The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1186: Killed no

After Shen Panyu disappeared, it was the time of the twenty interest. On the stone tablet, the number after the name of the Mengguan has exceeded 40,000!

In the total amount of 30 years, the number of Mengling killed Lei Ling turned over 40 times!

Although this has caused almost everyone to be in great shock, the doubts in their hearts are not too small.

In particular, some of them are not only gloomy, but also have a killing and rolling in their eyes.

Because the name on the stone monument, in this total of thirty interest time, from the original forty-eight, has been reduced to only three!

In other words, during the 30-year period, forty-five people died in the clouds.

Even those who are dull, at this time, can naturally see it. The death of these forty-five people and the growth of the number of killing Lei Ling by Meng Guan will inevitably have an inseparable relationship.

Even, it is very likely that Meng Guan killed the forty-five people.

Therefore, on this Leiyuan Mountain, the owners of the Zongmen family to which the forty-five people belong are all waiting for the end of Lei Zhiguan, waiting for the appearance of Meng Guan.

If you really confirm that these people are killed by Meng Guan, then even if Meng Guan has already won the place to enter the right track, Lei Hai, they will never let go of the Meng Guan!

The only remaining three names, from high to low, are Meng Guan, Lei Feifan and Wei Heng!

As early as when Meng Guan was scared of Yang Zhong by suffocating, there were many people in the Thunder Day who thought that the three people who are most likely to get into the right way are Leihai!

Unexpectedly, there are really only three of them left.

Among them, only the number of Mengling killing Lei Ling has reached the requirements of Lei Zhiguan, and the other two are still far from the requirements of thousands of Lei Ling.


In the cloud world, Lei Heng and Lei are uncommon, and Wei Heng, who is lying on the ground and dead, is already stunned!

In front of them, there were forty-five bodies lying in the middle of the road, and the blood flowed into the river.

The original white clouds have been dyed bright red by blood.

In the middle of this bright red, it is Jiang Yun who is still covered by two kinds of eccentric runes!

At the moment, Jiang Yun, the feeling of giving three people, is just like the same demon god!

In just a short period of 30 years, Jiang Yun, who was always firmly suppressed by the joint attack of everyone, suddenly had the same as God.

Not only did the attack of the people not make any harm to him anymore, but his strength also surged, which in turn caused him to kill the forty-five people!

You know, there is not one of the forty-five people who are weak. It can really be regarded as the elite under the thunder and heaven.


However, in front of Jiang Yun, they did not even have the power to resist.

Even Jiang Yun did not use any of the aura of the technique, but simply killed them with the power of the flesh.

This also reminds them of the words that Jiang Yun said before----- Today, those who dare to shoot Meng, all will die!

do as promised!

Although they all know, it must be because the two runes that suddenly appeared on Jiang Yun made Jiang Yun's strength soar, but he did not understand what the runes were.

Only the thunder and staring at the runes, the quick memories in my mind, I seem to have heard from Master’s mouth...

Jiang Yun’s gaze is finally looking at the thunder and thunder: "I just said, who killed who, not necessarily! Now, do you believe it?"

While talking, Jiang Yun has already stepped forward toward Ray.

At this moment, Lei was so scared that even the courage to escape was gone. He couldn’t speak at all, and he could only watch Jiang Yun come to his own face.

But at this moment, the thunder suddenly exclaimed: "I remember, it is the wild, you, you are not Meng Guan, you are a descendant of the desert!"

This sentence, let Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly look at the thunder: "I did not expect you to know the abandon, since you recognize it, you can only send you on the road!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun suddenly pointed to the unreasonable body, and let Ray's extraordinary blood spurt out, with an incredible color on his face, his eyes closed, and the body slowly fell backwards.

Jiang Yun did not kill him.

Although Wei Heng has said that things happening here will not be known to the outside world, but Lei is not unusual.

There must also be means in the soul of Thunder.

Kill him, and let the Thunder God know, then all the efforts made by Jiang Yun are useless.

What's more, Wei Heng said that there is nothing wrong with the second method. Keeping the extraordinary life and taking it as a hostage may be of great use to himself.

Last but not least, when Jiang Yun killed the forty-five people, they found that the jade slips on them were also broken when they died.

Yu Jian, probably the only way to leave this cloud world, so Jiang Yun must have a piece of jade, so that at least one more retreat.

When one finger pointed out that Lei was uncommon, Jiang Yun once again reached out to the volley and grabbed the jade piece on his body, and then he turned and walked toward the thunder.

Looking at Jiang Yun, who is moving towards himself, especially after thinking about the role of the wild lines, the eyes of the thunder have finally revealed a trace of fear: "Who are you?"

Jiang Yun’s expressionless expression: “I am Meng Guan, madly repairing Meng Guan!”

Thundering the teeth and cutting the teeth: "Impossible, there are two types of runes on your body, one is the wild lines, that is the unique ability of the abandon, you must be a descendant of the desert!"

"Tell you, even if you kill us, you can't leave here alive, you can't live away from this thunder, my master will not let you go!"

Jiang Yun shook his head and said: "Who said that you killed me? You obviously died in the hands of Lei Ling!"

At this time, Lei Zhi knows that he said nothing is useless. Between himself and Meng Guan, there must be one person who is going to die here today.

Lei moved back one step, looking at Jiang Yundao with a gloomy look: "Meng Guan, I said, even if I can't display all the strength, you are not my opponent!"

When the voice fell, the thunder had already reached out, and the thunder and the whole body shone, and between the waves, a fist hit the **** cloud!

Just playing against the thunder, has let Jiang Yun know that the strength that can be exerted by the thunder now is only a period of morality, and even weaker than the Thunder.

Naturally, this also makes Jiang Yun realize that in this cloud world, the upper limit of cultivation that can be demonstrated should be the Tao.

Although this kind of strength is not the same as that of today, there are still many cards in his own hands.

Even the other cards are not used, just need to lock the soul, you can easily kill the lightning.

However, for this cloud world, I am also curious.

What kind of secrets are hidden here? Why is it that Lei Ling, who was born here, cannot be swallowed up, why is the person who enters here suppressed by the gods and can’t be more than the Tao?

Therefore, he wants to find the answers to these questions from the thunder.

In the face of the thunder of this boxing, Jiang Yun did not hide or sneak, and directly raised his fist to meet.


Under the impact of the fist, the thundering body receded backwards, but Jiang Yun was still moving.

Lei moved his eyes wide and apparently could not believe the result.

Jiang Yunshen pointed his body and said: "I have two kinds of runes, you recognize the wild lines, and there is a rune called the diamond pattern, which is unique to the Mozu."

Magic lines!

Thunder naturally knows the Mozu and the Devil, but where can I think that Jiang Yun will actually be a two-family pattern.

Looking at Jiang Yun once again stepping toward himself, the thunder and screaming screamed: "Meng Guan, do you think I really can't show my full strength!"

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "I believe you dare, but the monks of Daojing, I also killed a few!"

Just as Jiang Yun’s voice fell, he suddenly sounded another voice behind him: “There were five people in the day, did you kill it?”

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