The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1019: Quick fix

Speaking of it, Jiang Yun also wants to thank the imprisoned prisoner, who has suppressed his cultivation and has turned him into the unknown master of the world.

If you don't enter the boundary of the world, Jiang Yun will not be able to enter the ruined nine places, unable to enter the illusion.

Without entering the illusion, the nine-nation seal on his body will be like a mountain, always suppressing his cultivation, so that he can not break through to the earth!

Now, in this illusion, Jiang Yun has been stagnant for ten years, and finally succeeded in this moment.

And it is a nine-level rise, reaching the peak of the earth protection!

The earthly protection of the nine important places, in fact, for any one who is now standing in the seams, is not a great cultivation of the realm, and even can not enter their eyes.

Like those monks who can only rely on the sacred objects of each family to hide in the sacred objects, they are too lazy to pay attention.

After all, there is no qualification for entering the seams.

But the person who has reached this realm today is Jiang Yun!

Everyone has witnessed all the processes that Jiang Yun has entered this realm.

The nine earth-like steps are deeply imprinted in their minds.

Step up to the top, one level and one realm!

After nine consecutive steps, I have passed nine realms. This is something they never thought about, never heard, even thought about!

The road to practice is getting harder and harder.

Like the context of Tongmai, Fudi and Dongtian, some people may be able to cross a high level at one time, but it is very difficult to start from the Tao Lingjing and move into the three realms.

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Other monks need to cultivate for a long time from the ground up to the top of the earth. The fastest ones will take tens of hundreds of years.

However, Jiang Yun, reached in an instant!

Although the previous speculations of Lie Ye on Jiang Yun's nine places have proved to be correct, but until now, everyone has not figured out what is going on!

Looking at the station there, looking at the cloudless cloud of Sen Luo, everyone's heart is full of emotion.

Even Lu Lun, who knows Jiang Yun best, shook his head and said: "I really don't know how many secrets this kid has hidden in his body!"

Others are just shocked, but Dao Zun is shocked, and his eyes are shining with light that others can't understand.

Only he himself knows that from the moment of the destruction of the wild world, he gradually lost control of this ultimate war.

From now on, I will gradually lose control of Jiang Yun’s fate!

"No, I believe that the deity must not allow such a situation to arise, and now it is almost certain that the people who the deity is looking for are in all likelihood, Jiang Yun!"

"Now, only kill it, maybe there is still a chance to bring order out of chaos!"

Thinking of this, the voice of the Taoist singer gave Sen Luodao: "Sen Luo, you and my agreement to change the content, as long as you kill Jiang Yun, then my previous commitment to you, you can all cash!"

At this moment, Sen Luo is under the watchful eyes of Jiang Yun, and the inner waves are ups and downs!

After Jiang Yun’s return to the deity, it brought him a little surprise, but it brought him great shock!

Even he regretted that if he did not care about Jiang Yun’s so-called summoning behavior, he would not succeed in breaking through to the ground.

However, what he was shocked was not the strength of Jiang Yun’s cultivation today, but the shock that caused Jiang Yun’s movement into the environment to protect the environment. It was simply unprecedented.

Hearing the voice of Dao Zun, he also woke up from the shock.

After a thoughtful look at the Taoist, he only looked back to Jiang Yun, his face also restored the gloomy color.

Sen Luo smiled coldly: "You really brought me a little surprise, I did not expect that you are just a small monk who protects the environment!"

"However, let alone protect the environment, even if you are a day of protection, a situation, want to fight with me, you are far from qualified, and now, you will still be my ghost slave!"

The voice fell, and the five ghosts that had just been recalled by him once again swarmed toward Jiang Yun.

However, this time, the five ghosts were in the air, and their body shape suddenly expanded. When they came to Jiang Yun, they had already become a few feet.

And the strong breath they exude is also equivalent to the heavenly environment.

They each opened their mouths, and the sensational teeth that shimmered in the cold, bite down to Jiang Yunqi.

Obviously, although Sen Luokou said that Jiang Yun is not enough to compete with him, the importance attached to Jiang Yun is definitely more than just now.

Under the devour of the five ghosts, Jiang Yun’s face is expressionless, and his body is standing still, as if he had not seen it.

Because he was looking up, looking at nothing above him, his face flashed a trace of doubts that others could not see.


Then, five loud noises came.

The teeth of the five ghost heads had already bitten the limbs and heads of Jiang Yun, but their huge heads were bombarded at the same time and disappeared instantly.

Throughout the process, Jiang Yun is like no feeling at all, and his body is unscathed.

Until then, he took back his gaze from the top and re-visited Sen Luo. The color of doubt on his face has disappeared and replaced with a kind of enlightenment.

It seems that just looking at the short time above, let him understand what!

Although the five ghosts were instantly destroyed by Jiang Yun, they did not cause any harm to Sen Luo, and his trick was also used for temptation, so he smiled coldly: "It really became a lot stronger, but... ..."

After waiting for Sen Luo to finish the words, Jiang Yun has already said: "However, you have a lot of nonsense!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun took a step and appeared directly next to Sen Luo.

The speed is so fast that few people in the audience can see his figure.

However, this step of Jiang Yun has caused many people's faces to show their moving colors again.

In particular, the ridiculous monarch is even more self-speaking: "Shrinking into the inch, I did not expect that he has mastered it!"

The technique of shrinking the ground into inches is that Yan Junyan told Jiang Yun.

For other monks, this technique can only be used when it comes to the Tao, but in the eyes of the ridiculous monarch, this technique can be done.

However, Jiang Yun is now only an environmental protection, but it can already be done!

Although the scope of the shrinkage is a bit small, it is enough to shock everyone.

Sen Luo was also shocked. In front of him, Jiang Yun’s fist full of black magic lines appeared.


Although he blocked the fist with his arms, the powerful power contained in his fist was a slight sway of his body.


This made his face suddenly change, even though Jiang Yun is the realm of the peak of protection, even though Jiang Yun has the Golden Body, but still has three realms with his current strength.

According to this reason, it is impossible to shake your body.

"Hey, this kid has too many weird things, can't continue to delay with him, and must be quick and quick!"

Thinking of this, while Sen Luo’s figure has retreated, he has already thrown out a thing and suspended it above the top of Jiang Yun’s head.

It is a grinding disc-sized eye!

The eyeballs opened, and a dazzling black light was emanating inside, shrouded in Jiang Yun's body, which not only made Jiang Yun's body unable to move, but also caused a change in his body.

However, Jiang Yun’s face was a touch of a smile that made Senro feel cold.

"Sen Luo ghost eyes!"

While speaking these four words, Jiang Yun’s gaze suddenly looked at the Taoist, and his face showed no provocation!

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