cape of Good Hope has become the most dangerous maritime area in the world.

Ouyang Yu’s plan is to let the Atlantic fleet bypass the Cape of Good Hope, open up the Cape of Good Hope route, and detour to Somalia, which is also a helpless choice.

Destroy [Sirius Pirates], it is related to the dynasty reputation.

As the king of the great summer dynasty, Ouyang Yi has to say a word, he must fulfill his commitment to the merchants. Otherwise, he will lose faith in the people and lose faith in the world.

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