The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1080: Covenant of the year

"Don't die... no end!"

Jiang Yun’s mouth repeated these four words, looking at the figure in the mysterious bell tower in front of him, slowly coming out of a figure!

This is a young man who seems to be only eighteen or nine years old. A pair of Danfeng eyes flying obliquely into the shackles, like a sign, gives his face a hint of feminine color.

"Wind, no, bogey!"

Looking at the young man in front of him, Jiang Yun’s mouth vomited three words again.

The wind is unscrupulous, among the 100,000 mountains in the mountains and seas, the genius boy of Fengcun!

At that time, Fengcun took people into Jiangcun and asked Jiangcun to hand over Jiang Yun.

Among them, this is the most arrogant of this wind, because at that time, he has been reincarnation for the inner disciples.

In the face of aggressiveness, the incomparable wind is unscrupulous, Jiang Yun took a black arrow and shot it in front of the wind, and challenged him with the rules of Lushan.

In that battle, the wind was unreasonable, but the final result was a fiasco in the hands of Jiang Yun.

This made the wind unwilling to accept this fact anyway, so when he left, he broke the black arrow with his own hands.

According to the rules of Lushan, this represents the relationship between him and Jiang Yun, which is not endless!

However, they agreed to fight again five years later.

However, the world is impermanent, Jiang Yun soon away from Lushan, and asked to ask the Tao.

☆) Look at the Y\"正\" version: Chapter ☆Q$r1P¤805m☆9.D55

Although when asked Dao Zong, Jiang Yun once secretly saw that he had already entered the reincarnation of the wind.

But since then, various factors have been added together, causing Jiang Yun and the wind to never see each other again.

Especially the sudden arrival of the mountain and sea catastrophe, let Jiang Yun know that the wind has been removed from the mountains and seas.

However, I did not expect that today, today, in this mysterious sect of the ancient world, I will see the wind again.

A farewell, it has been more than forty years!

"Jiang Yun!"

The eyes of the windless eyes stared at Jiang Yun deeply, and also shouted the name of Jiang Yun from the mouth.

Two people shouted each other's names, but no one continued to speak, so they looked at each other.

Looking at the wind in front of him, Jiang Yun’s thoughts were tunnels that passed through time in an instant, and returned to the day when he was in the village of Jiangcun, more than 40 years ago.

This also made him feel a little emotional. This day, it is not too small to say that it is big, but it is not big.

Who could have imagined that the two mountain youths in the Lushan Mountain had met again after more than forty years of turning around under the huge wheel of time.

And now they are no longer the same as they were.

In fact, for the hatred between the year and the wind, after so many things have been experienced, Jiang Yun has long had no hate.

Even if the wind is unwilling, Jiang Yun can completely put down this hatred and sit down with him. Like two old friends, he will talk about the wine and talk about the forty years.

After all, they are from the same place----mountain and sea!

To some extent, they can even be considered a family.

However, the wind is not ready to put down this hate!

After a long time, the wind has no choice but to open the door: "A long time, I can see you here, I am very happy!"

Jiang Yun calmly said: "I am also very happy!"

The wind has no way to follow: "Although the battle between us has been nearly forty years late, today, we can finally have a knot!"

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "Yes!"

"As long as you win me, I will tell you about the Xue people, and it will let you leave the Xuanxu!"

"But if you lose, I will, kill you!"

Jiang Yun nodded again: "Good!"

The windless eyes looked at the brave people and the many disciples who came from outside the valley. "This war, I don't allow anyone to intervene, who dares to intervene, who I kill!"

After that, the wind never looked back at Jiang Yundao: "That, fight!"


As the voices of the two men fell, the two bodies disappeared from the same place and rushed to each other.


A loud bang came, Jiang Yun's figure appeared in the sky above the valley, and the windless figure was returned to the side of the Xuanling pagoda.

Obviously, the first time the two played against each other, Jiang Yun, took the upper hand.

The spectators, even if they were a bit stunned with the brawny, did not know the grudges between Jiang Yun and the wind, and did not expect the two to be so simple.

However, after seeing that the wind was in the doldrums, their hearts could not help but sink down.

As the people of Xuanxu, they naturally hope that their young masters can win.

The face of the wind is also showing a strange color, looking at Jiang Yun, the eyes shine brightly.

No one knows that since leaving Lushan, whether in the reincarnation or in this mysterious sect, the wind has been fighting for life.

Because he always remembers the shame of losing to Jiang Yun's hand that year, remembering his endless vows, and when he sees Jiang Yunzhi again, he wants to bring all the shame to him.

Previously, when he suddenly noticed the breath of Jiang Yun, his heart was really full of excitement.

But now, with this first fight, he finally calmed down.

Although I have gained the chance of a big day, it is obvious that this Jiang Yun is not a small creation.

The wind slowly raised the hand: "In that year, you have won me by virtue of the physical strength! If you are still only a physical repair, then I will be very disappointed!"

Jiang Yun calmly said: "I hope I won't let you down!"

"That's good!"

The voice fell, the wind and the hair and the clothes suddenly and without the wind, and the crazy dance.

In this flying dance, there was a fine line of texture around his body.

Look carefully, it is a crack!

The roads that continue to appear, but continue to heal without breaking open.

Around the body of the wind, even in his body, there is an invisible wind.

These winds can't be seen or touched, but their existence is to make space unbearable.

The wind is innocent, it is a demon!

Wind demon!

In the case of the body is not as good as Jiang Yun, the wind has never shown his power as a wind demon!

"The wind is coming!"

With the two words spit out in the wind, the invisible wind inside and outside his body suddenly turned into a tangible wind, and swept away in all directions.

In an instant, this originally calm valley has become a world of wind!

Under the whistling winds, even the surrounding mountains and the sky were faintly distorted. It seemed that everything could not withstand the power of these winds and began to shake violently.

Only Jiang Yun and the wind are unscrupulous, and the Xuanling Pagoda is like a mountain. In this world of wind, it does not move.

The wind is unscrupulous, not only powerful, but also much stronger than before.

With Jiang Yun's eyesight and knowledge, it is easy to distinguish the wind and the jealousy. Nowadays, the cultivation of the realm has reached the peak of the heavenly blessing, and even one step, you can enter the Tao.

To tell the truth, this kind of cultivation is already very valuable for the age of the wind, and even above the qualifications, the wind has no more than Jiang Yun.

After all, the difference between Jiang Yun and Feng Wuji is not big, and Jiang Yun’s current realm is only the real peak of the protection of the realm, which is a big difference.

However, the realm is the realm, but it does not represent strength.

Therefore, under the sky and the wind blowing, Jiang Yun slowly raised his feet and took a step toward the wind.

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