The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1051: Ginger Linggong

Jiang returned this sentence, finally impressed a little Jiang Yun, but it also made his brow wrinkled more tightly, staring at Jiang Gui, and asked one word: "Reincarnation seal, what is it?" meaning?"

Although Jiang Yun had known for a long time, the seal made up of hundreds of scars was left by his grandfather for 16 years, but he did not know the purpose of the seal left by Grandpa and the origin of this seal. situation.

Now, listening to Jiang’s remarks, Grandpa’s identity among the Jiang people is special, and this one can understand.

But Grandpa left the seal, not only called the reincarnation seal, but also has two meanings.


Love yourself, that's for sure, but how can you still be jealous of yourself?

Grandpa will be jealous of himself?

This is absolutely impossible!

What's more, when Grandpa left his first seal on himself, he was still in the middle of it, and the grandfather at that time was already the demon of the Tao, and the strong man of the Tao, how could he avoid himself?

Seeing Jiang Yun’s reaction and hearing Jiang Yun’s problem, Jiang’s heart suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that the secret he said was the cause of Jiang Yun’s interest.

However, this also makes him a little proud and proud, because this is indeed the biggest and deepest secret of the Jiang people, and it is not necessarily known to other people, even the people of the Jiang ethnic group.

Jiang returned to clear the throat and said: "The adults should have a certain understanding of the dead and the Nine, but the adults may not know that there are many secrets hidden in each of the nine ethnic groups."

"There are some secrets, not to mention outsiders, even the people of all ethnic groups can not know."

Although Jiang's narrative is a bit embarrassing, Jiang Yun can also see that this **** has a weak understanding of the Jiuzu, so he did not interrupt him.

Jiang Gui continued: "In the Nine Tribes, the overall strength of the Lone is the strongest, but if it is about personal strength, it is definitely in the Jiang!"

Jiang Gui’s sentence, Jiang Yun is a bit unacceptable.

Although I have deep feelings for the Jiang people, the experience in the illusion makes it easy for me to speculate. The strongest personal strength among the nine ethnic groups should be in the abandon!

The five peaks of the wild sacred sacred objects, each stepping on nine steps, means that the repair of the abandoned people will be upgraded.

There are a total of ninety-nine steps in the five peaks of the Great Wilderness, and three of the barbarians have successfully climbed to the top throughout the ages.

This means that the realm of these three people must have reached the eleventh.

Such existence, even among the nine ethnic groups, should be the most powerful.

Jiang Gui apparently knows what Jiang Yun thinks, and calmly smiles: "Although the abbots have indeed produced strong ones, but those strong ones have already vanished."

"However, the Jiang people are different. The Jiang people have a strong person. From the time when the Jiang people were born, they are still alive!"


Jiang Yun’s face finally had a moving color, and even almost jumped up in surprise, but then he looked a cold road: “Ginger return, do you dare to play me?”

From the time when the Jiang people were born, they have lived to the present strong, and the length of their longevity alone is incalculable. In such a long life, the strength he possesses is naturally as powerful as unimaginable. .

If the Jiang people really have such a strong person, then no matter what the Tao, the refining demon, or even the other eight families together will not be the opponent of this person.

With this person, the Jiang people can completely dominate this world, and it is even more impossible to choose to escape without facing the temple.

Therefore, when Jiang Yun wants to come, this is bound to be the return of **** to telling lies!

The scent of Jiang Yun’s fury, let Jiang return to feel that his life seems to be extinguished, scared him to hurriedly and again: “The adults please temporarily anger the thunder, please listen to the villain Say it!"

Jiang Yun still has a chill in his eyes, cold and cold: "You have to think about it!"

"Yes, yes!" Jiang returned to his head and said: "The villain said that the absolute sentence is true and there is no such thing as a falsehood."

"The strong man of the Jiang family, known as the spirit, is extremely detached."

"Actually, the spirit will also die, but his death, not in reincarnation, and in the way of reincarnation, with the memory and cultivation of his previous life, resurrected among the new generation of the Jiang people!"

"Ginger Linggong is the way to continue to reincarnate and continue to exist!"

"Just a time, every time his reincarnation, a seal will form on the body, and the more times he reincarnates, the more the seal will be."

"These seals are called reincarnation seals!"

"And if the spirit of the spirit wants to obtain the memories and repairs of all his previous worlds, then these seals must be solved."

"If you can solve one thing, you can get some memory and repair. If you can unlock all the seals, you can get all the memories and repairs from the first world, all the way to the present!"

"Of course, so far, there has not been a spirit in the Ginger who can unlock all the reincarnation seals."

"But even so, the strongest of the nine people is still among the Jiang people!"

"This is also the special power that the Jiang people have mastered. It is called the power of reincarnation. If you can get this kind of power, the whole **** family will only have one person!"

"However, this reincarnation can also be given to anyone else, that is, to transfer their reincarnation seal to the body of others."

"When the villain first saw the adult, he thought that the adult was the spirit of the Jiang nationality, but later knew that it was not. This only guessed the inevitable relationship between the adult and the **** family."

Jiang said so much in one breath, after the completion, carefully observed the look of Jiang Yun.

At the moment, Jiang Yun, the whole person has been stunned.

Although he was raised by his grandfather, although he was a reincarnation seal, he did not know much about the **** family.

But now Jiang returned to say all this, although he really wants to think it is fake, but the keen instinct is to tell him that this is true!

My grandfather, Jiang Wanli, turned out to be the spirit of the Jiang people who have experienced many reincarnations!

Moreover, he also gave such a valuable reincarnation power to himself!

After Grandpa gave himself the power of reincarnation, his cultivation was still a Taoist situation. If Grandpa did not give the reincarnation seal to himself, he would solve the seals one by one, even if they could not solve all, Grandpa’s The strength is definitely amazing.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun suddenly moved in the heart, once again looked at the cold and looked back at Jiang: "Since this reincarnation seal is so precious, then why did you say that someone who left a seal on me might be jealous of me?"

Ginger smiled and said: "Adult, reincarnation seal is a double-edged sword!"

"Although it can bring great benefits to others, if you don't know how to unlock the reincarnation seal, then this seal is the real seal!"

"Reincarnation seal, that is the condensed cultivation of the ghosts of the Jiang people, and the strength of the power contained in it is enough to suppress everything in the world!"

In fact, this principle is very simple. With Jiang Yun’s mind, I can think of it all.

However, he is a fan of the authorities, so I heard Jiang Gui’s explanation at this moment, and I can’t help but hold it again!

Because my grandfather did not tell himself how to unlock the reincarnation seal!

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