The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1199: Time still


Just as Jiang Yun’s body fell, in the Thunder days that contained the world of incompetence, there was a huge vortex that almost covered the entire Thunder Day.

Among the whirlpools, it released a powerful atmosphere that no one could feel, and swept away in all directions.

Where this breath passed, the entire Thunder Day actually fell into a state of rest between the moments.

In the Leihai of the Zhengdao, more than 10,000 monks all maintain a variety of postures, like sculptures, motionless.

Even the Thunder God, who was just shattered by a god, and the earthly stars and other people in the hall, were all fixed.

Everything, but in the Thunder days, no matter whether it is a creature or an object, it is all motionless!

Time, this moment, really stopped the passage in this Thunder!

In this stillness, from the whirlpool, there is still a stock that is still incomprehensible by anyone, and swarms out toward the vast sea of ​​Thunder.

Soon, these breaths will completely wrap the right way, Leihai, and under this package, you will see the same static Leihai, suddenly with a golden light spot emerges!

Although these spots seem to be insignificant, the appearance of each spot will make the static Thunder Sea a slight ups and downs.

It’s like it’s breathing!

Gradually, more and more golden light spots are constantly emerging, making the entire Leihai seem like a summer night sky, full of countless stars, dazzling and beautiful.

Naturally, the undulating speed and frequency of the Thunder Sea are gradually accelerating!

Those golden light spots are no longer in the same place, but with the ups and downs of the Thunder Sea, they begin to go to the center of the Thunder Sea, that is, the area of ​​the Baizhang area is very fast.

When all the golden spots disappeared into the Baizhang area, they continued to come around the body where Jiang Yun fell down. This stopped moving, gathered together, and gradually became a golden human figure.

If Jiang Yun can open his eyes at this moment and can see the scene in front of him, then he will feel extremely excited and gratified.

Because of the golden figure, it is the mine!


At the same time, in the depths of the infernal land, there is an endless nothingness, but suddenly a vague figure emerges, muttering: "There is a demon enlightenment, and it is the demon of the thunder."

"I didn't expect that after I sealed the mine, I still have the demon to be enlightened. If there is a chance in the future, I can recruit it!"

After that, the vague figure disappeared, and his figure disappeared again, as if he had become nothing.


In addition to the landlessness, the deepest part of the demon sect of one of the nine avenues, the oldest living place in the sect, there is also an old voice that sounds: "There is a demon appearing, I don't know. Being closed, or practicing by yourself!"

And with the fall of the old voice, there was another slightly hoarse voice that followed: "Closing the road! The refiner is closing the road!"

"Oh!" The old voice said with a little doubt: "I didn't expect that now, in this piece of heaven and earth, in addition to your blood robe, there is even a refining demon who can seal the demon?"

The hoarse voice laughed loudly: "This piece of heaven and earth is bigger than you and my imagination. The refining demon is naturally not the only one, so there is nothing so rare."

The old voice then asked: "Do you know who this person is?"

After a moment of silence, the hoarse voice replied: "Although I don't know who this person is, I can feel it, I seem to know him!"

The old voice changed the subject: "That is to say, now in this piece of heaven and earth, together with the sky, there are already nine demon!"

The hoarse voice said: "Yes, but if you add your ancient demon, this number is not easy to say!"


At this moment, although the body shape of the mother has re-agglomerated, it is extremely illusory, as if it is likely to dissipate again at any time.

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And her beautiful face was also revealing the color of doubt, until her eyes saw it down, but her face still stood with a smile of satisfaction with Jiang Yun!

In an instant, Ray's body trembled slightly, and the golden eyes suddenly swelled with a mist, and the doubts on his face were shocked and stunned.

As Jiang Yun guessed, although the body of the mother has already exploded, in fact, this piece of Thunder Sea is her!

As long as the thunder sea does not scatter, the thunder inside is not destroyed, then she still can not be counted as a complete death.

And the explosion of the body of the mother, and the kiss she left in the forehead of Jiang Yun, actually gave her last strength, that is, this Leihai, together with all the thunders inside, to the ginger. cloud.

As long as Jiang Yun is willing, then with the kiss that the mother gave him, he can easily absorb the thunder in the Leihai.

Once the Thunder disappeared, the Thunder Sea would disappear completely. At that time, it was the time when the Thunder really fell.

Even so, it is almost impossible to resurrect the mine and let the mother reunite and let the thunder survive.

Even if it is a Taoist shot, it is difficult to do it.

However, Jiang Yun thought of the way to seal the road for Lei.

For the demon to seal the road, with the help of this piece of heaven and earth, the recognition of this world is obtained.

Raymond is the first Thunder born from this world, so only the power of this world can save her and even reunite her body.

At this moment, the Lei mother, although still do not know how Jiang Yun did, but understand that Jiang Yun is equal to his own life, changed his life.

This made her eyes full of fog, and went to Jiang Yun's side, looked down and looked at Jiang Yun's already cold body, the fog in his eyes finally turned into tears, dripping on Jiang Yun's face. Above!

Although she has resurrected her life, she has gained recognition from her, and she has become a demon, so that her already exhausted life can continue to exist.

Although her strength is all right, she has no way to let Jiang Yun die and resurrect.

However, the next moment, Lei Meng suddenly looked up, his eyes instantly penetrated the Baizhang area, penetrated the entire Leihai, and saw the hundreds of monks on the square that did not step into the right path of Leihai.

Almost all of these monks have surpassed the realm of the realm. Even if they entered Leihai, they did not have any effect. Therefore, they still stayed on the square.

Inside, there is a middle-aged woman!

Ray's gaze is her!

Then, the mother reached out and the beautiful woman who was still at rest turned into a light, rushed into the Leihai, directly appeared in front of the mother, and restored the ability to act.

However, even if she recovered, she was still unable to move, with a stunned color, looking at the mother in front of her, the shock in her heart is beyond description.

And the next words of the mother, let her simply can not believe their ears.

"You are a member of the Taikoo Yaozu Snow Lotus family. You Xuelian people are proficient in healing. Now I ask you to save the child no matter what method you use!"

"In the future, I will definitely repay you to the Xuelian family!"

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