The World Online

Chapter 94: Level 3 township

Five days of crazy spring offensive action brought countless harvests to Shanhai Town.

The first is the demographic aspect. A total of 1967 people were added, including 868 combatants and 1,099 non-combatants. They have already exceeded the upper limit of 5000 population in Shanhai Town. Ouyang Yu had to divert some of the prisoners to the two affiliated towns of Beihai Town and Lishui Town.

Of the 868 combatants, 18 were executed in sin, 600 were reorganized into the army, and the remaining 250 were assigned to the mine for one year.

The Shuijun reorganized three squadrons from the captives of the large-scale water village, formally established the Navy Camp, and the middle-level military commander Jidong came to the camp. Zhou Feng, the squadron leader of the first squadron of the Navy Camp, the second squadron leader, and the third squadron leader Li Hai, the remaining two squadron chiefs are not appointed.

Li Hai is a junior military commander. He is the most prominent of the large-scale water-storage villages. In addition, the residents of Shuizhai have a good evaluation of them. Ouyang Yi is not limited to one, and he is promoted directly to the squadron leader.

The cavalry reorganized three squadrons and formally established the Shanhai Town Cavalry Battalion. The first squadron of the Cavalry Battalion, Li Mingliang, the second squadron squadron leader Sun Tengwei, the third squadron squadron leader Liao Kai, the fourth squadron squadron leader Guo Liang, the fifth squadron squadron leader Su Wang.

Su Wang is also a junior military commander. He is an elite figure in a large rogue camp. He is honest and out of the mud. After understanding the situation, Ouyang Yu decisively promoted him to the squadron leader.

As for the infantry, Ouyang Yu is not prepared to expand for the time being. According to his plan, he still hopes to absorb high-quality soldiers from the Shan Man tribe. In order to facilitate the command, he gave the infantry a battalion in advance, and Shimani was in charge of the battalion. For the time being, only the original three squadrons.

Another big gain is naturally money. The cash seized, together with the sale of architectural drawings, is a total of 2,550 gold coins. After deducting the military transfer and the transfer of the military commander, there are still 1710 gold coins.

Ouyang Yi does not have a specific plan for how to use this fund. The urgent task now is to upgrade the territory to a third-level township as soon as possible. Seeing that the population has reached the upper limit, the alchemy workshops in the secondary township infrastructure have been slow to start construction.

Sure enough, as Ouyang Yu had expected, the most troublesome thing was the **** alchemist. With such a strong territory characteristic of Shanhai Town, I have not brushed out an alchemist for so long. I don't know what the Dust is going to do, but I got an alchemist in half a month.

In the end, Fan Zhongyan reminded him and said: "Lord, if I remember correctly, the Zhaoxian Pavilion in the territory can recruit a special talent every month. The quota in March, the Lord has not used it yet? Why not try? A try?"

Ouyang Yi nodded, but did not hold too much hope, said with a smile: "Where there will be such a clever thing happening in the world, just to be able to recruit our eager alchemists."

"How do you know if you don't try?" Fan Zhongyan insisted.

"Well, then I will take a trip." Ouyang Yu finally compromised.

This is the second time that Ouyang Yu has entered the Zhaoxian Pavilion. The last time Zhao Xianguan contributed to Fan Zhongyan and Du Fu, he did not know whether he could help Shanhai Town.

“System Tip: Congratulations to the players who have no clothes to open the Zhaoxian Pavilion. Currently, there is another opportunity to recruit special talents. Is it recruited?”


“System Tip: Congratulations to the players who have successfully recruited special talents without a garment – ​​a senior alchemist who automatically deducts 10 gold coins.”

A white light flashed, and a 30-year-old European man walked out of the transmission array and marched towards Ouyang with a Western medieval aristocratic etiquette. He said enthusiastically: "Magnus, see the Lord!"

Ha, it’s really God bless, really recruited to the alchemist, Ouyang Yu was surprised and inexplicably, said with a smile: "Mr. Magnus, welcome you to Shanhai Town."

The next thing was simple. Under the full effort of the Construction Division, the alchemy workshop was built in just one day, and the senior alchemist Magnus from the West officially settled. As a result, the last obstacle to upgrade the third-tier townships was completely removed.


March 24, 9 am, Shanhai Town Council.

Ouyang Yu in his heart meditation on the upgrade of the territory, a white light flashed through the brush, in the middle of the chamber, the golden stone slowly rose from the ground. He pressed his right hand on the front of the stone tablet and the system sounded.

“System prompt: Check the upgrade conditions of Shanhai Town...”

"Condition 1: The population reaches the upper limit of 5,000 people, meet the requirements!"

“Condition 2: All the basic buildings are completed and meet the requirements!”

"Condition 3: The lord's title is at least a first viscount, meeting the requirements!"

“System prompt: Congratulations to all the upgrade conditions of Shanhai Town, which is established by the players without clothes, all meet the requirements, is it upgraded?”


On the stone tablet, the golden light rises from the sky, bursts open at high altitude, turns into a golden halo, and spreads away. The halo stretched to the new edge of the territory and disappeared again.

“System Announcement: Congratulations to the players who have become the second lord in China to upgrade to the third-level township, and reward the merits of 1000 points!”

“System Announcement: Congratulations to the players who have become the second lord in China to upgrade to the third-level township, and reward the merits of 1000 points!”

“System Announcement: Congratulations to the players who have become the second lord in China to upgrade to the third-level township, and reward the merits of 1000 points!”

It has been a week since the upgrade of the town of Dichen to the third-grade township, and Shanhai Town has followed the upgrade. In any case, it was a counterattack against the previous question. The global competition for the first county in the world has officially kicked off.

"System Tip: Congratulations to the players to upgrade to the third-level townships without the clothing generals. The town-level lord's office automatically upgrades. Randomly select three three-level township infrastructure, players can choose one of them."

“System prompt: randomly selected three buildings completed, namely inn, **** shop and jewelry shop, please choose!”

"Choose a **** shop!"

"System prompt: the building is automatically generated, please check it yourself!"

A white light flashed through the brush, and the golden stone was slowly sinking into the ground again. Ouyang took the opportunity to check the properties of Shanhai Town.

[ Territory]: Shanhai Town (three-level township)

[Leader]: 岂曰 衣 ( (second class count)

[Title]: The first town in the world (increasing the visibility of the territory by 20%)

[People's Heart]: 92 [Security]: 91

[Resident population]: 5000/10000 [flow refresh rate]: 50*(1+50%)=75/day

[land area]: 1000 square kilometers

[Characteristics of the Territory]: The attraction rate of the displaced people is increased by 50%, the attraction rate of special talents is increased by 25%, the output of crops is increased by 50%, the skill proficiency of production residents is increased by 25%, the level of military soldiers is increased by 20%, and the talents of the territorial talents break through the bottleneck success rate. Increase by 10%.

[Affiliated villages]: Beihai Town (first-class township), Lishui Town (first-class township)

[territory funds]: Sihai Qianzhuang

[Leader Association]: Textile Association

[Resident Resources]: Intermediate logging, intermediate quarry, intermediate mining, advanced brick kiln

[Leader Army]: Cavalry Battalion, Infantry Battalion, Navy Camp, Lishui Town garrison

[Leader Industry]: Beibei Salt Field (5 thousand mu), Langshan Mine

[Political Index]: 50/100 (Determining administrative efficiency, related to the people)

[Economic Index]: 45/100 (Determining the degree of trade prosperity, relationship tax)

[Culture Index]: 40/100 (Determining the degree of education development, related to the quality of residents)

[Military Index]: 50/100 (Determining military strength, stable relationship)

[Basic building]: town-level lord's house, toilet, granary, cemetery, station

[Agricultural Building]: farmland, mill, mulberry garden, orchard, vegetable plot, medicine garden

[Commercial Buildings]: Intermediate market, intermediate blacksmith shop, intermediate grocery store, high-grade woodworking workshop, high-grade medical hall, high-grade martial arts hall, special tailoring shop, garment workshop, intermediate-grade scouring pottery, large-scale brewing workshop, farmer's market, brewing Vinegar workshop, soy sauce workshop, tofu workshop, pharmacy, small textile mill, advanced alchemy workshop

[Cultural Architecture]: Town-level ancestral hall, town-level private school, Lianzhou College

[Military buildings]: high-ranking military camps, city walls, moats, castle towers, arrow towers, turrets, stone sentry towers, horse stables, weapons workshops, arsenals

[Special Buildings]: Ferry, Terminal, Intermediate Shipyard

[Hidden Architecture]: Mazu Temple (in the seal Zhaoxian Hall)

List of capital construction buildings:

[Tao Tao]: The place where the Taoist practice. Construction conditions: Taoist, Taoist architectural drawings, 2000 units of wood, 3000 units of blue bricks, 1000 units of stone. Construction time: four days.

[Pawnshop]: An institution that collects movable assets and real estate as collateral and lends money to the other party. Construction conditions: merchants, **** shop architectural drawings, 1000 units of wood, 2000 units of blue bricks, 1000 units of stone. Construction time: three days. (Note: The building is automatically generated.)

[Inn]: A place for people who are traveling long distances. Construction conditions: merchants, inn architectural drawings, 2000 units of wood, 3,000 units of blue bricks, 1000 units of stone. Construction time: four days.

[Restaurant]: A shop for banquets. Construction conditions: senior chef, architectural drawings of the building, 2000 units of wood, 4000 units of blue bricks, 1000 units of stone. Construction time: five days.

[Jewelry Shop]: A shop selling gold and silver jewelry. Construction conditions: gold and silver artisans, jewelry shop architectural drawings, 1000 units of wood, 2000 units of blue bricks, 1000 units of stone. Construction time: three days.

[Tea Garden]: Planting tea. Construction conditions: tea tree, 2000 units of wood, 500 units of blue brick, 500 units of stone. Construction time: two days ~ welcome to the readers to read, the latest, fastest, most fired serial works are available at mobile users please read.

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