The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1064: City of the cave

The sound of the bell, naturally passed to the ears of Jiang Yun, so that his mind actually appeared in an instant.

As for Wei Hong, who was still talking about it, the whole person was caught in a state of stunned.

"This bell is..."

Jiang Yun's brows were slightly wrinkled. At first, he was a bit skeptical that this would be an assessment for himself. However, when his knowledge was covered near the small building, he found that all the disciples of Xuanxu were the same as Wei Hong. After the status, let him know that this is not for himself.

"It seems that this bell should be some kind of magic weapon from Xuanxu, but I don't know what it is."

Jiang Yun calmed his mind, kept his mind open, and listened carefully to the sound of the bell.

The bell rang lasted for a quarter of an hour and then gradually became smaller. It was in this, Jiang Yun’s heart suddenly jumped.

Because he suddenly felt the sound of the bell in his own familiarity.

But when he wanted to look for this scent, the bells had disappeared.

Naturally, this silky breath is also without a trace, as it has never been.

"Strange, in this ancient world, I first met Mu Shaofeng. Now in this mysterious sect, the inexplicable sound of the bell has made me have a familiar atmosphere..."

"Is it impossible, I still have acquaintances in this ancient world?"

At this moment, Wei Hong finally woke up, and the shock on his face became envious and revered. He turned to look at a certain direction: "Xuanling pagoda actually sounded out, it seems that it should be The cultivation of the young master has made a breakthrough!"

Jiang Yun looked at him quietly: "Xuanling Pagoda is a treasure of the nobles?"

"Yes!" Wei Hong took back his eyes and looked at Jiang Yundao: "Xuanling Pagoda is the treasure of my town. There are seven layers. It is said that it contains endless opportunities. If you can enter the pagoda, it is a great creation. ”

"Unfortunately, I didn't have this blessing." Wei Hong shook his head and said: "However, Elder Ginger, as a guest elder, can make a difference if it can make a great contribution to my ancestor."

In this regard, Jiang Yun just nodded and did not speak.

Today, for Jiang Yun, any magic weapon in the world is not comparable to the nine sacred objects, so it is not moving at all.

Wei Hong stood up and said: "Ginger Elder, then let's say it, you have a good rest. After three days, I will come and take you to Dongming City!"

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Jiang Yun nodded and said: "There is work!"

After watching Wei Hong leave, Jiang Yun fell into meditation!

Through Wei Hong's narrative, Jiang Yun has a certain understanding of this mysterious sect and the ancient world.

The ancient times of Dao, the area is huge, and the fish and dragons are mixed, so there are many families of various sizes.

According to their respective strengths and weaknesses, there are six first-class forces and dozens of second-rate forces, and Xuanxu is one of them.

Others are naturally the forces that are third-rate or not at all.

However, above the first class, there are still two of the most powerful forces, namely the drug gods and ancient Tianzong!

These two forces are just like two giants, located at the top of the ancient times of the Taoist world.

It can be said that they control the operation of the entire ancient world, and other forces, whether first-class or second-rate, are attached to these two forces.

Even, it is said that a group of strong people who pioneered the deeds of the ancient world came from these two forces.

Of course, this is just a rumor and a guess by everyone.

Not to mention Wei Hong, even the ancestors of the Xuan Xuzong do not know what identity the strong group is.

In addition, because of the large number of forces in the ancient times, regardless of the size of the forces, if you want to survive and grow, you will inevitably need a lot of spiritual resources, and naturally there will be a city.

However, in order to ensure that their status is not threatened, the drug gods and ancient Tianzong must be controlled by two of them.

Dongming City is the nearest city to the Emperor Xuanxu.

The reason why Jiang Yun is going to Dongming City is to find a medicine that can cure the soul.

According to Wei Hong, such a medicinal herb, although there is no sacred sect, but there must be some in the ancient world, and the price is not cheap, so this is only about with Jiang Yun, after three days, take Jiang Yun to go to Dongming City, see Look at the shops there for sale.

For Wei Hong, Jiang Yun is also generally known.

This person is not in a low status in Xuanxu, mainly because his master is a powerful elder in the Zong, so he has no small authority, and he can basically do it.

Only this person is very ambitious and not satisfied with his current status, so this will win over Jiang Yun.

Although Jiang Yun has now become the elder of the Xuanxu, but has not relaxed his vigilance.

Because Wei Hong killed the teacher, even if he could cover up his fellow door, but his elders who had a hatred for the Taoist sect would not be so easy to give up.

However, Jiang Yun did not put too much in his heart, the soldiers will block, the water will cover the earth.

In the three days, Jiang Yun not only paid attention to the injuries of the masters and Mu Shaofeng, but all his thoughts focused on the cultivation of the soul.

After all, if you can cultivate the soul of the soul, then you don't need to look for the drug.


Three days later, when Jiang Yun stepped out of the small building, the unexpected discovery turned out to be snowing!

Standing in the courtyard, watching the white snow falling in the sky, Jiang Yun’s mind can not help but emerge a beautiful shadow!

Since Xueqing and the entire Xuezu have left the mountains and seas, it has been more than forty years now, and Jiang Yun still does not know where they are.

Originally, he had the opportunity to go to the Golden Road of the road to find the Xuezu ancestor Xue Yucheng, and thus know the whereabouts of the Xue people. After all, the Xuezu’s departure method was arranged by the snow scorpion, perhaps he could know Where was the Snowman sent?

However, I did not expect that under the wrong time, I actually came to this ancient world. I don’t know when I can see the snow, I can see Xueqing.

"Ginger elders, we can leave!"

Wei Hong appeared in the side of Jiang Yun, with a smile on his face.

Jiang Yun took his eyes back from the falling snow and gently nodded: "Well, start!"

Because Dongming City is hundreds of thousands of miles away from Xuanxu, you want to go to Dongming City and you need to pass through the array.

The mysterious sect is not only a second-rate force, but I don’t know why, but I have won the favor of the drug gods, so within their ancestral gates, there is a transmission array leading to the city of Dongming.

This saves a lot of time.

Behind Wei Hong, Jiang Yun shuttled through the Xuanxu sect. On the way, he met many disciples of Xuanxu.

Although they did not know Jiang Yun, but Wei Hong, who was respectful and respectful, naturally knew the identity of Jiang Yun.

Just a quarter of an hour later, Jiang Yun and Wei Hong were already in the city of Dongming!

Until then, Jiang Yun knew that the original Mingcheng was actually in another space!

Standing in the city, watching this extremely bustling city, and the crowds on the street, Jiang Yun can not help but feel a little confused.

Wei Hong whispered: "Ginger elders, are we going to go shopping, or go to the medicine shop of Yaosong?"

"Go to the pharmacy first!"

"Good! The pharmacy is not far from here."

Under the leadership of Wei Hong, the two merged into the flow of people and went to the medicine shop of Yao Shenzong. Jiang Yun randomly looked at the surrounding scenery and the shop.

However, just after passing through a shop, Jiang Yun’s footsteps suddenly stopped, his brows were crumpled, and he stared at the store and stood up with two statues.

Because the statues of these two statues look like awesome... Flameless lamps!

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