The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1202: Meng Guan shot

For the time when the previous time was still, no third person knew about the entire Thunder Day except for Jiang Yun and Snow Fairy.

Therefore, as time passed and the passage passed, everyone did not feel anything wrong.

Among the Leihai, the eyes and the gods of the people are still concentrated on Lei Fei and the other nine people.

Everyone is basically well aware that these ten people have already reached the last moment of sprinting the innate thunder or the body. Now, see who can take it one step faster!

Among the halls, the Thunder God was shaking under his body, and it was a blood spout.

Because he has a trace of the gods used to explore the past of Meng Guan was crushed.

The Earth Star River unscrupulously screamed and laughed: "Thunder Road Friends, you will spurt five bloods, and pay such a big price. Have you found out the origin of the Meng Guan?"

Thunder's eyes are filled with endless grievances, and glance at the galaxy, simply can't wait to kill the other party now.

However, he also knows that it is not the time.

Because he was not aware of the implementation of his plan until he was unable to determine the current trend of the mine.

However, regarding the pursuit of the history of the Meng Guan, he decided to give up!

No way, although the origin of this Meng Guan is still unknown, but the people close to this Meng Guan, each one is powerful enough to exceed their own imagination.

If you continue to trace it, I am afraid that it must be like the Star River, to catch up with this life!

Therefore, Thunder God did not pay attention to the Star River, and looked very gloomy and put the three mirrors in his hand, and turned his eyes to the right side of the Leihai, especially the Leihai Center. region.

Regardless of whether it was the gaze or the gods, the Thunder God could not enter the area of ​​the Baizhang, and naturally did not know what happened inside.

Now, when he wants to come, he will definitely still be invisible, but when he has not used the knowledge of God, he only swept his eyes, but he accidentally let him see it!

Although there is still an invisible force to block, but at least he can faintly see that there are two figures inside.

One man, one woman!

"Meng Guan and Lei Ma!"

Thunder's lord was a cleverman, and he did not dare to look at it again. He hurriedly looked at the side.

Lei mother would never have thought that she would find Xue Xianzi to treat Jiang Yun’s behavior, and she would actually save Jiang Yun’s life in the invisible.

Because if at this time, Thunder God sees only one person in the Baizhang area, Jiang Yun will enter it and seize or kill Jiang Yun.

As long as he appears, Jiang Yun, who just resurrected and died, can't be his opponent!

It is a pity that Thunder God missed this great opportunity after treating Xue Xianzi as a Lei.

At this time, Jiang Yun had already sat down on his knees, and a golden Thunder imprint appeared in his eyebrows, which was left by a kiss that Ray had previously had on his forehead.

This mark represents the mother of the Thunder, representing the source of the Thunder, representing the Lord of Thunder!

Therefore, after the imprint of Jiang Yun emerged, the Thunder in the Thunder Sea was immediately as if it was summoned, and it was ready to rush toward the position where Jiang Yun was.

This scene is naturally noticed by all the monks who are in the Thunder Sea.

After such a long period of time, even though they did not dare to step into the area of ​​the Baizhang with the protection of Thunder, but most of them can guess, the person who exists in the area is the Mengguan!

Even, it is not surprising that Meng Guan chose to absorb the Thunder when Ten people, such as Lei Fei, were about to achieve the Thunder and the Tao.

Because of the previous qualification battle, Meng Guan was basically shot at the last minute, and swept all opponents with a very strong attitude, and successfully stood out.

Therefore, at this moment, the thunder of the thunder, everyone wants to come, this Meng Guan must be re-applied!

"This Meng Guan, it is too arrogant, even the final shot in the qualification battle, I did not expect that even in the case of the right road Lei Hai, still dare to wait until now."

"Yeah, Lei and the other nine people, it is estimated that the distance from the achievement of the body or the body of the body is only the last step. He is going to shoot at this time, I am afraid to lose!"

"Not necessarily, Meng Guan is a man of arrogance, but he is daring. If he dares to wait until now, he must have confidence."

Thunder is also anxious: "Master, that Meng Guan shot!"

Shen Panyu naturally noticed it, but looking at the hundreds of Lei Ling still surrounded by the Baizhang area, he shook his head and said: "Since Master has not yet opened, then we don't have to go."

"He only absorbed the Thunder at this time, and it is definitely too late."

However, as Shen Panyu’s voice just fell, he heard a roar of sounds suddenly ringing!

In the thunder sea of ​​the entire right path, in addition to the Thunder absorbed by the thunder and ten people, the rest of the Thunder all rushed toward the Baizhang area.

Because the speed is so fast that the Thunder jumped out of the Thunder Sea, and it was like a dragon in the sky.

Between the counts and the number of thunders, the number of thunders that have come in has been roughly the same as the number of thunder in each person, such as Lei Feifan!

In other words, in this Thunder Sea, in addition to the Thunder that has been consumed by other monks, the remaining Thunder are equivalent to being evenly divided into eleven, respectively, by eleven people including Jiang Yun and Lei Bufan. occupy!

In this case, there is nothing for others.

After all, they did not work to absorb the Thunder, but for Ray and the other nine, it was to make their faces change.

From the beginning to the end, they are robbing others of the Thunder, but now, they all clearly feel that the Thunder in their body has begun to be eager to move, no longer under their control, to be taken away by others.

Once the Thunder is taken away, then they want to get back again, but it is not so easy!

Therefore, if they want to achieve congenital or thunder, then the best way is to kill the robbed person.

At the same time, the voice of the Thunder God was heard in the ear of the nine people sent by the Tao.

"You, I have let Lei stop the absorption of the Thunder, but now there is still one person in Leihai, not my disciple, I don't listen to my orders, so if you want to achieve the innate celestial body, then I advise you to temporarily Give up the Thunder, kill the person first!"

Hearing the voice of Thunder's God, nine people opened their eyes almost simultaneously.

After looking at each other, one of them was cold and cold: "Thunder God, this person we have already noticed, his strength may not be strong, but there are still hundreds of Ray Ling beside him, you let us go Kill him, is it because you want us to die?"

Thunder God is thinking this way!

He was jealous of the thunder mother, did not dare to go in person, and did not want his own thundering monk, especially his disciples have something to lose, so they will go to the nine people.

Now that the nine people have broken their own goals, Thunder God can only smile with a slight smile: "Reassured, I will naturally help you open the way."

Then, over the entire Leiyuan Mountain, the voice of Thunder God suddenly sounded: "All Thunder Heaven monks listened to orders, and now, whoever kills the most Raytheon, I will accept who is a disciple!"

d: Yongzheng! m version first \') send vf

Jiang Yun, suddenly opened his eyes, the eyes are full of fierce light, the calm face is even more unobtrusive to reveal the killing!

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