The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1027: Sacrifice to heaven

Although the time that has just appeared is still, although there is no awareness of the ancients, but when I see that I am awake, I am now in a coma, but I let his pupils shrink slightly, and the faint opening: "Just, is it not? what happened?"

"It seems that something happened, but it seems that nothing happened."

To answer him, naturally it is the sound of the demon group: "The ancient is not old, you just said, your master is not qualified, I hope another one, you can be a qualified master."

"And your disciple, when you let him sleep, he can still wake up, and he said, he, he felt himself..."

"The ancient is not old, things are up to now, are you still not ready to tell me, what do you know?"

The ancients did not answer, but looked at the little boy. After a while, he said: "My disciple, named Dongbo, and if not expected, the coach of Dao Zun, should also be called the East. Bo!"

The voice inside the demon group then sounded: "I haven't seen the coach, but I heard that it has been appreciated by the Taoist, even the destruction of several major families, he is commanded by him, he and your disciple have the same name?"

The ancient elders shook his head and said: "Not the same name, they are the same person, the coach, maybe, my disciple!"

After a glimpse, there was a bit more anger in the voice: "I am not old, even if you want to lie to me, you should also make a reason for the past. The strength of the coach is not as good as you and me. !"

"How can he and your disciple be the same person, unless your disciple is his reincarnation?"

Not waiting for the old answer, this voice has already said: "No, your disciple is a descendant of the Nine, but it is definitely not a reincarnation."

" Needless to say!" Gu did not interrupt the other party's words: "In fact, if you want to know the answer, you can go and have a look."

"However, go back, if you dare to take another disciple, please don't blame me!"

The voice rang again: "I know that the reason you really want to go is not because you have doubts, but because you are going to protect your disciples, Jiang Yun!"

The ancients did not answer any more. With a wave of sleeves, a soft force wrapped the sleeping boy, and suddenly walked toward the battlefields of the three great tribes and the temple.

Behind him, the huge demon group follows closely!


In addition to Lu Lun, on this battlefield, no one has ever noticed that time has stood still, so in their view, everything is extremely normal.

The mysterious coach suddenly appeared after Dao Zun was killed. He wanted to kill Jiang Yun, both to revenge for the Tao, and to continue to lead the temple to win the victory of this war.

Even Lu Lun was thinking about the sound that just said that the illusion could not end like this. He did not expect that everything would be restored to normal as soon as possible.

Therefore, the palm of the mysterious coach fell, and he would fall on Jiang Yun's body, and at this time, Jiang Yun opened his eyes.

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Although Jiang Yun mobilized the five sacred objects for six consecutive times, first of all, he received the sect of the sect, and then he was the palm of the tyrannical against the Tao. In the end, he killed the sect directly and let him exhausted and fell into a coma.

But even in a state of coma, his mind is still thinking about it. It is really easy for Dao to be killed by himself. In this war, whether the three majors can really win the final victory.

That is, at the moment when the mysterious coach appeared, Jiang Yun also remembered the existence of the other party, so he suddenly woke up from the coma and opened his eyes with difficulty.

Despite the awakening, the state of Jiang Yun is indeed so extreme that his eyes are blurred, and he can only faintly see a figure standing in front of himself, as if he is about to shoot himself.

In addition, Jiang Yun's heart is still inexplicable to the eyes of this invisible figure, a sense of familiarity.

Only in a hurry, Jiang Yun had no time to think about the identity of the other party, and there was no power to use. He saw that there was a vast sea, and it suddenly appeared on the top of Jiang Yun’s head, just in time for the figure. palm.

This is not just a sea!

There is also a huge mountain floating above the sea, surrounded by a layer of white mist.

In the fog, there will always be a golden thunder across the road.

Through the mist, you can see that in the mountains, there is a mountain shaped like a palm, a small hill like a sword, standing on a forest, a snow cliff, a black bridge connected to the sky.

And, in the middle of a huge mountain, there is a complete village!

This is naturally the blessing of Jiang Yun!

Blessed land can also be used as a weapon of attack, and at this moment, Jiang Yun, almost instinctively shows his blessed land when there is no other way to protect himself.

This is also the first time that everyone, including Lu Lun and others, clearly saw Jiang Yun’s blessed land, and they all fell into a huge shock.

Because this blessed land is too vast, it is a world!

They have never seen anyone whose blessings are so large and so complicated!

It is a pity that although this blessed land is indeed spectacular, it is only a blessed land of a monk, and it cannot be compared with the power of the Nine.

Therefore, in the eyes of everyone, although Jiang Yun opened his eyes and showed a blessed land, but this approach is not as straightforward as the one who directly bears the mysterious coach.

Under one palm, perhaps Jiang Yun will not die.

But now, the head of the mysterious coach is falling, but it will definitely crush the blessings of Jiang Yun and become nothingness.

Once the blessed land is broken, it is equivalent to the disappearance of the spiritual foundation for the monk.

Even if Jiang Yun does not die, after that, he can only be a waste person.

Of course, he should have no future.

However, what everyone did not think was that the mysterious coach with the palm of his hand, but the moment of touching the vast sea, suddenly stopped.

Even the mysterious coach stared at the sea below, staring at the huge mountain, standing on the mountain like a sword, his face gradually revealed a hint of doubt and nostalgia.

Jiang Yun is no matter what, since the other party has stopped the attack, then of course he will not let such a precious opportunity, the blessed land will not stop.


In the loud noise, the majestic sea surface directly hit the other side of the body, and Jiang Yun was taking this opportunity to bite off, hard to get up from the ground, and quickly opened up and the other side distance.

Jiang Yun's blessed land, hitting the other's body, has no effect, and even does not let the other person's body shape have the slightest shaking, still standing in a dull expression, such as the same clay sculpture.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Yun quickly shot a few handprints and slammed it in the air: "One sacrifice!"

Although Jiang Yun is now standing in the seams, not in any world, he does not know whether his own sacrifice of the heavens can make a difference.

But in the face of this mysterious coach, Jiang Yun's only way is to display the technique of worshiping the heavens that has never been used before, and this is his biggest card.


What surprised Jiang Yun was that the technique of worshiping the heavens had an effect. A powerful force descended from the sky and fell on him, giving him instant strength.

Everything that was blurred in front of him was finally clear, so that he could see the mysterious coach standing in front of him.

At first glance, Jiang Yun’s body is a heavy tremor!

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