The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1178: Horror

Before Lei Tian took out the smashing of the squad, Jiang Yun was always healing his eyes and never noticed.

When the vacant throne appeared, although he did not see it, he realized the power of looting, so this opened his eyes and saw the smashing of the squad!

He never imagined that he would have seen the demise in the qualification battle on Leiyuan Mountain.

I did not even think that the robbing of the emptiness would be the instrument of the heavens.

Therefore, when he entered Dingzhong and saw the mirror that reflected his face, he immediately understood the meaning of the day.

"The Xiao people are good at the power of space, and this sacred dang as the sacred object of their family, it certainly contains countless spaces."

"The power of looting is related to the knowledge of the gods. Just like the fact that water can carry a boat, it can also overturn the boat. Although it can strengthen the mind, it can also confuse and even destroy the gods."

“Therefore, when other monks send the gods into this mirror to find the Thunder, it is easy to be affected by the power of the looting and lost in this endless space.”

"If the knowledge is not strong enough, or the will is not strong enough, then waiting for their ending, it will be crazy, or stupid!"

"However, for me, the power of these looters is not effective, but it may become my creation!"

As Jiang Yun’s voice fell, he suddenly opened his eyes, and his horrible **** rushed out of his body and condensed above his head!

At this time, time has passed twenty-five, and the last five interest is left!

Although there are more than 300 monks in the remaining monks in Dingzhong, there are only a hundred people surrounded by more than ten thunders.

Everyone thought that the results of the test on this day will no longer have much suspense.

After all, the time of the five interest rates is fleeting and it is too late to do anything.

However, at this time, above the body, there is a light of a light group, suddenly rising, and immediately attracted their attention.

"Look, it’s Meng Guan!"

"How did he move to the present, even though his knowledge is stronger, but at the end of the last five years, he is absolutely impossible to find ten thunders."

"I'm afraid he is not reconciled, so I want to work hard before the end."

"Try harder...and wait, you see, above his head, what is that?"

In the doubts and shocks of everyone, on the top of Jiang Yun’s head, a huge eye appeared!


This eye exudes a strong radiance, and all the mirrors are covered directly.

"The Eye of God!"

Among the halls, the mouth of the Earth Star suddenly uttered an exclamation, and the sound was loud, and the whole hall shook slightly.

This is not because he deliberately did it, but because he was really shocked.

Not only him, the face of Thunder and other people also showed a shocking color, only the expression of the spirit of the spirit is consistent.

Those in the square don't know the eye of God, but they can't know the top powerhouses.

However, they still can't believe it. They can make the invisible gods tangible and further condense into concrete shapes, which they can't even do.

After all, that requires more than just strength, but also a certain chance.

"The knowledge of this Meng Guan is so terrible!"

"The luck of this Meng Guan is actually surprisingly good!"

The two strong men under the cloak of the light couldn't help but utter their voices, and there was still a hint of envy in their tone.

Thunder God is a cold flash in his eyes: "Even if he has the eyes of God, but I have a lot of space in this tripod, he wants to find ten thunders in the last five days, it is not so easy. thing……"

"Ha ha ha!"

After the Thunder God said the words, it was interrupted by the unscrupulous laughter of the Earth Star River, but the Thunder God did not anger, just closed his mouth, his eyes shook slightly, staring at the Dingzhong. Jiang Yun.

Because at this moment, with the appearance of the eyes of the gods, in the countless mirrors beside Jiang Yun, there have been a series of golden thunders appearing in turn.

In the past, the number of these thunders has reached at least 100, and it is still increasing at an even more amazing rate!

At this moment, the square once again fell into a dead silence, and everyone’s eyes were once again left with the picture of Jiang Yun.

Originally, he thought that Jiang Yun would not succeed in this time, but he did not expect that at the end of time, Jiang Yun was once again bringing a miracle to everyone.

At the end of the day, I found a hundred Thunder, and this result has surpassed all the monks still in Dingzhong, even if even the cheating is not able to catch up.

Especially for those monks who have already been eliminated, they are not shocked by Jiang Yun’s gaze, but are scared!

Because they have experienced the horror of the mirror maze, they are more aware of the difficulty of finding the Thunder.

When the time of rest is over, the number of thunders around Jiang Yun has reached more than 300!

"God, shouldn't he have to find all the thunders?"

"His knowledge is so powerful, and his will is extremely tough!"

In the voice of the crowd, they did not know that as long as Jiang Yun was willing, he could find all the thunder hidden in the mirror within a time of rest.

However, now only a very small part of his eye is looking for the Thunder, and the rest of the gods are rushing to the depths of the sneak rushing at a speed faster than the inch. Spread away.

Because, in the previous two-time period, Jiang Yun did not seem to do anything, but in fact, with the power of his own body, he felt a certain call in the depths of the stagnation.

Even more, he can clearly feel that this summoning can bring his own great benefits, that is, what he said in his mouth.

Therefore, he used the time of twenty interest to lock the place of summoning. Now, he is risking exposing his identity, regardless of the source of the summoning.

However, he also faintly felt that while inside the looting, although outsiders can see the situation inside Ding, but no one can sense the power of his own display, so he does not have to worry about being seen.

The only thing that worried him was that his time would not be enough.

"Come on, fast!"

In the past, Jiang Yun felt the call was more intense.

In the past, Jiang Yun has faintly seen a ray of light.

Three interest in the past...

"The day is off, the end!"

Along with the sound of Lei Tian's plain voice, he suddenly reached out and made a big move. The ones after another were directly smashed out from Dingzhong.

Next to everyone, surrounded by the Thunder they found in Ding.

Naturally, this also makes everyone aware of their achievements at a glance.

Lei's uncomfortable face with a smug look, watching the twenty-nine thunders around his body, even closed his eyes, ready to wait for the cheers and praise of everyone.

However, his ear was dead, and there was no sound.

This made him wonder, opened his eyes, looked at it and found that everyone was holding his mouth tightly, and their eyes did not look at themselves at all, but looked at the other direction.

When he looked in the direction of everyone's eyes, his eyes were immediately filled with an endless golden color.

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