The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1211: Hijacking

Under the gaze of everyone, the huge thunderball that condensed nearly ten thousand thunders exploded.

The sound of the earth-shattering explosion was spread throughout the Thunder Day. The direct earthquake of the Thunder Sea was disappearing in an instant, the earth swayed violently, and most of the sky collapsed directly.

The power of the horrible explosion is like the roaring sea of ​​anger, turning into numerous huge waves of hundreds of feet, thousands of feet, and even high, and madly sweeping across the layers.

Where the thunder wave passed, the space was like a paper that became weak and windy, and it was easily torn and collapsed, which caused the mine to be directly blown up by a part of the realm, revealing a large area of ​​darkness.

Even these thunder waves have rushed out of the right way, and continue to spread wildly in the seams. All the arrays that will be placed in it, all the bans, all destroyed instantly!

Until the distance of tens of thousands of miles has been extended, the power of Lei Lang has gradually weakened!

Many of the monks who were originally in the Thunder Sea, although they have long been far away from the Thunderstorm Jiang Yun, but under the influence of such a terrible explosive force, there are still hundreds of distances. The weaker monks have been affected and instantly turned into nothing!

Others who were lucky enough to escape the catastrophe were deeply shocked by this horrific situation like a dying world. They all watched the center of the thunderball.

There, although there was a large area of ​​darkness due to the collapse of space, the entire Leiyuan Mountain was without any damage, and still stood silently in the darkness, just as it was when it was just a few years ago!

In the ruptures of the two mountain ranges above and below Leiyuan Mountain, there are still numerous golden thunders in the chaos, with the smoke of the sky and the roar of the sky, with a continuous roar.

As for the shape of Jiang Yun, naturally it is impossible to see.

And when everyone wants to come, Jiang Yun is directly hit by the Thunderball, absolutely has become a void, and the death can not be completely!

Suddenly, another loud noise came from the top of the Leiyuan Mountain.

Then, three figures emerged from the top of the mountain, which is the land of the stars, the exquisite and the spiritual!

The three of them were trapped on the Leiyuan Mountain by a thunderstorm. Thanks to the explosive power of the thunderball, although they could not destroy the seal, they also caused a great impact on the seal.

The two people, Dixinghe and Linglongzi, took this opportunity. At the same time, they finally broke the seal and opened the mouth. This finally escaped.


The Dixing River, which has just emerged from the trap, has a rounded eyes and a sigh of anger, and screams at the thunderstorm!

Although the Lingzizi on the side did not have an opening, it was also a face of iron and blue, and both eyes were dead and thundering!

The purpose of the two of them to come to this Thunder Heaven is to find Jiang Yun and rescue Jiang Yun.

However, not only has Jiang Yun not been rescued, but even Snow Fairy is probably a fragrant jade.

The same is the ancient demon, when they have suffered such a big loss, so at this moment, the two have been hateful for thunderstorms.

At this moment, the thunderstorm was simply ignored by the stars of the river and the exquisite son. His chest was violently undulating, and the face that had once again become pale was even shocked.

When he first explored the past with the knowledge of Jiang Yun, he was hit three times in succession. Later, he was injured three times, causing his injuries to be extremely serious.

Although he swallowed two disciples of the congenital body, his injury did not fully recover.

Therefore, it is still a small load for him to condense the Thousands of Thunder to launch an attack.

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However, now he obviously does not care about his own situation, just staring at the center of the explosion.

Looking at the thunderstorm, Ling Xiaozi hurriedly grabbed the river that was ready to rush to the ground: "Slow, thunderstorms are a bit less than right."

"Is it difficult, Jiang Yun and Xue Xianzi are still alive?"

Dixing River bites its teeth and says: "The snow fairy is still alive, but Jiang Yun..."

However, before he finished speaking, the spirits behind him had already interrupted: "The ancestors, Jiang Daren must be alive!"


Seeing the still calm look on the face of the spirit, the earth star river was too angry to say anything.

Although he knows that Lingling has great confidence in Jiang Yun, he also admits that Jiang Yun has repeatedly brought his own great accidents. However, under the attack of thousands of Thunder, Jiang Yun can’t have the possibility of surviving. .

But at this moment, a sudden exclamation suddenly came: "Look, what is that!"

Upon hearing this sentence, Dixinghe and Linglongzi glimpsed, and hurriedly turned their heads at the same time, looking at themselves behind them and looking at the center of the explosion of the thunderball.

At this time, the thunder and smoke that covered the sky have dissipated a lot, so you can see the situation inside.

On the position where Jiang Yun and Xue Xianzi originally stood, there was a huge black shadow.

"what is this?"

Seeing this shadow, Dixing River and Lingzizi are all stunned.

However, the two of them soon returned to the gods, and the earth star river was exposed: "It should be the magic weapon of Jiang Yun's body, and he and Xue Xianzi were protected at a crucial moment."

Linglong’s brow wrinkled: “Just what kind of magic weapon can have such great power, even thousands of thunders can’t be destroyed?”

Under the urgency of the Earth Star River, he suddenly raised his sleeves and slammed it with force. He suddenly set off a gust of wind, and spread the thunder and the smoke, and let the black shadow appear clearly in them and all In the eyes of people!

"this is……"

Looking at such things, Dixinghe and Linglongzi suddenly suffered the same lightning strikes, and they were stupid.

Not just them, at this moment, everyone looks exactly like them.

Because all of them have just seen such a thing not long ago!

A big tripod!

The previous qualification battle, the big trip that appeared in the heavens!

Earth Xinghe and others are even more clear, this is not an ordinary tripod, but a tripod!

Thunderstorms are very concerned about and care for this tripod, even if they want to take a look at it, he will not be willing, but also said that they are high in the weekdays.

But now, this sacred descent is here, and the location seems to protect Jiang Yun and Xue Xianzi.

After a moment of silence, the Earth Star River burst into a loud laughter and pointed to the thunderstorm: "Haha, thunderstorm, thunderstorm, I remember you said before, the people in this world who can steal things from your hands are still not born. !"

"So what is going on now, how can you be stolen by Jiang Yun?"

"You don't want to tell me, this is your kindness and initiative to give Jiang Yun to let him resist your attack!"

Thunderstorms simply ignored the stars, the eyes flashed in the light, staring at the slain.

The reason why he was shocked was because the occupant who was hidden in his body, when he had just thrown the thunderball, flew out of control uncontrollably and fell into the thunder of the blast. in.

Although he has already guessed that Jiang Yun can only be a ghost, he still can't believe it. He can't imagine how Jiang Yun can do it.

After all, I have mastered this time for countless years. Until now, I can't control it. Jiang Yun is just a few times before I have spent a lot of time in Ding. Can I take this trip?

Therefore, he will also be shocked and wait to see what is going on.

Now, Ding really appeared, is Jiang Yun really in Dingzhong?

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