The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1142: Robbery

Everything has a Tao, so it can be cultivated and asked, and in addition to the Tao, there are some special physiques, such as the various magical bodies of the Mozu, the demon body of the Yaozu, and the Lei Lei!

These special physiques are some that are born, and some are owned by later cultivation, but no matter what kind of physique, they are extremely rare.

This also makes it possible for all living creatures with these special physiques to practice far more smoothly than others, and the achievements they can achieve are much stronger.

Jiang Yun knows in the "Lei Da Zheng Fa" that in the Thunder day, because of the control of the source of the Thunder, the practice of the Lei system, the pursuit of the Leizhi Avenue, over time, actually produced a kind of mine.

The Thunder, in a nutshell, is that the body is like a thunder, but it is also acquired in nature and acquired.

The standard of distinction is the extent to which various organs in the body are wrapped by thunder.

The thunder body that has been cultivated the day after tomorrow, even if you are genius again, there will always be some organs that cannot be wrapped by thunder.

Only the congenital body, at the time of birth, all the organs in the body are accompanied by thunder.

Within the Thunder, there are not many people who can have a mine, and the congenital body is one in the world.

Once a child with a congenital body is born, then even if it is not the direct descendant of Thunder God, Thunder will change the blood in a special way, and even personally point to practice.

Jiang Yun recognizes the innate thunder of Lei Li, and naturally understands why he is so arrogant, even his brother is not in his eyes.

The position of Lei Li in the Thunder days is definitely far more than his brother Lei Ling.

Naturally, the same is true of strength.

The same mine-based method, the ordinary Thunder Tian disciple and the person with the congenital body of the body to display, the power that can be exerted does not say that there is a world of difference, but there is also a huge gap.

"Congenital body, today I have to learn!"

Looking at it is like being a humanoid thunder, and when Jiang Yun calmly opens, he also has a golden thunder around him.

However, Jiang Yun did not notice that when he said this sentence, the opposite face was flashed with a hint of resentful color.

"Death, Jiang Yun!"

Lei Li mouth lightly spit five words, just like the five thundering thunders, the sound of the rumble of the rumble.

Thousands of thunders wrapped around the heart of his body suddenly flocked out, rushing toward Jiang Yun, very fast, and instantly came to Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun’s reaction was also not slow. When these thunders appeared, they had already shunned and raised their hands. It was also a few thunders rushing past.


Despite the constant bang, but the Thunder released by Jiang Yun was directly shocked, which made Jiang Yun brow brows.

It shows the resilience of the innate thunder, the strength is obviously rising, especially the power of the released Thunder is more than doubled.

However, Lei Li is expressionless and does not seem to care about Jiang Yun’s behavior.

And then, the thunders that were previously escaped by Jiang Yun condensed a golden cloud with a hundred feet and a circle, and there was a golden snake dance in the clouds!


Lei Li was actually in this seam, and the thunder in his body condensed the robbery cloud.

With the advent of the robbery cloud, Jiang Yun is not under the cover of the robbery cloud, but still feels a strong pressure, spreading toward his body.

The pressure is like a mountain, even if Jiang Yun’s King Kong body is under this pressure, he suddenly feels struggling.

However, a robbery cloud is only the beginning. The thunder wrapped around the various organs in the resounding body continues to madly flow, which makes him seem to be the source of the thunder, and can release endless Thunder is average.

These thunders began to condense one after another in the air. After a while, together with the first robbery cloud, a total of nine hundred-foot-sized clouds were scattered around Jiang Yun’s body.

It seems that it is a simple formation!

At this moment, Lei Li opened his mouth again, and spit out four words: "Robbery with the thunder!"


Suddenly, the thunderstorms that swept the heavens and the earth rang from the nine robbery clouds, and the eardrums of Jiang Yun were shocked.

Seeing the nine robbery clouds, all the dancing golden snakes were instantly entangled together, and they were condensed into nine pillars of the thunder, which were shot up.

The pillars of the nine thunders did not directly attack Jiang Yun, but stood in the seams and surrounded the body of Jiang Yun, forming a thunder cage.

The pressure from the nine thunder pillars made Jiang Yun, who was slow to move, feel like he was crushed on the body by nine huge mountains, even with his golden body. It is impossible to move any more.

Then, Lei Li once again said: "Soon together!"


A column of thunder suddenly leaped and then fell again and fell into nothingness.

At the same time as it fell, the other eight pillars were like induction. The golden light in it suddenly rose and penetrated into a golden thunder sky, which went straight to Jiang Yun.

The Thunder has always been known for its speed, but the speed of this thunder is extremely slow.

But wherever it passes, there are layers of distortion in the darkness, apparently unable to withstand the powerful forces contained within it.

Not waiting for this side of the Thunder to touch Jiang Yun, Lei Li has continued to say: "Two with thick soil!"


The second thunderbolt also leaped again and fell heavily, causing the golden light emanating from the nine thunderbolts to form a thunderous land, which was also covered by Jiang Yun.

"Three seasons!"

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"Four and five elements!"

"Five and six parties!"


In the sound of the resounding sound, the nine thunder pillars jumped up and down.

The golden light that came out of it was also transformed into the vast land, and even the four seasons changed, and the five elements flowed.

At this moment, Jiang Yun only felt as if everything in this piece of heaven and earth was attacking himself.

Until the mouth of Lei Li shouted the last sentence: "Ten Tong, Jiang Yun!"


Nine thunder pillars leaped high at the same time, but this time did not fall, but in the air together, turned into a human form!

Although there is no clear five senses, but there is a Thunder figure with the same shape as Jiang Yun!

The Thunder's human form, together with the nine attacks that were previously morphed, also fell on Jiang Yun, who still couldn't move.


A group of golden light covering tens of thousands of square feet suddenly appeared in the seams, not only illuminating the darkness around, but also completely destroying the darkness.

Even not far away, the world where Lei Guangzong is located, even in the loud noise of this earthquake and the cover of Jinguang appeared cracks!

As for being in the center of Jinguangzheng, Jiang Yun, who was hit by ten attacks at the same time, is already invisible.

At this moment, only the sturdy figure is in the golden light, but it is unharmed.

However, his face is also pale, and his body has returned to normal.

The robbery of the thunder, does not exist in the "Leading Fa-rectification", is also the strongest attack he can display, and once, at least he will not be able to use the power of Thunder within a year.

However, being able to kill Jiang Yun is also worth it for him.


Squirting a long breath from the mouth, looking at the consequences of his own method in front of him, Lei Li said to himself: "Jiang Yun, thank you for making me, rest assured, after you die, I will Take out that stuff from you!"

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