The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1208: Even with this

With the identity and eyesight of thunderstorms, it is natural to see the role of the Thundermark in the heart of Jiang Yunmei!

That is the mark left by the mother of Wan Lei!

Today's thunderstorms, although expensive for Thunder God, when outsiders want to come, he must have entered the humane isomorphism, but in fact, he is still the last step.

In the near future, he will usher in the fifth robbery of the heavens. Only when he has passed, can he truly enter the realm of humanity and isomorphism.

Unfortunately, even though he has made a lot of preparations, he still has no confidence to survive this last catastrophe.

However, the accident of Wan Lei's mother has now awakened, and it has left a mark on Jiang Yun, but it has made him see hope.

If you can get the Raymond imprint, then you will truly become the Lord of the Thunder, and you will have the full confidence to go through the fifth robbery, and thus you will feel the thunder of the road!

By that time, I would care about this little Thunder day.

Even, you may be able to sit on the same level as Dao Zun!

The premise to achieve this wish is to kill Jiang Yun and take away the mark left by Lei Meng!

"I am not old, you think that I don't do it, no one can kill your baby disciple!"

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"Pour the universe, killing Jiang Yun for the teacher!"

Thunderstorms are already going out, and anyway, they have offended the ancients, and they have no scruples.

What's more, if you don't kill Jiang Yun today, then your own end will be worse than Jiang Yun, so he dare not shoot again, but let his disciples shoot.

Shen Poyu nodded and just wanted Jiang Yun to go. The snow fairy was in a flash of shape and blocked him.

The thunderstorm looked cold and cold to the snow fairy: "Whoever dares to help Jiang Yun today, I will kill who!"

Although thunderstorms can't be shot against Jiang Yun, there is no scruples about other people's shots.

Although Xue Xianzi knows that he is definitely not an opponent of thunderstorms, he has promised Lei, and it has great benefits for himself and the Xuelian people. Therefore, she still wants to stop Shen Panyu.

However, Jiang Yun suddenly said: "Let him come over!"

If you change it, Xue Xianzi may not care about Jiang Yun's opinion, but after seeing the things Jiang Yun has done, Xue Xianzi finally got out and let the road open.

Shen Panyu directly stepped in front of Jiang Yun: "Just you and me have not finished the battle, now, we continue!"

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "Come on!"


Shen Panyu smiled coldly and raised his hand. There were several thunders attacking Jiang Yun, and the thunder was loud and the momentum was amazing.

Jiang Yun was expressionless, just raised his hand, volleyed and pointed to Shen Panyu.


Jiang Yun's seemingly insignificant finger, which contained a huge force, with the ravages of destruction, instantly smashed the number of thunders, and the heavy points on Shen Panyu.

In one finger, Shen’s body shape showed a momentary stillness, and his face was unbelievable.

The next moment, his body shape has already flown straight out, and he fell heavily in nothingness. He opened his mouth and just wanted to talk, but a blood rushed out.

This scene, everyone watching is stunned!

As a big disciple of thunderstorms, Shen Panyu also has a congenital body, and the repair of the heavens and the five robbers can be said to be the second master of thunderstorms throughout the Thunder days.

However, it has now been easily injured by Jiang Yunyi!

Only a few strong people such as thunderstorms flashed a ray of light, because they were in the shots of Jiang Yun, and they felt the breath that originated from the nine air groups!


Shen Panyu stood up and stood up, not taking care of the blood stains on his lips. He stared at Jiang Yundao: "You are neither a congenital or a congenital body, you can't suddenly become so strong!"

Although Jiang Yun has just snatched a lot of Thunder's power, but in Shen Panyu and everyone's view, Jiang Yun's current body seems to have no difference.

Jiang Yun naturally would not explain to him, but instead sighed in his heart.

What he used to injure Shen Yuanyu is naturally the ninth life of the Jiang nationality!

However, although this power can be manipulated by itself, it is not really a force of its own.

This is like a pool of water, although you can reach out to get the water out of the pool, but there will be a considerable amount of water, lost from your fingers.

As a result, these repairs are greatly reduced!

If you can turn all these efforts into your own use, then this just one is enough to kill Shen Panyu directly!

However, even if only a little force is extracted from the cultivation of the ninth spirit, it is not Shen Pengyu's ability to compete.

Jiang Yun raised his hand again, and it was pointing at Shen Yuanyu.

When this finger fell, Shen Panyu’s body suddenly burst into a strong electric light.

All the thunder in his body all came together in an instant, forming a Thunder shield, blocking him in front of him, blocking the second force of Jiang Yun.


In the sound of the impact of the earthquake, this hundred-foot area suddenly turned into a sea, and picked up the weather.

Not only did the Thunder shield in front of Shen Poyu disappear in an instant, but the power contained in the finger was incessant, and once again hit the body of Shen Panyu, hitting the figure he had just stood up again. !

Waiting for Shen Panyu to stand up, Jiang Yun has raised his hand for the third time, and it is a point to point out!

"Before you gave Jiang a finger, now Jiang is even profitable, and you have three fingers. As long as you can pick it up, I will spare you!"

Look at the oncoming fingers, not to mention Shen Panyu, even the people around you are well aware, this refers to the consequences of Shen Panyu's success, is death!

Shen Panyu's face has become pale, he really can't think of it, why Jiang Yun can become so powerful in just a few moments.

However, the answer to these questions is that Shen Panyu wants to come. He should never have a way to know it. He can't take this third finger.

But when Shen Panyu closed his eyes and died, there was a huge force that emerged from the side, and Jiang Yun’s power of this finger slammed into it.


The two explosions sounded almost at the same time. The first explosion was caused by Jiang Yun’s one-finger explosion, and the second explosion was from the body of the thunderstorm.

Thunderstorm, actually shot at Shen Guanyu's life and death, saved Shen Panyu.

However, this also makes the power of Gu Biao left in his body to attack again.


Shen Panyu looked at the pale face of the handsome, and even the water mist rose in his eyes.

His own master was struggling with serious injuries, and he had to save himself. This shows that Master is extremely concerned about himself.

"I am not old, how much power you have hidden in my body, I don't believe it, Jiang Yun, die!"

Two times in a row, it was hit hard by the hidden power of the ancient and the old, so that the thunderstorm has been completely angered, and even despite the disregard, once again attacked Jiang Yun.

Naturally, there is another explosion in his body!

The thunderstorm hit Jiang Yun three times in total, and the cost of three times was that Jiang Yun was unharmed, but his body was hit three times, causing his repair to fall sharply!

However, at this moment, Jiang Yun’s ear suddenly sounded to the old voice: “The fourth child, I am sleeping, I feel that the thunderstorm is exploring your past, and the rush is only in the body of the thunderstorm. There are three hidden forces that can hurt him three times."

"If you can hear my words, it means that all three forces are now exhausted."

"If you can win him now, then kill him, there is a master to support you, if you do not win his grasp, then hurry... escape!"

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