The world reincarnates, each time a new talent!

Chapter 85 Grandparents and grandchildren recognize each other

"Three generations?"

Li Qiushui was stunned, and turned stiffly to look at Ning Yuan, "What do you mean?"

"I forgot to tell you that I have an engagement with my cousin, your granddaughter."


Li Qiushui exclaimed, sat up, pointed at Ning Yuan and said angrily: "You, you, you dare..."

Ning Yuan stretched out his hand and pressed back the finger that Li Qiushui stretched out, "Why is Master's wife so excited?"

"You are so hateful, do you think Qingluo agrees to do this?"

Li Qiushui asked angrily.

Ning Yuan just chuckled at this, "You don't mind what happened between me and your daughter, do you think your aunt will mind what happened between me and my cousin?"

"You! "

Li Qiushui was speechless.

But when she thought of the many hidden stories, and that her three generations had been betrayed by the man in front of her... Li Qiushui was furious.

Even with her dissolute personality, she felt that her worldview and ethics collapsed when she suddenly learned about such things, and it was hard to accept.

But Ning Yuan did not give her the opportunity to continue to be angry, and turned over and suppressed him again.

Leaving Li Qiushui no time to think about these problems.


The next day.

Li Qiushui appeared at Piaomiao Peak with a cold face.

After two days of nourishment, Li Qiushui's complexion improved a lot, and she looked several years younger.

From over forty to nearly forty.

The three sat opposite each other.

"Senior sister, I didn't expect that one day we would have the opportunity to sit together so peacefully."

Li Qiushui looked at the Tianshan Tonglao opposite and sneered.

"Yes, this is thanks to your efforts, the master and the disciple have to serve you well. "

"Your complexion has improved a lot in the past two days. If you keep going like this, maybe you can recover to my level."

The Child-Girl of Tianshan couldn't help but sarcastically said.

Li Qiushui's face froze, but she soon chuckled, "That's better than some people who have never enjoyed the joy of being a woman in their entire lives."

"And I can only recover the tenderness of my teenage years, but it's impossible for me to return to my physical appearance as a child."

Li Qiushui sighed faintly, seemingly regretful, but in fact mocking the Child-Girl of Tianshan who would never grow up and whose skin was tender.

"Li Qiushui, you're looking for death!"

This undoubtedly hit the sore spot of the Child-Girl of Tianshan, and she immediately slammed the table and stood up.

Ning Yuan also felt a headache, so he had to open his arms to stop the two people who were about to clash, "Today, I have something to tell you, not to listen to your quarrel. "

Ning Yuan said expressionlessly.

The two glared at each other, snorted coldly, and turned their heads away.

Ning Yuan stopped talking nonsense and took out a painting directly.

"This is..."

Li Qiushui and Tianshan Tonglao looked at each other and just wanted to reach out to grab it, but Ning Yuan had already unfolded the scroll.

Seeing the people in the painting, Li Qiushui and Tianshan Tonglao were both surprised.

"Is this painted by Wuyazi?"

Li Qiushui asked with gritted teeth.

The Tianshan Tonglao had already laughed loudly, not knowing whether it was sad or happy, "Hahaha, it turns out that we have been fighting for a lifetime, but we are not the ones he loves, hahaha..."

The Tianshan Tonglao laughed so hard that she burst into tears.

Li Qiushui also clenched her fists, "Wuyazi, it turns out that you have always been in love with my sister. My sister has been dead for so many years, and you still care about her. Good, it's really good! "

Li Qiushui slammed the table hard.

She had always thought that Wuyazi ignored her because he was obsessed with martial arts, chess, calligraphy and painting, but she didn't expect that he had never loved her.

No wonder she didn't get angry even if she found so many men to do those things in front of him.

That's because he didn't care at all.

"Okay, very good, this way, I will feel less guilty. I just hate that you died early, otherwise I would personally come to you with your chosen disciple..."

Li Qiushui whispered with gritted teeth.

Ning Yuan stood up and said earnestly: "So the two seniors, there is no need to fight for this matter for a lifetime."

"Humph, let's not talk about this matter, but I still have to settle with her for ruining my face."

Li Qiushui was naturally not so easy to convince.

"That's right, I was just going to settle with you about you causing me to go astray. "

The Tianshan Child-Fairy immediately confronted them.

Seeing the fight between the two started again, Ning Yuan had to interrupt again, "One of you has caused the other to be unable to grow up for life, and the other has taken revenge by disfiguring himself, which is also equal. I think this feud should be put to an end now."

Ning Yuan's expression was serious and his words were sonorous, not giving the two a chance to refute, "If you think what I said is not enough, I can give you a chance, a chance to join forces against me. If you can defeat me together, I will no longer interfere in your affairs, but if you still lose to me after joining forces, then no matter how wronged or resentful you are in your heart, you must obey the orders of me, the head of the sect, and become the supreme elder of the Xiaoyao Sect and live in harmony. "

"If you dare to disobey my orders after your defeat, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Ning Yuan clenched his fists fiercely and spoke threateningly.

"Are you so confident that you can be our opponent? "

Li Qiushui snorted coldly.

Tianshan Tonglao had personally felt the pressure brought by Ning Yuan.

She was indeed no match for the other party alone, but if she recovered her power and joined forces with Li Qiushui, she would not have no chance of winning.

"Actually, I also want to see how big the gap between us is."

Tianshan Child Elder stood up and said, "I can agree to this request, but I have to wait until my skills are completely restored."

The Tianshan child's grandmother held her head high and said.

This transformation of San Gong will bring her a high improvement. After restoring her skills, she will be far more powerful than before.

This is where her confidence lies.

This is the characteristic of the Bahuang Liuhe Self-respecting Kung Fu. Its power and miraculous power may not be worse than the Beiming Magic Kung Fu. When practiced to a high level, it can make people rejuvenate and live a long life.

She only failed to grow up because she was destroyed by Li Qiushui and became obsessed with it. Originally, she would not have such a problem if she practiced normally.

The only drawback is actually the loose power.

After each exercise, the stronger the skill, the longer it takes to recover. It takes one day to recover one year's worth of skill.

It took almost three months for his nearly ninety-year-old skills to be fully restored.

Therefore, it will take at least more than two months for her martial arts to recover.

"This is natural, but before that, I will leave Xixia. If you are willing, you can follow me to Jiangnan."

Ning Yuan was ready to leave.

Preparing for the final departure.

Li Qiu Shui and Tianshan Child Elder looked at each other, and then they nodded, "That's right, I haven't been out of the world for a long time, now it's time to go out and have a look."

Both agreed.

Then, Li Qiushui met Wang Yuyan.

After seeing Wang Yuyan's appearance, Li Qiushui was also distracted for a moment.

Muttered to himself, "It looks like, it really looks like!"

Li Qiushui couldn't help but stepped forward and touched Wang Yuyan's cheek.

Wang Yuyan took a step back in fear.

Li Qiushui's cold and arrogant face also had a rare hint of kindness, "Your name is Wang Yuyan, right?"

Li Qiushui asked softly.

Wang Yuyan nodded, and then looked at Ning Yuan as if asking for help.

"Your mother is Li Qingluo?"

Li Qiushui asked again.

Wang Yuyan also nodded again, looking curiously at the woman in her forties in front of her.

Because Li Qiushui looked no older than her mother, Wang Yuyan never thought that the woman in front of her was her grandmother.

According to her opinion, her grandmother should be gray-haired by now.

"Then do you know who I am?"

Li Qiushui's lips curled up slightly, revealing a smile. The more he looked at it, the more satisfied he became.


When Wang Yuyan saw Ning Yuan nodding to her, and then saw Li Qiushui's appearance that was somewhat similar to her mother's, her heart moved and she blurted out: "Are you my aunt? My mother's sister?"

Li Qiu Shui was stunned for a moment, and the smile froze on his face. The Tianshan Child Elder's laughter came from nowhere.

Li Qiu Shui's face turned cold, and he snorted coldly in the direction of the Tianshan Child Elder, "It seems that I am really good at keeping good looks. No wonder I can attract men to fall in love with me. Unlike some people, they will never grow up in this life. I can only be a little girl and cannot experience the joy of being a woman.”

"Bitch, when I recover my skills, I will definitely share life and death with you."

Tianshan Child Elder appeared suddenly with an angry look on her face.

Ning Yuan could not help but look cold, "Two seniors, it seems that you have forgotten what I just said so quickly. If you don't abide by the agreement, then don't blame the junior for being rude."

Ning Yuan looked at Li Qiu Shui and said with a cold face: "For example, I will drain your power, and then you will see your hair turning gray overnight and your face getting old."

"say no more."

Hearing this, Li Qiushui immediately interrupted.

Ning Yuan looked at Tianshan Child Elder again, and Tianshan Child Elder snorted, "Grandma will continue to retreat to recover her skills."

After saying that, Tianshan Child Elder disappeared directly.

But the hatred for Li Qiushui in his heart has not diminished.

"Damn bitch, it's not so easy to reconcile so easily. I will definitely make you regret it."

The Tianshan Child Elder rolled her eyes and quickly came up with an idea, "Hmph, I want your whole family to serve one person together, and let's see how you act arrogantly in front of me in the future."

After Tianshan Child Elder left, Li Qiushui showed a gentle smile again and looked at Wang Yuyan, "Well, when I left, your mother was not even older than you, she was only a little girl of about ten years old. Thirty years later, I didn’t expect her daughter to be this old.”

"Could it be..."

Wang Yuyan couldn't help but widen her eyes with surprise.

"Yes, I am your grandmother. How about it? I am very young? It surprises you."

Li Qiushui took Wang Yuyan's hand and admitted with a smile.

Wang Yuyan was a little speechless. After she realized what she was doing, she immediately saluted and stammered: "I want to pay my respects to my grandmother."

"When we first met, I didn't bring any gifts, so I gave you this jade bracelet."

Li Qiushui grabbed Wang Yuyan's hand and slid it directly onto Wang Yuyan's wrist along his own wrist.

Wang Yuyan wanted to refuse, but was interrupted by Li Qiushui, "You are my granddaughter. I am giving you a gift. As a junior, you cannot refuse."

"Yes, thank you grandma!"

Wang Yuyan nodded and whispered back.

"Your mother and I haven't seen each other for so many years. Today you go home with me and tell me how your mother and daughter have been over the past few years."

Li Qiushui pulled Wang Yuyan and said.

Wang Yuyan couldn't help but look back at Ning Yuan.

"Cousin, don't worry, my grandma will follow us back to Jiangnan this time."

Ning Yuan opened his mouth to comfort.

Wang Yuyan felt relieved.

Li Qiushui glanced at Ning Yuan and couldn't help but snorted in his heart.

Based on her many years of experience, she could naturally see Wang Yuyan's feelings for this cousin.

And judging from their attitudes, the two of them were probably already like that.

This made Li Qiushui feel very complicated.

But there was no solution for the time being.

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