The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1139: send you home

With Mu Shaofeng, Jiang Yun left the world where Anshan City is located, and appeared in the seams, and his body shape kept going, and he continued to go deep into the darkness.

Until then, Mu Shaofeng was completely awake, looked around the darkness of the retreat, and took a breath, but did not speak, just let Jiang Yun take his own forward.

Jiang Yun shot and killed Lei Guangzong's young master. The most important thing to do now is to quickly leave the world where Anshan City is located, and even leave the sphere of power of Thunder.

After a while, the voice of Jiang Yun came from the ear of Mu Shaofeng: "Thank you!"

Mu Shaofeng was a glimpse first, but then he suddenly realized: "Do you know?"

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "I know, if I didn't have you, I am afraid I have already fallen into the hands of Dao San or Thunder Tianren!"

After reading the memory of Mu Shaofeng, Jiang Yun knows that Mu Shaofeng saved himself.

Even guessed it, the reason why Mu Shaofeng will appear in that black hole is inevitably Xiao Letian deliberately.

Because Xiao Letian is very clear, the first thing that Jiang Yun will do after leaving the prison is necessarily to find the key to enter the world, that is, to go to the Nine Avenues.

Although Mu Shaofeng is no longer a Taoist sect, he is extremely familiar with everything in the Taoist sect. He has led or accompanied him, and more or less can help Jiang Yun reduce some troubles.

In the face of Jiang Yun’s thanks, Mu Shaofeng waved his hand and was still anxious: “We don’t have to say this between us, but fortunately, you should have recovered, and hurry.”

"After a meeting, Lei Guangzong, even the people of Thunder Sky are likely to come. When they are met, they will all be accounted for here."

Jiang Yun smiled slightly: "They arrived when they arrived, it doesn't matter!"

In the process of just searching for the soul, Jiang Yun is already aware of the strength of Lei Guangzong.

Although Lei Guangzong and Lei Haotian have a relationship, the overall strength is too weak, and the strongest of the entire sect is only three.

Such a force, even if it is all out of Lei Guangzong, does not pose any threat to Jiang Yun.

As for Thunder Sky, although the strength is indeed strong, but the power of Thunder, which Thunder is good at, is also what Jiang Yun is good at.

Even the power of Thunder released by Jiang Yun is stronger than them.

Of course, this is only limited to the average disciple. If the top powerhouse of the Thunder Gods appears, then Jiang Yun is not an opponent.

However, in order to make Mu Shaofeng feel relieved, Jiang Yun certainly will not say these things.

Mu Shaofeng then asked: "Yes, where are we going now?"

"I don't know, I am completely unfamiliar with this place, but it is best to find a relatively safe world first."

Although Jiang Yun has had many experiences and has traveled to many worlds, the places he has been to can be regarded as prisons one by one.

Now, it is the first time that he is truly in this vast world, so he is unfamiliar with everything, and he does not know where to go.

When I heard Jiang Yun’s words, Mu Shaofeng suddenly took a shot of his own head: “I remembered, the mysterious man gave me a map.”

The mysterious person in the mouth of Mu Shaofeng is naturally Xiao Letian.

Don't look at Xiao Letian, they always stay in the ancient times, but because almost every day, there are new prisoners thrown in the prison, and according to their memory, Xiao Letian has drawn a map of thousands of borders.

Although the map is not very detailed, there is nothing wrong with it.

Jiang Yun did not expect Xiao Letian to think so thoughtfully, and prepared a map for himself.

With the map, plus Mu Shaofeng had been to Thunder days several times, so the two quickly found their position.

However, despite the location, but the face of Mu Shaofeng suddenly became ugly, even Jiang Yun is slightly frowning.

Because they are now, it is a central area close to Thunder Day.

Thunder Sky is not a world, but contains countless worlds, the size of which is beyond imagination.

No matter which direction they are heading, even if Jiang Yun does not stop to expand and shrink, it will not be possible to get out of Thunder Day without a few decades.

Jiang Yun thought for a moment: "Is there no transmission to the outside world in the Thunder?"


"Yes, but all the transmissions leading to the Thunder Sky are all placed in the right way!"

While Mu Shaofeng spoke, he had already reached out to the largest area in the center of the Thunder’s Tianzheng, the right way to mine!

The right way is the heart of Thunder, and it is also the place where Thunder God and all true masters gather.

Although not far from the location of the two, but if the two rushed to the right track, it is the real self-investment!

After a while, Mu Shaofeng said with a deep heart: "Would you like, you just find a world to send me over, and then you want to leave yourself?"

Mu Shaofeng is very clear, and now he is with Jiang Yun's side, it is a burden.

With himself, Jiang Yun is not convenient to do anything, let alone to escape safely from the Thunder.

However, Jiang Yun shook his head and said: "No, we will go to the right way!"

Mu Shaofeng suddenly widened his eyes and said, "Are you crazy?"

Jiang Yun smiled and said: "We are not going to find them in the right way, but borrowing their transmission array."

"And, I have a way to hide our breath, as long as they don't know our true identity, there is nothing to worry about!"

Mu Shaofeng still shook his head: "No, it's too dangerous, you don't know, the defense in the righteous mine is strict!"

"Moreover, since you can think of hiding our breath, they must be able to think of it, and there must be a magic weapon to distinguish our identity."

Having said that, Mu Shaofeng couldn't help but curiously ask: "Yes, how did you offend Thunder Day?"

"As far as I know, the Thunder of the Thunder Day will not be more than ten times together!"

Jiang Yun faintly said: "I killed a Thunder day to join the third house of the third to make Lei Ling, he is the direct descendant of Thunder God!"


Mu Shaofeng suddenly took a breath, although Jiang Yun said an understatement, but he clearly knows what it means.

The direct descendant of Thunder God, that is more noble than his original Taoist identity, Jiang Yun actually killed this person, no wonder Thunder will send a Thunder!

"No, you should have killed Ralink for a long time, but the Thunder Order was issued more than a year ago, when we left the ancient world."

Jiang Yundao: "If it is not bad, it should be that Dao San knows that I have escaped from the prison, and he himself is not convenient to face me, so I informed the Thunder God and asked him to arrest me!"

These things, although Jiang Yun did not see it with his own eyes, but Jiang Yun is not difficult to guess.

Seeing what Mu Shaofeng is still preparing to say, Jiang Yun puts a hand in his hand: "According to what I said, we will go to the right thunder, I will find a way to cure your injury, then I will send you home!"

"What!" Mu Shaofeng gave a slight glimpse, and his face suddenly turned cold: "I don't want to go back to anything, let me say, I don't have a home!"

Jiang Yun suddenly reached out and pressed heavily on the shoulders of Mu Shaofeng: "You can rest assured that the humiliation you have suffered, everything that you have lost, I will definitely help you to regain it all!"

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