The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1075: a bit brain

This large-scale auction venue has become a battlefield.

Looking at the strong people who were scattered around the venue and obviously surrounded by the volley, everyone was rushing out of the chair and screaming in the heart, rushing out of the auction venue. go with.

They come here to buy things, but they don't want to be affected by the upcoming war.

However, there are some daring people who have not left, but are far away, waiting to see the excitement.

At this moment, the most tangled, most painful person is Wei Hong!

Although he has already guessed the dispute between Jiang Yun and Ye Feifan, he did not know what to do.

One is that he believes that he can change his own destiny, so the elders of the guest, who are specially invited, are the young masters of the giants of the ancient world.

These two people, no one can dare to offend.

Even if you want to leave like everyone else, you can't do it, you can only stay here.

Moreover, even if he left, Yao Shenzong can still find himself. After all, with the strength of the drug god, I am afraid I have already inquired about the relationship between myself and Jiang Yun.

Looking at Jiang Yun, who has been firmly surrounded, Ren Dinghan shook his head and shook his head: "Hey, the medicine of Shenzong is really not small, such a small auction will have a Taoist platform, two Taoist and four Gods. ""

"This time, this Jiang Yun does not say that he has to deal with Ye Feifan, I am afraid that it is difficult to protect itself!"

"I said that as a monk, everything should be started first."

"This time you are wrong again!" Hua Hong Niang is proud of a smile, apparently does not agree with Ren Dinghan.

Ren Dinghan looked at her a little strangely: "Why, do you think that Jiang Yun can have self-protection under such circumstances?"

The flower red lady nodded and said: "Yes, this Jiang Yun act may be a little impulsive, but it is not a rash person."

"You, you are too willing to use your brain, so some things will not pay attention, you take a closer look at the auction site!"

Ren Dinghan did not understand the words of the flower-mother, but he still let go of his own knowledge and completely covered the entire auction site.

‘Genuine #q starting】p

Under the cover of his knowledge, he finally saw the auction site around, I do not know when, there was a black bug.

These little bugs are inconspicuous, and there is no slight fluctuation in the body, and the location is extremely scattered and hidden. Even if they are seen, no one will pay attention.

After carefully discerning these little bugs for a while, Ren Dinghan said: "These bugs are all released by Jiang Yun? Just what is the use?"

"I don't know!" Hua Hong Niang shook her head. "But these worms are quietly released when Jiang Yun throws out the nine-pronged stone."

"At that time everyone's attention was focused on the nine-pronged stone, so no one noticed the insects. I am a flower demon, and I am sensitive to insects, so I only found it!"

Ren Ding Han brows slightly wrinkled, if Jiang Yun throws these bugs at that time, it shows that Jiang Yun has obviously expected what will happen later.

That is to say, at that time, Jiang Yun was ready to fight.

Looking at his face, he recovered his calmness. Jiang Yun, who has already succumbed to the fierce light in his eyes, said that Ding Han said to himself: "Maybe, I am really stunned by him, this Jiang Yun, a little brain!"

This is indeed the case!

Although the current situation is indeed extremely unfavorable to Jiang Yun, he has encountered more dangerous situations than now, so he has no fear at all.

Moreover, although Jiang Yun does have an impulsive and adventurous side in his character, he is not really brave.

On the contrary, his mind is extremely meticulous, even, like a fox.

When he was in the spirit of the time, he dared to count the situation, so when he had decided to shoot Ye Feifan, he already had a calculation in his heart.

Those worms are naturally empty worms.

In the first place, in order to cope with the alluvial of the sky, Jiang Yun relied on these empty insects and many means, and it was hard to count a lot of masters in a deserted world.

Now, he will reinvent his skills!

At this moment, a late monk in the blessings took the lead, and his figure was like a lightning bolt. He was directly directed at Jiang Yunfei, and the strong breath that came out of it made the illusion of the surrounding area twisted.

As for the others, it is standing still and there is no movement, just a cold look.

Because of the strength of Jiang Yun, they can't see through it, so let this God bless to test it first. If you can catch Jiang Yun, it is naturally the best.

If you can't catch Jiang Yun, you will at least let Jiang Yun expose his true strength. It is not too late to wait for someone else to shoot again.

In the face of this moment, the Tianyou monk who had already come to him, Jiang Yun did not even look at him with his eyes, just raised his fist and punched the past.


The goddess monk even had no time to scream, and the whole body was directly under the fist of Jiang Yun, and it exploded and turned into a flesh and blood.

"Physical repair!"

Seeing Jiang Yun’s shot, the other monks around did not care about the death of his companions, but in his heart, Jiang Yun’s strength immediately had a rough judgment.

Then, a powerful person suddenly raised his hand and saw a huge fire dragon flying out of his palm and roaring toward Jiang Yun.

The best way to deal with physical training is to avoid being close to each other and attacking with the technique.

Looking at this oncoming fire dragon, Jiang Yun not only did not dodge, but instead of the fire dragon, step by step toward the sexual monk.

Jiang Yun’s body was naturally completely swallowed up by the fire dragon, and the strong man was able to face it. He reached out and the fire dragon flew back to him.

However, a loud bang of "Peng" suddenly came.

The huge body of the fire dragon exploded, revealing that it was unscathed, and Jiang Yun, who was already close to the sexual monk, was still punching out.

Apparently, everyone did not expect that Jiang Yun’s body would be strong and strong, and the powerful one could not hurt his physical identity.

The strong man saw Jiang Yun’s fist that was about to fall on his own body. He also had fear in his eyes. He opened his mouth if he didn’t want to, and it was a flame.

However, at this moment, the fist that was about to fall in front of him suddenly disappeared, and even Jiang Yun lost his trace.

Still, when everyone understands what is going on, it is a scream!

According to the sound, a strong figure in another direction is falling directly from the sky to the ground, and Jiang Yun appears above his original position.

Jiang Yun is coming to the extreme speed, so that others can't help but narrow his eyes and reveal an incredible color.

“Is this a shrinking inch?”

"Not like it!"

Looking at the moment, there have been two people who died and injured. Ye Feifan could not help but lose patience. He looked at the strong leader of the Taoist station: "Oh, let him take it down!"


The Taoist strongman nodded and grabbed his hand and grabbed it toward Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun’s eyes flashed in the cold. To be honest, his most taboo is the Taoist strong.

The only way to deal with each other is to lock the soul!

Just when Jiang Yun was ready to take out the soul-locking incense, Ren Dinghan, who was in the room, was staring at Jiang Yundao: "Have you seen it clearly? Jiang Yun’s display is not shrinking into the inch!"

The flower red lady forced her head and said: "No, he passed the short distance of the body of the insects."

"That's right, these bugs should be empty-worms!"

Hua Hong Niang face smiled and said: "So, we can't just watch the fun, is it a surprise to give Shenzong!"

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