The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1176: a ruler

This sudden appearance of the figure is a great disciple of Thunder God, Shen Panyu!

From the beginning of the qualification battle, he has always been watching as an outsider.

Now finally shot, not only easily killed the Thunder Dragon controlled by Jiang Yun, saved the Thunder, and even announced that Jiang Yun successfully passed the robbery!

This makes people naturally a bit surprised.

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It is reasonable to say that although the Thunder is unfair, but Meng Guan’s attack on the Thunder is actually a real challenge to the majesty of Thunder’s God.

Although the Thunder is not the opponent of Meng Guan, it is not difficult to see that Shen Tiyu has just killed the Thunder Dragon easily. He should have the strength to kill the Meng Guan.

However, now Shen Panyu not only does not pursue the guilt of Meng Guan, but the Meng Guan passed the catastrophe, allowing him to continue to pass the customs, which is beyond the expectations of everyone.

However, some people soon thought that it was only because the strength of Meng Guan was too strong, so powerful that he let Shen Panyu, or let the Thunder God behind Shen Panyu have to change the degree of his idea.

If it is not Shen Panyu's timely release, I am afraid that the Thunder may be killed by the bronter that has been condensed by himself!

Even those who preside over the level can kill, if this strength is not successful, it will inevitably let others question the fairness of this qualification war.

Sure enough, Shen Panyu looked directly at Jiang Yun and said: "I am really good at reading your strength, so it will give you another chance, so as not to let people say that I am doing unfairly in the thunder."

However, when it comes to this, Shen Panyu's face is suddenly a cold road; "However, you are unruly, the following commits, although the death penalty is exempt, but the living sin is difficult."

When the voice fell, Shen Panyu reached out and pointed to Jiang Yunyi.


Although Jiang Yun has already guessed from the change of Shen Panyu's face color that the other party has to deal with himself, but in the face of this finger, he can not escape.

In the muffled sound, Jiang Yun’s body trembled abruptly, and the whole man suddenly went backwards backwards until he left the square and barely stopped his body.

Shen Lianyu’s cold road: “This finger is a punishment for you, let you remember that the rules of Thunder Day can’t be broken!”

Jiang Yun swallowed the blood in his throat, and his pale face showed a cold smile: "This finger, Mengmou wrote down!"

After a deep glance at Shen Panyu, Jiang Yun sat down on the floor with his knees and closed his eyes.

He knows that the repair of the other party has absolutely reached the five-day robbery of the heavens and the humans. It is not that he can overcome it, so he can only bear the enemy of this finger.

Above the main hall, Dixinghe took his eyes and slanted the thunder and said: "Thunder, friends, good means!"

Everything Shen Shenyu has done is naturally directed by Thunder God.

Although it seems that Jiang Yun has been given the opportunity to continue to pass the mark, but Shen Yuanyu’s finger has caused a lot of damage to Jiang Yun.

Then, in the next three difficult levels, the possibility that Jiang Yun wants to pass through will naturally decrease.

Thunder God smiled slightly: "The authentic friend, here is the Thunder Day, if you do not punish this Mengguan, then in the future, who will follow my rules!"

This sentence flashed a cold light in the eyes of the Earth Star River, and he could not hear it, the hidden threat of the Thunder God's words.

However, he no longer speaks, just hate in his heart: "His mother, I still hesitated to help this Jiang Yun, now that you dare to threaten me, you wait, I will let you Look, the rules you set, in my eyes, the **** is not!"


Above the square, watching the figure of Jiang Yunpan sitting, Shen Panyu sneered, a large sleeve, and the unconscious stunned Thunder has already retreated to the side.

Then, a black man appeared in front of everyone, a faint saying: "Old man Lei Tian, ​​responsible for hosting the day!"

Lei Tian, ​​the disciple of Thunder's God, is the brother of Thunder, and also one of the three major mines in the Thunder Day.

The strongest of the road!

Lei Tian continued: "All those who pass the robbery will now enter the square first!"

The first five thousand monks, after experiencing the robbery, left less than a thousand.

When they heard Lei Tian, ​​they all stood up and walked toward the square.

Jiang Yun is still sitting in the same place, as if he had never heard it.

Shen Fangyu’s finger did indeed hurt him, so he must now take the time to heal his injuries and deal with the next three levels.

Although Jiang Yun did not move, most of his eyes were focused on him.

Among these people’s eyes, there are regrets, unsatisfactory, expecting, and gloating!

The uncommon face has reappeared with a usual smile, and even did not go to see it when passing by Jiang Yun.

The original Jiang Yun almost killed the Thunder's move, which brought him great pressure, so that he almost lost the confidence to continue to pass the mark.

But now, since Jiang Yun has been injured, his chances are coming again.

Until the rest of the monks stepped into the square, Jiang Yun stood up and walked into the square, and sat down again, closed his eyes and continued to heal.

Lei Tian glanced coldly and Jiang Yun regained his gaze: "The key to heaven is the test of your knowledge and will."

"Later, I will send you into a musical instrument. Similarly, no matter what method you use, find the Thunder hidden in it!"

"Thirty thunders, find ten Thunders to pass, and vice versa!"

"Now, the day is off!"

When the voice fell, Lei Tian raised his hand and suddenly appeared a handful of instruments in his hand, directly throwing it toward the crowd below.

This instrument is in the air, just like seeing the wind, the volume suddenly rises.

It also exudes a huge suction, wrapping all the monks on the square.

At this time, Jiang Yun's closed eyes suddenly slammed open, and in the eyes, flashed a cold light!

Not only him, but also the earth star river in the hall is suddenly standing up, the eyes flashing.

Even the three strong ones who have always shrouded in the light, the external light has also violently shaken.

The reaction of the four people shows that they have the same shock in their hearts.

One of them even muttered: "This is..."

For everyone's reaction, Thunder's face once again showed a proud color, proudly smiled: "Yes, this thing is what you think!"

"But you better not to say it, why you know it!"

Nearly a thousand monks on the square, together with Jiang Yun, under the suction of the implements, all felt that the body was light and had been sucked into the implement.

All around, it is darkness!

Before they reacted, they were in a position where they were, and in each of them, they suddenly had a ray of light.

And, more and more light, instantly dispel the darkness of the surroundings.

But looking at the light of the week, everyone is a slight glimpse.

Because of those rays, it is a mirror in one side!

In each person's body, densely covered with endless mirrors, and each mirror clearly shows everyone's figure.

This also makes them look at it and see all of them one after another.

Looking at this countless self, in the blink of an eye, some people's eyes can not help but reveal the confusion.

Jiang Yun is also looking at the countless self, but his eyes are not confused, but have a clearer than anyone else!

Because he saw the instrument!

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