The world reincarnates, each time a new talent!

Chapter 155: Conquer the three friends and obtain the Seven-String Invisible Sword!

Iron gates connect the entire dungeon.

A single move affects the whole body.

The iron gate is several inches thick, and even the masters of martial arts and magic weapons cannot break it.

But as Ning Yuan mobilized all his strength, the terrifying energy instantly condensed into one point and exploded.


The earth shook.

The entire underground cave began to shake, pieces of gravel fell, and the several-inch-thick iron door in front of him was directly twisted by this force.

When Hei Heizi behind the door saw this scene, his eyes widened, full of horror.

"How can this be?"

"This iron door is so strong that I can't break it even if I try to do whatever I want. How could you break it from the inside?"

Black and White shouted.

This dungeon was specially built to imprison Ren Woxing.

The iron gate is also carefully selected, and even the top masters in the world cannot break it.


Ning Yuan pushed open the twisted iron door and walked out.

Came to Heixi Zi.

"You, what do you want to do?"

Black and White asked tremblingly.

"Haven't you always wanted to get the star-absorbing technique? Now I'll let you experience the star-absorbing technique."

Ning Yuan raised his hand and put it on Hei Baizi's shoulder, using the Beiming Magic Technique.

In an instant, all the black and white skills were absorbed into his body.

Hei Heizi's eyes widened, he couldn't even speak, and his face gradually turned pale.

Having just taken away the skill of Ren Wo Xing, Hei Baizi's meager skill can only be said to be better than nothing for him.

Ning Yuan threw the person into the dungeon and strode out.

Black and white in the dungeon widened his eyes, vomited out blood, pointed in the direction of the passage, and said in disbelief: "Suck, suck... stars..."


The last sound disappeared completely with the falling rocks.

When Ning Yuan returned to the ground, Huang Zhonggong and the other three were ready.

After seeing it was Ning Yuan, he was slightly relieved, and then his eyes fell behind Ning Yuan, but Hei Baizi was not seen for a long time.

The three of them couldn't help but look puzzled.

"Master Yue will be fine if nothing happens. I wonder what Hei Baizi and Ren Wo can do?"

Huang Zhonggong was the first to ask.

Ning Yuan shook his head, "Ren Woxing and Hei Baizi have stayed down there forever."

While speaking, a whirlpool suddenly appeared in the center of the West Lake, as if it was collapsing downwards, making a rumbling sound.

Then a wave of water suddenly spurted out along the channel.

"Hei Heizi!"

Bald Pen Weng shouted, but it was clear that everything was irreversible.

Ning Yuan said with regret on his face: "I'm also sorry that Hei Baizi opened the iron door, but I didn't have time to take him away."

The expressions of Huang Zhonggong and the other three people changed several times. Although they were suspicious, the person was already dead at this moment, and the corpse was destroyed, so the truth had been completely buried.

They have no way of knowing.

After a long time, the three of them calmed down.

"In that case, I can do whatever I want..."

Huang Zhonggong looked at Ning Yuan and asked.

Ning Yuan nodded and said solemnly: "Fortunately, I have fulfilled my destiny and finally eliminated a demon for the martial arts world."

Huang Zhonggong had a complicated expression on his face when he heard this, and after a moment he said: "Master Yue is very capable."

"It's also fortunate that Ren Woxing was imprisoned for many years and his skills have not been fully recovered, so he gave me a chance."

Ning Yuan looked humble.

The four of them returned to the house and sat down.

Soon Ning Yuan mentioned the martial arts of the three people.

"Getting rid of me has put an important matter on my mind to rest. Now I can finally breathe a sigh of relief. If I had any offense before, I would like to thank the three of you."

Ning Yuan said with his fists clasped, acting politely.

"Where there!"

Huang Zhonggong immediately shook his head and said: "I and a few others mistakenly entered the Demonic Cult by mistake. Although we had the intention to quit the Demonic Cult, we couldn't help ourselves once we entered the Demonic Cult and could only follow orders."

"Although I have never done anything evil, I have lived in fear."

"I have heard about what happened in the Liu Mansion in the past. Liu Zhengfeng was just a close friend of Elder Qu, but he was accused of colluding with the demon sect and wanted to destroy his family. Fortunately, the head of Yue was so kind and righteous that he saved Liu Zhengfeng's family. , which fully demonstrates Master Yue’s attitude towards us.”

"Therefore, we also greatly admire Master Yue's conduct."

"Since we are the righteous people in the world, we naturally have to do the right thing, and we have to eliminate demons and defend the Tao, but we can't be indiscriminate, let alone classify everyone in the demon sect into the evil category. They may also have their own difficulties, and some people have never done evil, and some people have never done evil. There are people who have good intentions, but some people just make the wrong move.”

"So I am willing to give them a chance. I cannot deny them all. They should be allowed to start over."

"This not only reduces killings, but also weakens the Demon Cult. This is the right way."

Ning Yuan said righteously.

"Master Yue is indeed very righteous!"

Huang Zhonggong, Bald Pen Weng and Danqing Sheng all admired and handed over their hands.

I think Hei Baizi's death might really be an accident.

"I just like to make friends with heroes like Master Yue. I wonder if Master Yue can be kind enough to have a drink with me."

Dan Qingsheng picked up the jug and filled it with wine.

"Why not?"

Ning Yuan picked up the wine glass and the two drank together.

"Okay, Master Yue is indeed bold and famous. It's true that fame is worse than meeting him at first sight. I didn't expect that Master Yue is also a sweet-tempered person."

Dan Qingsheng burst out laughing, looking very happy.

"Actually, I am also very interested in your martial arts. Each one has its own uniqueness, which makes Yue Mou's eyes light up. Especially Brother Huang's seven-stringed invisible sword is so wonderful. The deeper the internal power, the easier it is to be countered. It makes me wonder. Amazing people.”

Ning Yuan sighed quietly.

"Master Yue is so complimentary. I thought that my seven-stringed invisible sword was unparalleled in the world and could influence anyone with deep inner strength in the world. But now that I see Master Yue, I realize that I am looking at the sky from a well."

However, Huang Zhonggong shook his head repeatedly and sighed: "I can't affect Master Yue's skill, which shows that my invisible seven-string sword still needs to be improved."

"When a master fights, the chance of victory only lasts a moment. If I was fighting with someone at that time and Brother Huang tried to influence me, then I might be in danger."

Ning Yuan sighed, "This is my first time seeing such sword skills. I hope Brother Huang will give you some advice."

Ning Yuan solemnly clasped his fists, "I am also willing to use my Huashan swordsmanship to confirm what I have learned with the three of you."

Seeing Ning Yuan being so solemn, the expressions of the three of them also changed. After looking at each other, they quickly stood up and said, "Master Yue's words are serious."

"It is also an honor for us to be able to exchange martial arts with a master like Master Yue."

That night, Ning Yuan discussed swords and even Tao with the three of them.

He also showed extraordinary painting skills and calligraphy, which impressed the bald pen man and the painter.

Then he played a song.

Ning Yuan himself did not understand this, but with the blessing of understanding, he started from scratch and made rapid progress in learning.

In just a few hours, there was extraordinary progress.

You Ledao even played the song "Swordsman" from memory.

Huang Zhonggong was greatly surprised and excited.

"I didn't expect that Master Yue would have such attainments in the Dao of Music. It really puts me, a person immersed in this Dao, to shame."

Huang Zhonggong clasped his hands in his fists, feeling excited.

"Brother Huang is serious. I don't have such accomplishments. This song was not created by me."

Ning Yuan shook his head in denial.

"Isn't it created by Master Yue?"

Huang Zhonggong was stunned and couldn't help but asked curiously: "Who created that? There are such masters in the world, but I don't know. How can I sit in a well and look at the sky?"


Ning Yuan chuckled lightly, "Brother Huang should know the person I'm talking about. He mentioned it just now."

Ning Yuan was not prepared to hide it, nor did he think of taking it for himself.

"I know him, and I mentioned it?"

Huang Zhonggong frowned in thought, and then seemed to think of something, his eyes suddenly lit up, "Is it possible that Master Yue is talking about Elder Qu and Liu Zhengfeng?"


Ning Yuan nodded slightly, "This song is called "Swordsman" and it was created by these two people."

"No wonder, no wonder!"

Huang Zhonggong looked astonished, "Such a free and easy artistic conception is indeed in line with Elder Qu's style. However, Master Yue's playing skills were unfamiliar before, but in a short period of time, he mastered the key points and played as well as someone who has studied hard for several years." , really talented.”

"If Master Yue can join my music path, another piano saint will be born in the music world in the future."

"Brother Huang is serious, Yue is nothing more than a minor talent. However, I have benefited a lot from my discussion with the three of you today. It's already late now, so it's time for Yue to say goodbye."

Ning Yuan stood up and said.

Several people tried to persuade him to stay, but Ning Yuan still insisted on leaving.

Everyone could only see him off.

After watching Ning Yuan leave, everyone returned to Meizhuang and couldn't help but sigh.

Of the four friends of Meizhuang, there are only three of them left now.

Momentarily sad.

Although Heixi Zi's death is full of doubts, he has to accept it now.

"Brother, now that I am allowed to die, how should we report back to the cult of God?"

At this time, the bald pen man asked worriedly.

Dan Qingsheng also stiffened his face, and then said: "Yes, if you let me go, Dongfang Bubai ordered us to guard him. Now that he has been killed by Master Yue, how should we repay him?"

"If Dongfang Bubai is offended, I'm afraid we..."

Dan Qingsheng also looked worried.

Huang Zhonggong pondered for a moment and shook his head, "For so many years, the Divine Religion has never intervened in this matter. We might as well suppress it for the time being and not reply. Now we can only take it one step at a time."

"That's all it can do."

Bald Biweng and Dan Qingsheng looked at each other, then nodded slightly.

And the other side.

After Ning Yuan returned to the inn, he immediately began to retreat.

Although Ren Woxing's skill has not returned to its peak, his skill is still unparalleled in the world, far beyond the comparison of the Third Sword Sect or even the Thirteen Taibao of Songshan.

Probably only worse than Zuo Lengchan.

After all, Renwoxing has not returned to its peak.

After Ning Yuan completely transformed Ren Woxing's true energy into his own skill.

Although Ning Yuan's cultivation level has not improved, his skill has actually doubled.

It's just a little short of taking one step further and reaching a super first-class level.

"I feel that as long as we absorb another near-first-class master, we should be able to break through."

Ning Yuan opened his eyes and muttered to himself.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Ning Zhong walked in.

"Brother, where have you been today?"

Ning Zhong couldn't help but asked curiously.

"I went to Meizhuang to meet some friends. We will continue our journey to Fuzhou tomorrow."

Ning Yuan hid the process and said casually, then stretched out his hand to pull Ning Zhongze into his arms.

"Junior sister, should you rest now?"

Ning Yuan asked playfully.

Ning Zhongze's cheeks suddenly turned red, and he naturally knew what was going to happen.

I don’t know why, but I’m particularly sleepy today!

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