The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1099: The mountain gate was destroyed

After that, the old man would no longer care about the savage, and also turned his attention to the light curtain in the sky.

However, the innumerable intertwined beams of light were swaying at this time, and the scent of the scent that came out of it was even larger.

The flames rising from the sea of ​​the sea of ​​melt under the earth also began to climb upwards at the same time.

As for the disciples of the 10,000 medicine gods around them, they also changed their position quietly.

In particular, the medicines of the two humanitarian isomorphisms are even more distant and right.

Apparently, the old man said that he was not worried, but in fact he had to guard against the rudeness of what he had, so he prepared all the preparations he had made in his own.

As long as they are arrogant, any one of them will dare to change, then all the preparations will be launched immediately.

As for the changes in the surrounding, everyone knows, but no one cares, and everyone's eyes are all directed to the light curtain.

Only Jiang Yun’s gaze was looking at the savage, and there was a hint of doubt in the depths of his eyes.

Is it timid to be afraid of death, Jiang Yun does not know, but the calmness that is manifested at this moment is completely inconceivable with fear of death.

To Jiang Yun’s feeling, he did not seem to worry about the annihilation of the mountain gate of Jiuyi Zong, not worrying that his eight brothers were killed.

"It’s hard to be done, what is the final preparation?"

"However, in the face of the aggressive attack of the drug gods, the four hundred and fifty thousand disciples, plus the ten powerful humanities in the same environment, are almost equal to the strength of the nine ethnic groups!"

"Even if they have a backhand, they can't compete with such a powerful drug god!"

With this doubt, Jiang Yun also looked at the light curtain while still observing the law of breaking.

Among the light curtains, the ten powerful humanities in the context of humanity suddenly raised their hands and shot them together.

Ten powerful forces are condensed into essence in the air, just like the ten dragons, rushing from above in all directions to the unremarkable mountains.


Among the loud noises of the earthquake, the boundless air suddenly rises to the sky.

Under such a wave of air, a huge and incomparable space slowly emerged from nothingness.

Obviously, this is the space that belongs to the Jiuyi Zongshan Gate.

These ten strong men, with their own strength, hardened the space of the entire Jiuyi sect from nothingness.

This space is also transparent, so it can be clearly seen, and there is also a beautiful environment in the world. Numerous pavilions are built between mountains and rivers.

There are also hundreds of monks scattered around, with a face full of horror, through the barrier of space, watching the army of the drug gods that have surrounded the entire space.

At the same time, the only monk in the humanitarian and sectarian army of the Shenzong army suddenly raised his hand and smashed into the space.

"Stinging" a loud noise, this space is like a paper, it was directly torn open a huge crack of hundreds of feet.

Then, the strong man screamed: "Destroy the Jiuyi Zong!"


With his orders, the medicine gods who had already been ready to go in all directions, suddenly swarmed toward the huge space.

And the ten strong people in the same environment of humanity are condescending and scattered above the space.

Obviously they are trying to prevent Jiuyi Zong from having a disciple to escape, and at the same time waiting for the other eight ancestors of Jiuyi.

At this moment, Ren Dinghan and Hua Hong Niang, as well as the disciples of the 100,000 Yizong, most of them could not help but close their eyes, can not bear to see what happened next.

Nowadays, the mountain gate of Jiuyi Zong is almost completely undefended. What is left behind in the mountain gate is only a hundred disciples, how to counter the horrible invasion of the drug Shenzong.

Sure enough, the great commander of the drug gods drove straight into the country, and it was invincible. It was rushing into the space of Jiuyi Zong.

In the twinkling of an eye, the smoke and the waves caused by the various techniques of the sunshade have been completely obscured, and everyone can no longer see the situation inside the light curtain.

In fact, there is no need to look at it anymore. Everyone can imagine it. In the space where Jiuyi Zong is located, it must be a scene of the end of the sky.

However, Ren Dinghan still has a glimmer of hope in their hearts.

Because there are eight ancestors in the Jiuyi sect, their strength should be comparable to that of the ancestors.

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Even if it is not the opponent of the drug gods, it may be possible to find a chance to escape.

As long as they don't die, there is hope for revenge in the future!


It was also a loud bang that almost resounded through the ancient times. In the light curtain, under the smog and smog, the huge space where Jiuyi Zong was located was finally completely collapsed.


At this time, the old man of Yao Shenzong made a voice of doubt.

Not only him, inside and outside the light curtain, all people’s faces are revealing doubts, only exceptions.

Because they did not see the other eight ancestors of the Jiuyi sect, and now the space has collapsed. It is difficult for eight ancestors to have no time to escape, and to fall apart with the collapse of space?

However, this is almost impossible.

If one or two ancestors do not appear, it is justifiable, but the eight ancestors did not appear at all, it would be impossible.

Many of the disciples of Jiuyi Zong’s eyes brightened and suddenly thought of a possibility.

Without waiting for them to ask, the old man of the drug Shenzong had already stepped forward and said: "It seems that we still underestimated your Jiuyi sect. I didn't expect your eight brothers to even sit down at you. In the middle of the mountain gate!"

When I heard the old man’s words, I was shaken and shook my head. “You can make a mistake in this sentence. We are the lords of the Jiuyi sect, and naturally we must sit in the mountain gate.”

The ridiculous answer made the old man's brow wrinkled, apparently a bit unbelievable.

Since I was sitting in the mountain gate, now the mountain gate has been completely destroyed, and I have not seen the traces of the other eight people.

On the contrary, after Jiang Yun’s slight glimpse, he suddenly thought of it softly: “That can only show that your drug gods have just been destroyed, not the mountain gate of Jiuyi Zong!”


Jiang Yun’s voice just fell, Ren Dinghan and Hua Hong Niang had blurted out at the same time, and even the 100,000 Yizong disciples shook their heads again and again.

As a person of Jiuyi Zong, they can not know their own mountain gates.

No matter the mountains that are not amazing, and the space that emerges above the mountains, it is simply the mountain gate of their Jiuyi sect.

Even, the 100,000 Yizong disciples just left from there!

"Ha ha ha!"

Quite suddenly gave a loud laugh: "It seems that only ginger... a friend knows a person!"

"Yes, you just ruined it, although it can be regarded as the mountain gate of my Jiuyi sect, but it is only one of the mountain gates of my Jiuyi sect!"

One of the mountain gates!

These four words make everyone feel the color of surprise again. Obviously, it is impossible to understand the meaning of this sentence.

At this moment, the savage smile, the sudden rise of the smile, the eyes of the coldness of the sky, looking directly at the old man of the medicine Shenzong: "I just told you a word, you do not seem to hear it!"

Feeling the strong pressure from the body in front of the body, the old man’s heart actually had a trace of fear: "What?"

Quite a word and a sentence: "Man told you that your medicine **** is a guest, and our Jiuyi Zong is the real master here!"

"I said here, referring to the ancient world!"

With the fall of the savage voice, the light curtain is changing steeply!

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