The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1092: See also medicine

At this moment, within the main sect of the whole medicine Shenzong, it fell into a strange silence.

Above the sky, Jiang Yun and Ye Feifan are only three feet away, standing opposite each other. Behind Jiang Yun, a strong leader of Daojing is standing still.

On the left side of Jiang Yun, Su Yang and the criminal demon are equally staring at Ye Feifan with a blank expression. As for the two strong men who just fought with them, they have already died in their hands.

Strictly speaking, it is the death of the hand of the demon.

Because the demon is a soul family and has the ability to manipulate the souls of others, he is almost invincible in the face of the same-order monks.

After solving his opponent in an instant, he went to help Suyang kill another powerful person. Now both are waiting for Jiang Yun’s order.


Not far away, a thousand-foot-long Huang Quan swayed into the sky, although there were several figures in it, but all were unconscious.

Jiang Yun’s words, Ye Feifan, as if he had never heard it, his eyes slowly passed from the crowd until he returned to Jiang Yun’s body.

Although he is trying to maintain his inner peace, under the gaze of Jiang Yun, his eyes have some dodge.

From Jiang Yun to the drug gods, the main sect, until now, but it took less than a quarter of an hour.

In such a short period of time, Jiang Yun has let the entire drug Shenzong pay more than 10,000 drug slaves and disciples, as well as the cost of two powerful people.

So that Ye Feifan had witnessed the whole process of fighting, but still had a feeling of being in a dream, too unreal.


Just then, a scream full of anger suddenly rang, breaking the silence in the medicine god.

The sound of screaming came from the strong leader.

At this moment, although he has regained his ability to act, his face is strangely appearing like a black snake that keeps moving like a snake.

Even in his eyes, there are two white flowers in full bloom!

The other side of the soul poison!

Jiang Yun had just dealt with the means of the Taoist powerhouse, just as he was exactly the same when he dealt with Yue Qing. On the tip of the sword of the Tibetan Taoist sword, he smeared a lot of soul poison on the other side.

However, although the other side of the soul poison has no solution in the birthplace, but it is still not enough to kill the Taoist strong, at most it can only make the other party fear, and it takes time to suppress the poison in the body.

Sure enough, after the roaring of the Taiwanese strong, there was no time to say anything, and the body shape disappeared from the place, looking for a place to suppress the poison on the other side.

With the departure of the strongman, Ye Feifan finally slowly said: "Jiang Yun, your strength is beyond my expectation."

"To tell the truth, since I was born, I have never seen anyone able to kill in my medicine god. You are the first person I have seen."

"However, if you think that you can kill me, you can let my medicine gods flow into the river, then I can only say that you are still too naive!"

"Well, this game is a bit boring, it's time to end!"

Ye Feifan’s voice fell, and in the void next to him, he once again stepped out of a thin middle-aged man.

Although this man is not amazing, but with his appearance, his body has appeared a vague black hole, look carefully, it is the space is constantly broken and healing.

Obviously, this person is the strongest person who always secretly protects the extraordinary humanity of Ye Feifan!

Looking at the other side's face without the slightest expression, and the completely empty eyes, Jiang Yun's pupil can not help but shrink slightly, and the mouth gently spit out two words: "medicine!"

When Jiang Yun was a buddy in Xia Zhongxing's pharmacy, he had encountered a drug remedy.

Even Jiang Yun’s unsuccessful technique is the result of seeing the drug’s desire for death.

The so-called drug sputum is to stimulate the human body with various medicinal drugs, so that the potential of the human body is completely erupted, and the strength is greatly improved.

However, since it is awkward, it is actually half a dead person.

Although there may still be a remnant of the mind, but it is impossible to get rid of the fate of being a shackle, it can only be used as a shackle and let others control it.

Jiang Yun was originally a bit strange, even though Ye Feifan was a drug lord and a lord, and he was an honorable, but humane, isomorphic, that is already a super strong person standing at the peak of practice.

As such a strong person, how could you be willing to do Ye Fangfan's personal bodyguard.

Until now, Jiang Yun finally understood that the other party was a drug.

Moreover, he was not a humane isomorphic environment, but he was forced to reach this realm under the stimulation of the drug.

It is naturally most appropriate to use medicine to protect the safety of the leaves.

However, although the other party is a drug, it is also a real humanitarian isomorphism.

Jiang Yun is very clear that his own skills, as well as all the cards, can not be the opponent of the opponent.

After the drug cockroaches appeared, there was no stop at all, and they went straight to Jiang Yun.

In the eyes of Jiang Yun, the cold flashed, and the hands quickly made countless seals, and the nine sacrifices were performed!

For the Nine Sacrifice, Jiang Yun does not know whether there is any effect. After all, the sky here is the sky of the independent space where the medicine **** is located.

However, what surprised him was that with the printing of his handprints, the sky was surging, and a lot of power fell from the sky, and it poured into his body.

Feeling the power of this body, the light in Jiang Yun’s eyes suddenly skyrocketed!

Because this power is actually the power of the sun, and it comes from the nine places!

In the ancient times of the Taoist emperor, the performance of the Nine Sacrifice Heavenly Art, which can lead to the power of the heavens that ruined the nine places, is really beyond the accident of Jiang Yun.

Even, Jiang Yun has come up with an incredible idea--if he often uses the Nine Sacrifice Heavenly Skills, often leading to the power of the yang in the nine places, can he let himself enter the heavens early?

At this moment, it is not only Jiang Yun who is shocked and surprised!

Within the nine places of silence, the ruins of the spirit and Lu Lun were stunned and watched as a unit of the almost masculine force that condensed into the essence, flooded into the Great Five Peaks, and disappeared without a trace.

Lu Lun muttered: "The power of these yang, it is not going to find Jiang Yun?"

The wild map closed his eyes and felt the inside of the Great Five Peaks. He smiled and said: "It should be Jiang Yun who exhibited the Nine Sacrifice!"

"When Jiang Yun left, I connected his wild lines and the five peaks of the Great Wilderness, as if I had opened a passage, but I did not expect that he would display the power of the sun. ”

Speaking of this, the wild map suddenly opened his eyes and said: "The performance of the Nine Sacrifice is a danger. Since he can induce the power of the sun here, maybe I can help him!"

"How do you help?" Lu Lun said with a puzzled face: "If you can't do it, can you turn into the power of the sun?"

The wild map stunned him and said: "Of course I can't, but maybe I can let him borrow the power of the Great Five!"

After that, the wild map no longer pays attention to Lu Lun, and his body shape is directly immersed in the five peaks of the Great Wilderness.

In addition to Jiang Yun and Lu Lun’s map, within the ten spaces where the medicine **** is located, there is also a person’s face with a shocking color.

And beside him, standing two other people, a man and a woman, all curiously looked at the shock on the face of this person, especially the red woman was more courageous and asked: "Ban ancestors, how do you Already?"

Naturally, this male and female is the Ren Dinghan and Hua Hong Niang of Jiuyi Zong, and what they call the ancestors is a middle-aged man who looks vicissitudes.

The man's appearance is not good, but the most striking thing is that he actually wore a colorful robes!

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