The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1059: Tooth for a tooth

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The seven people, led by young people, fled desperately between the jungles.

No matter how many pieces they run, behind them, there will always be almost endless branches and chasing them.

As long as they are slightly slack and slow down a bit, then these seemingly soft branches will be like sharp sharp blades, piercing their bodies.

Moreover, the position of these branches piercing their bodies is also very accurate, just leaving a wound on them, but it does not hurt their lives.

"Dao friends, no, seniors, we are..."

The fastest young man who runs, from time to time, will open his mouth to say his own origin, but as soon as he opens his mouth, there will be a branch suddenly speeding up, appearing in front of him, interrupting his words, let him not Do not close your mouth.

As for the rear of these branches, it is like walking in a leisurely walk, Jiang Yun, who is constantly moving forward step by step!

It has been more than forty years since I set foot on the road of practice. Jiang Yun is no longer the mountain boy who has just left the mountain.

In just over forty years, the things he experienced, the secrets he knew, everything he saw, not to mention that his fellow monks could not compare with them, even those who lived for hundreds of thousands of years were hard to compare. .

Therefore, Jiang Yun has long learned to hide his feelings and hide his emotions.

In fact, he is rarely angry, but at this moment, he is really angry!

As an ancient disciple, from his own master, the best thing about Jiang Yunxue is to protect her.

But even his relatives and friends, even his men, will not let them suffer any grievances, let alone his friends.

Mu Shaofeng is his friend and a friend who is kind to him.

Although he did not know the specific reasons why Mu Shaofeng would appear in this ancient world, but the words that just took the wind before the coma, let him suddenly realize that Mu Shaofeng seems to be looking for himself. Come.

Jiang Yun has a lot of enemies and a lot of friends, but he is able to go to prison for his own friends, but in addition to the master, only Mu Shaofeng.

Just now, Mu Shaofeng was chased by the seven people like a dog.

Although life is worry-free, when Jiang Yun’s knowledge swept through the body of Mu Shaofeng, he saw his scars covered with his body, and even the spirit was not hurt.

The wound of the Tao is the most difficult to heal, and may even make the repair of Mu Shaofeng unable to save half a step.

Although these injuries may not have been done by these seven people, since they have been chasing and killing at this time, Jiang Yun naturally counts this account on them.

Now, he will take revenge for Mu Shaofeng, to repay his teeth, let these seven people, feel the pain of Mu Shaofeng, feel the feeling of being chased!

Although he also knows that these seven people should have some origins, otherwise, the young people will not always want to show their identity, but Jiang Yun does not care about these, even lazy to listen.

Even if they are the most powerful forces in this ancient world, as long as they provoke their friends, they will not let him go!

In just a quarter of an hour, the seven men were already covered with scars, but they all saw hope in their eyes, because in front of them was the end of the jungle.

They believe that as long as they escape the jungle, the branches that follow themselves and others, like the bones of the skeleton, should not continue to pursue.

Unfortunately, they think too simple!

When they escaped from the jungle, the branches did not, but a stone on the ground, a small grass on the side of the road, turned into a deadly weapon and continued to chase them.

Jiang Yun has five elements of the sky, but the power within the five elements can be controlled at will.

In this way, after nearly an hour has passed, these seven people have finally realized the pain of Mu Shaofeng. Under such a fierce rush, the aura in their body is extremely consumed.

Although each of them has medicinal herbs and Lingshi, Jiang Yun does not give them time to add.


Finally, there is a person who consumes the aura in his body, and his body shape is slow. In a moment, he is wrapped in a mass of sand. He can only make a scream and no sound.

Although the death of the companion caused another force in the other six, the death came to them one after another.

At the end of the day, only the young man is still alive, but he has also been scared and timid, the speed is getting slower and slower, the fear of death is over his body, so that his heart is extremely regretful, why should he chase? Killing the wind.

"As long as the seniors are willing to spare my life, I am willing to pay any price!"

After slamming out a distance of nearly a hundred feet, he made a loud noise in his mouth, and the whole person immediately fell to the ground.

Just as his voice fell, Jiang Yun’s figure also appeared in front of him, looking at him in a condescending manner: “Why don’t you run?”

The young man was pale and gasped with a big mouth: "I, I can't run, my predecessors, I am wrong, wrong, my Xuanxu is willing to pay any price!"

After that, the young man’s face showed the color of prayer and looked up at Jiang Yun.

He was observing Jiang Yun’s reaction to the three words of Xuan Zongzong, but at the same time, the Tao Ling in his body quietly produced several handprints.

Jiang Yun’s face did not have any expression at all. He nodded and said: “Well, I just changed my mind. Instead of killing you, it’s better to keep you in a cage for people to watch, let them see, Xuanxu What kind of virtue is the person of the sect!"

The young man suddenly glimpsed, because this is what he had said to Mu Shaofeng before, and he did not wait for him to return to his heart, and he heard a burst of wind screaming in his ear.


Above the earth underneath, suddenly raised a few stone thorns, completely surrounded themselves, like a stone cage!

"Predecessors, I really got it wrong!"

The young man did not think that Jiang Yun actually said that he had done it. He hurriedly grasped the stone thorn in front of his hand, and at the same time he made a request for mercy, his hands were secretly forced to crush the stone thorn.

However, this stone thorn is like the King Kong build, let him give up the strength of breastfeeding, and can't shake it!

The next moment, the young man suddenly seemed to think of something, loosened the stone thorn, and then said: "Predecessors, you just said, as long as I am willing to squat to the stalker, ask him to let me go. Then please invite him out now, I will ask him!"

While talking, the young man is really soft on his knees, kneeling on the ground, looking at his appearance, clearly is prepared to exchange his life in this way.

However, Jiang Yun was calmly watching him: "You can bend and stretch, and you may become a big weapon in the future."

"However, the precondition is that you will be able to help you save your life from my hands!"

When I heard Jiang Yun’s words, the face of the young man suddenly changed. The handprint that he had just made with the Tao was a special way of asking for help in his own sect.

And now I am doing this, just to drag the time with Jiang Yun, but I did not expect it all, Jiang Yun is well aware!

Since it was discovered by Jiang Yun, the young people simply did not pretend. They stood up from the ground and stood up: "Predecessors, I don't know what relationship you have with Mu Shaofeng, but Mu Shaofeng is the way to seek the Tao. In the ancient times of the Tao, it is not only my enemies.

"If you really want to protect him, then you have to think about it. Even if you kill me, you will never have less trouble in the future!"

"If you let me go, then my Xuanxu is willing to protect you!"

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