The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1023: The palm of the road

The radiance of Wan Dao completely dispelled the darkness of the surrounding, making the dark border look like a fairyland, beautiful.

It is even more so that the Taoist standing in the center of the light looks like a **** on the top, not angry.

However, these rays are not light, but lines!

Every ray of light is made up of a myriad of various combinations of lines.


Then, the Taoist slowly raised his hand and patted it gently toward the position where Jiang Yun was.

This seems to be photographed without the slightest strength of the palm, but it is the sound of roaring in the ears of all people, and there are countless cracks in the whole emptiness.

Then, the silent silence collapsed, revealing a deeper dark space!

At the same time, the ray of light that Dao Zun exudes is also suddenly rising into the sky, and rushing into this space at an extremely fast speed, and criss-crossing, once again condensed into a huge palm.

Jiang Yun, just in the palm of his hand.

At this moment, all the monks except the nine races in this boundary are all in the palm of the hand, feeling a call, a kind of immersion in the palm of the hand that makes them want to take care of themselves, and integrate with the palm of the hand. Impulse.

Because, among the lines that make up the palm of the hand, each of them sees the power they are good at.

Or, seeing what you have practiced----!

A road pattern represents a kind of Tao. This palm is made up of various avenues. This is the palm of all things!

In the palm of my hand, Jiang Yun’s heart also received a great shock!

Because he and other monks like him, he felt a variety of familiar ways in this palm.

It also makes him extremely certain that no matter how much power he uses in his body, or even the power of the flesh, he will not be able to shake the palm of his hand, but will be swallowed up by this palm.

The palm of the hand is like a net. I am a fish in the net. Although I can see the outside world through the gap of the net, I can't escape!

This is the Taoist, the true eternal lord, who controls the world!

Nowadays, he has to use all the condensed palms to completely remove Jiang Yun from this world.

This scene is not only the feeling of Jiang Yun’s shock, but even the people who are watching around, including Lu Lun and Tian Lu, are all the ones of the Tao, which are deeply exposed by the powerful strength of the Tao Zun. Shocked.

Starting _

Although everyone knows that Daoqiang is strong, but few people have seen Dao Zun really shot.

Now they are finally fortunate to see it, and it is enough to prove that Tao Zun is indeed qualified to claim to be respect.

In addition to the nine ethnic groups, other monks in the heavens and the earth are repairing the Tao, but Tao Zun is the one who controls each of them to practice!

This also reminds Jiang Yun of the era of his own life, the lies about the extinction of the abandoned people, and a taboo that has been circulated among the monks---the name of Taoism cannot be arbitrarily mentioned.

Once you mention the name of Taoism, you must cultivate the Taoist way!

It turns out that this sentence is not a false statement, but a fact!

"However, in addition to the million roads, there are also nine people!"

Jiang Yun’s eyes still looked straight at the Taoist, and slowly said: “You are always very curious. Do I really control the power of the Nine Tribes? Now, I will answer for you and see if it’s yours. Strong, or the power of the nine people!"

In the voice of Jiang Yun, a bright light appeared in his eyes, and it was getting brighter and brighter.

The dragon head suddenly uttered a crisp sound of dragons, and the direction of the dragon head has a black sun suspended in nothingness!

The sacred object of the chaotic people, the chaos of chaos!


The sound of dragons and scorpions is like a summoning, letting the chaos of the chaos suddenly violently shake and rise and climb at an extremely fast speed.

Among the sun, there is also a huge dragon head that is looming.

In the opening mouth of the dragon head, a thick black mist was sprayed out, and more and more, until it replaced the heavens and earth, covering everything.

It also makes everyone's eyes, at this moment, only the palm of the Tao, the endless black mist, and the cloud in the palm and the mist!

Looking at this scene, although the face is calm, but the eyes are also showing a dignified color!

The power of the nine people is on the palm of Wandao!

In fact, even Jiang Yun did not know that Dao Zun did not master the power of all the dead, so he also did not believe that Jiang Yun could do it.

However, now that Jiang Yun has easily summoned a soulless fire, he has also provoked the chaotic sun.

The chaotic sun, connected with the chaotic world when the heavens and the earth are not open, the power of chaos that emerges within it, to a certain extent, can even be regarded as the origin of all forces between heaven and earth.

Nowadays, the power of chaos is filled with four weeks, just like turning it back into the world.

In such an environment, any other force will be weakened, except for the power of the Nine.

After all, the dead nine people, also known as the creation of the nine!


Jiang Yun's dense diamond pattern is like alive, under the trepidation, not far away, the body of the three sacred objects of the demon sacred object, and the body of the three-armed six-armed arm, also trembled with light.


Then, among the six eyes of the Desolation Golem, six dazzling black lights burst out. Three heads turned at the same time. While looking at the Taoist, he suddenly raised his foot and took it one step at a time!

The sorcerer's demon image actually came alive, and the scorpion's magical spirit was emitted from the body. This step directly stepped behind Jiang Yun and stepped on the palm of the palm of the hand.


With one foot down, the palm of the whole million is shocked and clearly visible. There are countless lines in the moment that suddenly break and dissipate, and the smoke disappears.


Not waiting for everyone to recover from the shock, but also a violent shock came, and saw countless golden lights suddenly lit up.

These golden lights come from the innumerable branches of the reincarnation tree!

These branches are also like living, densely intertwined in the air, like countless sharp swords, and every sword is stabbed to the palm of 10,000.

Under the golden light, the palm of that million road suddenly became riddled with holes, and there have been countless holes in it.


After the tree of reincarnation, the unresolved soul fire once again vacated, and it was directly turned into a burning palm in the air, and the sly smashed to the palm of Wandao!


In the horrific sound of the two palms colliding, the palm of Wandao finally collapsed completely!

Although all this process seems slow, in reality, the palm of the hand will not exceed the ten-minute time from appearance to collapse!

All the onlookers have long since seen it all.

Although they all know that Jiang Yun controls the power of the nine ethnic groups, but seeing Jiang Yun's manipulation of the sacred objects of various ethnic groups, even if the arms are natural, it will inevitably cause their minds to be greatly impacted.

What's more, Jiang Yun has only used the sacred objects of the four races to remove the sacred objects of the other four races that have been completely extinct and disappeared.

If they also appear here, if Jiang Yun can also control them, then Jiang Yun is the strongest of this era.

Whether it is the Taoist or the dead, the nine will surrender to his feet.

"Fortunately, here is just a fantasy!"

Turning this thought into the mind of the sky, he also made a sigh of relief in his heart, and also opened his mouth to convey the voice: "Jiang Yun..."

This is to complete the previous transaction with Jiang Yun.

However, he just shouted Jiang Yun’s name, but he was already interrupted by Jiang Yun’s voice: “Dao Zun, you also pick a **** palm!”

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