The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1130: Destroy

Although the nine people clearly heard every word Jiang Yun said, they have no time to think about the meaning of Jiang Yun's words.

Because they have all been presented in front of their eyes, they have lost the ability to think!

There was a large array of space that did not know how many years outside the Three Palaces. At this moment, under the sudden grip of Jiang Yun, it immediately became distorted.


Then, the sound of the explosion suddenly rang out of the space that had been distorted and deformed. It shook the endless darkness, and all the madness began to shake with the Dao Sangong.

Like this area, it ushered in its own doomsday.

Each explosion represents a direct destruction of a formation in the formation.

The radiance radiated from it, like a brilliant fireworks, continually ascended, illuminating the endless darkness.

The nine patrols were already like statues, and they couldn’t believe what they saw and heard.

That is a big space!

Even if the powerful boss of the East Bo is not willing to touch, it is said that it can trap the heavens and the five robbers, and can easily kill the space of the Daoist.

Now, in front of Jiang Yun, it seems that it has become a fragile and vulnerable spider web. It is easy to start a collapse between the hands of the master.


When the last loud noise came, this space was big and finally collapsed for the first time!

At the same time, Jiang Yun's body shape has also appeared in front of the nine people who are stunned. His face is calm and like a waveless ancient well. It seems that he has just destroyed a space that is not just a big space, just a layer of spider web.

"Don't you pray that someone can ignore this space, come to you, and then be caught by you, so that you can get a great contribution?"

"Now, your prayers have come true!"

When I heard Jiang Yun’s words, the nine people finally recovered.

Indeed, this is a joke that they just said, but I did not expect that Jiang Yun really satisfied their prayers and made their prayers a reality.

However, they would rather pray not to come true, preferring to stay here with nothing to do!

In the face of Jiang Yun, who can easily destroy the space array, they dare not dare to shoot Jiang Yun even if they have the courage to dare, and God knows how strong Jiangyun is.

Even when they want to come, I am afraid that Jiang Yun’s strength should exceed that of Dongfang Bo, and it should be equal to the three major players.

In fact, they are wrong!

Although they are not Jiang Yun’s opponents, Jiang Yun is far less powerful than they think.

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This point is only always hidden in the space, and Xiao Letian, who is firmly watching Jiang Yun’s every move, knows best.

At this moment, he is secretly nodding, saying to himself: "Jiang Yun does not look at personality impulses, but acting is not at all arrogant."

"After gaining the identity of the Lord of Space, he did not rush to go to the Sannomiya, but to display the Nine Sacrifice."

"And in the process of strength improvement, he has also begun to condense the power of this space."

"The power of this space is indeed extraordinary, but nowadays the big array is placed within the space that I have arranged. With Jiang Yun as the owner of the space, nature can be broken by the power of space!"

Like Xiao Letian's evaluation, Jiang Yun is very clear, even if Dao San is not here, he can't be in love. His only task is to get back the soul of the master in the shortest time.

Then, naturally, we must upgrade our strength to the strongest state, and then rush into the third house, find the Zhou Xiantong, and regain the soul of the master!

Therefore, the sound of the wind heard by the nine people in the past is actually the force of Jiang Yun’s performance of the heavenly martial arts from the stagnation of the nine places.

And that space is big, although Jiang Yun’s rumors are not low, but if you want to get through it or break through the way, you will have to spend a lot of time, so he simply uses the most direct method, with the help of the space master. The identity is forced to break with brute force.

Now, standing in front of these nine patrol disciples, Jiang Yun’s voice has just fallen, and they are not waiting for their response. The powerful gods have been divided into nine parts, and they have penetrated into the minds of nine people.

Although Xiao Letian has given him a map inside the Sannomiya, Jiang Yun needs to confirm it again.

It is not that he does not believe in Xiao Letian, but that the defenses in various places are like the formations, and it is possible to change at any time.

Therefore, combining the memory of these nine souls will enable him to better understand the current situation in the Third Palace.

The soul of the nine people is also a banned existence, but it can't stop the current knowledge of Jiang Yun.

In the twinkling of an eye, Jiang Yun clearly sees their memories of the Tao San Palace.

With a large sleeve, Jiang Yun took out all the storage methods of the nine people, and took their bodies behind them. One step came to the closed door of the third palace, and they reached out and took it out. A piece of jade slip from the nine people was pressed to the door.


Jade is integrated into the door, and the door suddenly sounds open.

Jiang Yun did not hurry to enter, but threw the nine people behind him into the door.


As the body of the nine people had just disappeared into the gate, they heard a series of dense roaring explosions, which were caused by various techniques and artifact attacks.

Obviously, the huge movements caused by the bursting of the space outside the Sannomiya Palace have long attracted the attention of disciples in the Sannomiya, and they also rushed to the gates as quickly as possible, waiting for the intrusion. People hit the headache.

However, Jiang Yunqi can not expect this, so let the nine patrol disciples become their own ghosts!

At the same time that the first round of attacks disappeared, he also took one step at a time, and his body shape disappeared without a trace and entered the Tao San Palace.

Although at this time, many of the Sangong disciples waiting at the gate have already noticed that they have just attacked their companions, not the invaders, but no one has noticed the entry of Jiang Yun.

After the number of interest rates, Jiang Yun’s figure has already appeared in the depths of Dao Sangong.

Looking at the surrounding cloisters, the passages, like an intricate maze, Jiang Yun could not help but secretly fortunate, fortunately Xiao Letian prepared maps for himself.

Otherwise, even if you can enter the third house, it is difficult to find the position of Zhou Xiantong.

After comparing the surrounding environment with the map in my mind, Jiang Yun’s figure immediately moved in the direction of Zhou Xiantong.

Although Jiang Yun has already expanded his position, but naturally, it is also a trap. The array is heavy, and there are a large number of disciples intercepting.

However, even the large array of space was easily destroyed by Jiang Yun, and these traps in the Three Palaces can still stop him.

The power of space turns into a long dragon, and in the front, Jiang Yun opens the way to destroy all the ambush traps.

As for those disciples who are blocking the road, the strongest is the Taoist situation. With the strength of Jiang Yun’s five days of sacrifice, and the identity of the Lord of Space, he is even unable to block him even in an instant.

In this way, Jiang Yun only spent a few dozen years, and has already arrived in front of a hall that is also closed.

According to the map given by Xiao Letian, there is the disciple of Dao San, where Zhou Xiantong is!

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