The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1189: White dragonfly

Standing in the cloud world, looking at the dazzling golden light in front of him, although Jiang Yun’s heart still has shock, but his face has already recovered the calm color.

Even he has put all his defenses down.

The sound comes from the golden light, and the person who speaks is naturally the strong one who is under the sensation of his own feelings, and only the wilderness of the eleven wilderness can be compared with it.

In the face of such a strong existence, if the other party really wants to be unfavorable to themselves, then no matter how much they guard against it, even if they use all the cards, they can't be opponents of each other. Therefore, it is better to be more generous.

In addition, there is a reason why even Jiang Yun himself can't believe it.

Although I haven't seen each other's looks yet, but in the face of this golden light, my heart has inexplicably raised a kind of intimacy.

In other words, this kind of intimacy does not come from one's own deity, but from his own thunder!

Therefore, Jiang Yun does not know the specific identity of the other party, but wants to come with the Thunder.

Especially the voice of the other party, it is still a woman's voice!

Jiang Yun stepped back, facing Jin Guangdao: "In the next Meng..."

After waiting for Jiang Yun to finish the words, he saw that the golden light in front of him suddenly collapsed and instantly became a human form.

This is a middle-aged woman, surrounded by golden light, making her look very incomparable and luxurious.


However, from her body surrounded by golden light, Jiang Yun was keenly aware of a strong sense of death.

The other party seems to be alive soon!

With the appearance of this feeling, Jiang Yun’s heart was unexpectedly inexplicably sorrowful, so that he forgot to continue to finish the words, just watching each other silently.

There is no expression on the face of the beautiful woman, but at this moment, she looks at Jiang Yun’s gaze, but Jiang Yun is no stranger.

Because he was seen in his own grandfather, in the eyes of his own master.

It is kind, kind, and kind of love, just like watching her... children.

Under the gaze of such a gaze, Jiang Yun’s heart has a thick warmth in addition to the intimate feeling.

Even between the vagueness, he actually felt that this middle-aged woman was like her mother!

The appearance of this feeling, the idea that he was originally prepared to report the pseudonym suddenly vanished.

Because if you quote a pseudonym, it is a great disrespect for the other party.

Therefore, Jiang Yun took a deep breath and held his fists in both hands. He deeply worshipped the middle-aged woman and reopened: "Jian Yun, a younger generation, meets the predecessors!"

For Jiang Yun, the beautiful woman did not seem to hear, still just watching Jiang Yun.

After a while, she whispered and repeated the name of Jiang Yun: "Jiang, cloud!"

You must know that Jiang Yunxiu has not been a long time, and his age is not too big, but what he has experienced is that he has long been calm and calm beyond ordinary people. It can be said that even landslides No color change before.

However, at the moment when the beautiful woman shouted out her name, Jiang Yun’s body could not help but tremble, and the eyes were uncontrollably rising and a thick fog.

Because, this is like the mother's call to the child.

At this moment, Jiang Yun really has the illusion that the beautiful woman in front of her is her mother!

Looking at Jiang Yun, the face of the middle-aged beautiful woman with no expression, gradually revealed a kind smile, his eyes still watching Jiang Yun, it seems that Jiang Yun is not enough.

Under the gaze of the beautiful woman, Jiang Yun’s eyes suddenly appeared in a picture.

In the picture is a boundless darkness!

This darkness is completely different from the darkness in the seams that Jiang Yun has seen.

Because of the incomparable death of the darkness, the incomparably rich, it seems that there is nothing else except the darkness.

Fortunately, after a moment, in the darkness, a golden thunder suddenly appeared, breaking through the darkness.

The magic is that the golden Thunder, which should have disappeared, did not disappear after it appeared, but condensed into a golden light.

Although it is weak, in the boundless darkness, its existence, watching it, is able to make people feel warm inside.

Gradually, the golden light is getting brighter and brighter, just like the constant spread of life, changing all kinds of shapes.

In the end, it turned into a human form!

It is a beautiful girl. Looking at her appearance, Jiang Yun knows that she is a middle-aged woman.

Next, the picture changes quickly, because the girl began to swim aimlessly in this darkness.

Wherever she goes, the golden light that comes out of her body will make the dark layers retreat;

And whenever she stops and stops, she will leave a golden thunder, like a bright light, illuminating the darkness.

In this way, the girl in this constant walk, the boundless darkness is no longer pure darkness, but gradually emerged a variety of other things.

For example, a group of light that emits bright light;

For example, an invisible wind that whizzes past;

For example, a variety of creatures who have life and travel in the dark like a woman.

It also includes humans.

However, these creatures seem to be unaware of the existence of a woman, even if she passes by her side.

For all of this, the woman does not seem to mind, just continue to swim and continue to watch.

Until one day, in front of this woman, there was a middle-aged man dressed as a scholar!

And seeing the man's appearance, Jiang Yun's blood suddenly solidified instantly!

Because, this man, is awe-inspiring!

However, Jiang Yun can't even think about why Dao Dang will appear here, but still gaze at the picture that is still changing in front of him.

Unlike other creatures, Dao Zhou is clearly able to see this beautiful woman, which makes the woman extremely happy.

Even with the screen, Jiang Yun can understand the joy that the woman's heart exudes.

For this joy, Jiang Yun can understand.

Because the woman has been swimming for such a long time, she has always been a lonely person. Now, she has finally encountered a creature who can see her.

Next, Dao Zun went with the woman and continued to shuttle in this darkness.

Because of the company of Dao Zun, they have been to more and more places, and even occasionally stay in that world for a long time.

Jiang Yun also noticed that although this woman did not seem to change, her appearance was a little bit awkward, and the spirit became a little bit weak.

Finally, when they came to a darkness, there was a mountain that could not be seen.

At this time, both of them stopped.

In the next moment, Dao Zun suddenly reached out and saw that there were countless lines in all directions, and even a variety of strange powers swarmed, all covering the woman.

The woman's face was puzzled and incomprehensible, but without the power of resistance, she was wrapped up by countless lines and various forces until she finally became a white cockroach!

The area of ​​this scorpion is only about a hundred feet. Even through that white, the woman inside can be seen, and her eyes are gradually closed, as if she is in a deep sleep.

Around her body, there is a golden thunder that is constantly flowing, making this white dragonfly dyed in gold.

At this time, Dao Zun was pointing out again. This woman wrapped in a shackles suddenly turned into a ray of light and rushed to the mountains.

Surprisingly, although this cockroach hit the mountain, it did not fall into the mountain.

There are countless flashing thunders in it, which makes it like a thick and blunt sword, which divides the mountain into two!

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