The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1193: Ten opponents

Every monk who entered the Thunder Sea immediately found a position to sit down and kneel, and began to absorb the Thunder into the body regardless of the madness, and seized the time to get through the siltation in his body.

Even if you can't make the congenital body and the body, but even if you can get through a blockbuster, it is not a small for them.

Although the area of ​​the main road Leihai is a hundred times larger than before, at this moment, the number of monks rushing into this thunder sea is more than a thousand times more than before.

Therefore, it turned out that Lei Hai, which should have been huge, seemed to be a bit crowded.

However, in the center of the Thunder Sea, there is an extremely empty space in the area with nearly a hundred feet.

Because outside the Baizhang area, there are at least hundreds of humanoid surrounds, just like the loyal guards, protecting this area.

Although the number of these Lei Ling is not many, but each Lei Ling is extremely powerful, the weakest is also comparable to the cultivation of the heavens.

Even three of them have reached the realm of heaven and earth!


Therefore, although the monks found this area, they did not dare to approach the group.

When Wei Heng opened his eyes from the coma, the first thing he saw was this group of Lei Ling.

Feeling the horror that they radiated from them, he was scared that he almost fell into a coma again.

But when he saw the rich thunder that was filled with it, he couldn't help but look bright.

Although he didn't know what happened when he was in a coma, he at least understood that he should be in the thunder sea now, so he certainly refused to give up such a great opportunity, and hurriedly began to absorb the Thunder.

In the place not far from Wei Heng, Shen Panyu looked at the front with doubts.

He remembered that he showed the innate thunder, just preparing to fight with Jiang Yun, but a powerful force that made him unable to compete suddenly came, which led to his own sudden coma.

As a big disciple of Thunder God, he naturally saw that the right way, Lei Hai, has been opened, and the area is several times larger than before.

Even if I cultivated myself and my knowledge, I will recover and I will no longer be suppressed.

Although he was also confused, when his eyes saw the unspeakable thunder, he was frowned and said to himself: "Lei is not very useful for Master."

"Since the Thunder Sea is now open and he is also inside, then whatever the reason, the first thing I have to do is to make this Thunder extraordinary to achieve the congenital body."

Thinking of this, Shen Panyu swung a big sleeve and let Lei wake up suddenly.

And he did not give Ray's extraordinary time to think, straightforward: "Teacher, the right way, Lei Hai has been opened, now you do not care, take the time to achieve the congenital body, I will protect you!"

When I heard this sentence, even if there were more doubts, I couldn’t even ask for it. When I was surprised, I began to absorb the Thunder crazy.

Shen’s eyes were also full of vigilance, looking at hundreds of Lei Ling, not far away, and the area of ​​the Baizhang area surrounded by Lei Ling.

"Where did the Meng Guan go? Will it be within the Baizhang area?"

"What did he encounter, why did he enter the Baizhang area?"

Although Shen Panyu wanted to go into it and find out, if he went in, those Thundering maneuvers sneaked into the thunderous words, and Ray was not able to resist.

Especially the three Raytheon, who is almost equal to his strength, to a pair of three, he may not even be an opponent.

Therefore, Shen Poyu had to temporarily dismiss the idea of ​​going to the Baizhang area.

Ever since, this is filled with more than 10,000 monks. Lei Hai, which should have been noisy, is silent. Everyone is taking time and absorbing the thunder around them.

Soon, a muffled sound like an explosion continued to sound, and as the explosion sounded, there was an exhilarating cheer.

Because every muffled sound, it means that a blockage in the body of a monk has been successfully opened up, so that their cultivation and strength are further.

As a result, everyone has the motivation to start to absorb the Thunder.

However, the monks who had already opened up a blockage in the body found that although they absorbed the Thunder, they could no longer get through more fouling.

Although this made them a bit puzzled, they didn't understand what was going on, but they could only blame the amount of thunder they absorbed, so they absorbed more desperately.

The thunder swayed his head and climbed up from the ground. The confusion on his face immediately became shocked after being covered with the gods. He hurriedly turned to look at Shen Panyu: "Master, this is this what happened?"

Shen Panyu said faintly: "I don't know, I am in a coma like you, and I woke up a little longer than you. It should be a change in the right way."

These words made the thundering heart unable to help but be surprised. What strength is the master, and even inexplicably caught in a coma, how powerful the shots should be.

However, he did not dare to continue to ask, worried that the master would be annoyed, so he looked at the thunder that was full of excitement and absorbed the Thunder, and then said: "Master, Master said, this Thunder of Thunder The number is limited, so it will be opened once in a hundred years."

"Now that so many people are absorbing the Thunder at the same time, will it make the number of Thunders absorbed by the extraordinary teachers not enough?"

"Not as good as, I am going to drive these people away, or kill them?"

Shen Yangyu smiled slightly: "No need, what happened here, Master must have known it for a long time, and he has not stopped, you don't have to worry about it."

Seeing the thunder is still inexplicable, Shen Panyu went on to say: "In fact, not everyone who enters the right way can get the congenital or thunder."

"Do you think that Master is setting up a knockout war, and the qualification war is idle and boring? Because if you want to have a congenital body or a mine, you need your own talent, physical quality, and some opportunities."

"So, only those who are talented or have a physical condition are the ones who can choose the innate or the body."

"Others, even if they enter the Thunder Sea, they will be able to get through one or two fouls at most."

"And, the more silt you get through, the more you want to continue to get stuck, the higher your requirements for your talent and physical fitness!"

"And once they can't get through more silt, then they can absorb the Thunder into the body, can't really fuse, or will re-enter the Thunder Sea."

"Of course, if there are qualifications and physical conditions, or even those who are against the sky, then as long as he is willing, he can even take away those Thunder from other people's bodies for their own use!"

When I said this, Shen Panyu’s face showed a hint of remembrance.

Looking at the thunder in the eyes, the heart suddenly moved, and asked: "Master, you, you should not be from the right way to Leihai..."

Shen Yangyu nodded and said: "Yes, my congenital body is from the right side of the thunder sea, from the hands of the other nine people at that time, rushed over!"

I swallowed hard and thunder, and it was only then that I realized that my understanding of this master is not enough.

"So it seems that with the extraordinary younger brother as the son of the thunder, he should be enough to achieve the congenital body?"

"He does have it, but he has ten strong opponents."


"Meng Guan, and the nine people who sent the Taoist adults, they are the people who are most likely to achieve the congenital body or body in this thunder sea. So, we must see who they can A step faster."

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