The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1094: It’s going to be a day

In fact, Jiang Yun, while knowing that he can't fight the drug Shenzong, still dares to come alone, although it is indeed holding a mortal heart, but in fact, he still has the greatest dependence!

It is another soul in his body!

Originally, Jiang Yun thought that the soul could not move freely, but in the illusion, the soul was showing the technique of reversing the time!

This makes Jiang Yun realize that the other party can not only act freely, but obviously does not want to let himself die!

Especially in the wind chimney tower of the wind family, his own tricks have also caused a time reversal. Although Jiang Yun hopes that it is done by himself, he has to doubt that it should still be that. The soul is doing what is in the dark.

And this makes Jiang Yun enough to determine that whenever he is in danger, the soul will protect himself!

It is equivalent to saying that you also have a free and powerful bodyguard.

Therefore, Jiang Yun dare to go to the medicine Shenzong to challenge, and that soul is also his real killer.

What's more, living in the body is a soul that is free to move, even casually, far stronger than yourself. It is definitely not a good thing for anyone.

Therefore, Jiang Yun also hopes that by letting him shoot many times, he will consume some of his strength, so that he can be relatively safe.

Now, seeing that he is going to be inhaled into the vortex released by the medicine, Jiang Yun wants to come, the soul should be shot.

But he never imagined that the soul did not shoot, but he saw the Great Five Peaks!

Although the five peaks of the Great Wilderness are only illusory, the absurd breath that comes out of it is equally unspeakable.

Although Jiang Yun couldn't think of it for a while, why would there be an illusory five peaks in the space where the medicine gods were located, but he could let this great opportunity pass.


Jiang Yun’s eyebrows suddenly emerged from the ruins, and under the rapid division, he turned into six, and flew out from his eyebrows and rushed directly into the sky.

As the six wild lines have fallen into the five peaks of the Great Wilderness, it is like connecting the body of Jiang Yun with the five peaks of the Great Wilderness.

In particular, the horrible power contained in the five peaks of the Great Wilderness directly pulled Jiang Yun's body out of the huge suction and rushed to the Great Five Peaks.

At this moment, Ye Feifan, looking up at Jiang Yun's body shape and the five peaks of the wild, can not help but bite the teeth!

Originally, he thought that Jiang Yun had no cards at all, but he did not expect that at the last minute, he even made such an inexplicable illusory mountain.

Moreover, this mountain is obviously not a thing, and the power released within it can counter the power of medicine.

"This Jiang Yun, what is the origin, how many secrets he still has hidden in his body!"

Ye Feifan naturally does not know the five peaks of the Great Wilderness, and it is even more impossible to know the true origin of Jiang Yun.

However, the ancestors who were already in the sky above this space, surrounded by colorful clouds, stared at Jiang Yun with both eyes, and muttered again in the mouth: "Strange, this child I don't know, but why is there a familiar feeling in him?"


The words of the ancestors were not finished and they were stopped, which made Ren Dinghan and Hua Hong Niang beside him very depressed.

They can naturally see that the ancestors know that there are many secrets, but each time they say that they only say half of them, they don’t say it, and they make their own itch.

The flower red girl blinked her eyes and boldly said: "Ban ancestors, and what?"

The ancestors turned their heads and looked at her coldly and said: "Don't ask more if you shouldn't ask, some things, you still don't know!"

In a word, the flower red lady closed her mouth, and the ancestors took back their eyes. The heart said: "And, how can I feel that he seems to be my master!"

If Huan Niang can hear the words of the ancestors, she will naturally understand why the ancestors did not let her continue to ask.

The ancestors, as the demon, one of the most powerful existences of Jiuyizong, nowadays it will feel that a small guy who has never met before is his own master. If it is said, it is really harmful to the face of the ancestors.

Shaking his head, the eyes of the ancestors turned to look at the Great Five Peaks in the air: "The Great Five Peaks, I have not seen it for a long time."

"Although I don't know what the origin of this son is, but he has both magic and ridiculousness, it is enough to prove that he has a close relationship with us."

Hua Hong Niang and Ren Dinghan looked at each other and they couldn’t help but feel relieved.

Although they believe that Jiang Yun and himself are friends and non-enemy, they cannot be 100% sure.

Nowadays, with the words of the ancestors, it is obvious that the ancestors have already recognized the identity of Jiang Yun.

"Ban ancestors, then you still don't shoot?" Hua Hong Niang once again said: "Jiang Yun is definitely not the opponent of the drug!"

The face of the ancestors showed a scornful smile: "The drug in the district is not worthy of my shot. Don't worry, with this great five peaks, Jiang Yun should not be in danger for the time being."

Although Hua Hong Niang did not know why the ancestors had such great confidence in this illusory mountain, but since the ancestors said, they naturally would not doubt.

The ancestors suddenly said: "Since I can recognize the Great Five Peaks, the old gods of the medicine gods will certainly recognize them."

Speaking of this, there is a finger-sized multicolored flying insect in the hands of the ancestors. Looking at this flying insect, the ancestors once again said: "The brothers, the ancient world, it is going to change!"

When the voice fell, the ancestors suddenly closed the palm of their hand, and when they spread again, the colorful flying insects had disappeared.

And looking at this scene, Ren Ding Han Haohua Hong Niang, but they are all dumbfounded, the whole person is like a sculpture.

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Because the brothers in the mouth of the ancestors can only be the other ancestors of the Jiuyi sect, and the so-called Taoist world should change the sky, it is difficult, is it to deal with the drug gods?

For a Jiang Yun, Jiuyi Zong, who has always asked other things, wants to make this ancient world change.

Just as the three of them spoke, Jiang Yun was already standing at the peak of the illusory Great Five Peaks, and his figure became distorted.

The drug sputum was also under the urging of Ye Feifan. Instead of paying attention to the sword arrays around him, he took a direct step and walked toward the Great Wild Five Peaks and Jiang Yun.

"Old friend, this time you have to trouble you!"

At the same time, Jiang Yun was also smiling, leaning down and reaching for the light of the Great Five Peaks.

Just under this shot of Jiang Yun, this originally standing five peaks of the Great Wilderness suddenly turned over, like a big hand, and fell to the pill.


Although the Great Five Peaks are only illusory, but on the body of the medicine, it is a very strong roar, and the whole space is trembled.

At the moment when the Great Five Peaks fell, there was a vague wave of air that swept away in all directions.

Wherever the gas waves pass, everything, whether it is mountains or lakes, and all kinds of buildings, all decay and decay at an extremely fast rate, until they are turned into powder and dissipated.

In a twinkling of an eye, this space, which was originally like a fairyland, appeared to be a ridiculously large blockbuster!

And, this ridiculousness continues to spread at a faster rate.

If you don’t stop it, then I’m afraid it won’t take long. The main sect of the whole drug **** sect will be turned into nothing under this absurd power.


Ye Feifan’s eyes were round and standing there, unable to believe what he saw.

Fortunately at this time, a more powerful force suddenly came from the depths of the drug gods!

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