The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1217: Shock Tianyou

The thunderstorm, which was originally approaching Jiang Yun a little bit, suddenly saw the innumerable force of countless stocks and the madness of the sun, letting his body retreat uncontrollably.

No way, the number of forces in the sun is now much stronger than before, so the pressure that comes out is naturally rising, surpassing the limit that thunderstorms can now withstand.

After all, the power of this yang is not from the body of Jiang Yun, but from the birth of the dead and the nine ethnic groups, the creation of this piece of heaven and earth!

Not to mention thunderstorms, even if it is a Taoist, in the face of the power of the sun that is almost completely dead, I am afraid there is no possibility of countering.

Therefore, the thunderstorm can only helplessly stop the body shape, standing in a gloomy position, staring at the invisible Jiang Yun that has been covered by the majestic fog.

There is nothing wrong with the guesswork of the wild map.

Jiang Yun looked at the massive force of the sun that swarmed, and the thunderstorm approaching step by step, and immediately turned his mind.

Since the practice of Jiang Yun, the aura or strength required for each improvement of the realm has far exceeded that of others.

Coupled with his protection of the earth, it absorbs the power of the yin in the nine places. Therefore, if you want to enter the heavens, the power of the sun is not only unimaginable, but also From the dead nine places.

Therefore, now is his perfect opportunity to impact the heavens!

What's more, Jiang Yun is also well aware that if he relies solely on these forces to temporarily improve his strength, it is still impossible to be an opponent of thunderstorms.

However, if you step into the heavens, even if the strength is not as good as thunderstorms, you will become the master of the nine places!

The power of the heavenly blessing lies in the protection of the heavens and the earth in which the world is located.

The blessings that other heavens have acquired are only from a certain border or a wasteland.

However, Jiang Yun is different. Once he enters the heavens, he protects the heavens and the land that is blessing him.

Only then, Jiang Yun may have a chance to fight with thunderstorms!

In addition, the surge of the most powerful force of the sun can stop the thunderstorm from approaching.

Therefore, after a brief thought, Jiang Yun decided to continue to perform the sacrifice of the heavens.

Not to improve the strength, but to continue to gain a greater amount of the power of the sun, take this opportunity to see if you can break through to the heavens.

However, although the power of the sun should be enough, there is still a level in front of Jiang Yun----the nine-nation road seal!

Although Jiang Yun has been using the ninth generation of the Jiang nationality to try to break the nine-nation seal, but this direct impact on the seal will not be perceived by Tao.

Because of the role of the Jiuzu Daofeng, it is only to suppress the cultivation of Jiang Yun as a realm.

If Jiang Yun really begins to break through the realm, then the power in the road will appear to stop him.

At the beginning of the illusion, if there was no help from the wilderness, Jiang Yun could not break through to the environment.

Once the Jiuzu Road seal is touched, the Taoist can know.

In the face of thunderstorms, Jiang Yun is no longer an opponent. If you add Tao Zun, then Jiang Yun is unlikely to have a living path today.

Fortunately, although there is no protection for the wild map, Jiang Yun’s side is surrounded by a sacred sacred object.

When Jiang Yun left the ancient times, Xiao Letian suggested that Jiang Yun should stay in the ancient times of the Tao, and then leave after the breakthrough to the heavens.

Because, as a descendant of the Xiao family, he was able to help Jiang Yun suppress the Jiuzu Daofeng by the power of looting, so that Jiang Yun can break through to the heavenly environment without being affected by the road.

The power of the robbery mastered by the hijacking is stronger than that of Xiao Lotte. Therefore, as long as it hides in the shackles of the emptiness, Jiang Yun may be able to know the Taoist when he breaks through the heavens.

After completing the five sacrifices, Jiang Yun’s chaotic body came out of the body with the force of the yang that was much bigger and almost blasted, and continued to absorb the power of the sun.

However, Jiang Yun’s deity has entered the glory of the emptiness!

"The robbery, I need your help, send me into the deepest space here!"

With the fall of Jiang Yun's voice, the instrumental spirit in his sea of ​​consciousness immediately gave a ray of light, and Jiang Yun only felt that there was a flower in front of him, and the whole person was already in a void.

Jiang Yun did not hesitate to ask: "Here, is it a few levels of space?"

"Seven levels!"

In the ancient times of the Tao, the second-level space that Xiao Letian opened up can make the strong people of Heaven and Man's five robbers unable to sense. Now, in this seven-level space, Jiang Yun believes that he should be able to avoid the induction of Tao.

If you can't avoid it, you can only blame your life is not good!

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Yun closed his eyes, and the spirit also came out of the body. He sat on top of his head and crossed his head, began to absorb the power of the majestic sun, and began to officially attack Tianyou for the first time!

As the power of the Sun finally poured into the body of Jiang Yundao Ling, the Jiuzu Daofeng still had no slight reaction, which made Jiang Yun finally able to let go.

Regardless of the role of this stagnation, or for other reasons, it is obvious that Taoist can't feel that he is impacting the heavens, so he did not shoot the nine-nation seal to suppress himself.

Jiang Yun naturally no longer needs to pay attention to other things, all the energy is concentrated in the impact of the heavens.

Outside the sneak sneak, the thunderstorm's look is already gloomy and dripping water.

Among the thousands of roads, there are many secrets that can temporarily enhance their own strength, but no matter what the secret law, the time of display and duration will never be too long.

Otherwise, it cannot be called a secret law.

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However, the use of the secret law from Jiang Yun has attracted these forces of yang. So far, it has been a long time.

Instead of showing signs of dissipating, these forces are becoming more and more, so that he can’t really imagine what Jiang Yun is doing.

The reason why he did not think that Jiang Yun is in the impact of the heavens, the reason is very simple -----

At this moment, Jiang Yun is not in a certain world, but is in the seam.

Throughout the ages, no monk has ever hit the heavens in the boundaries.

In addition to thunderstorms, there are a large number of monks in the ruins of the broken road, even in the numerous worlds of Thunder, and they are watching Jiang Yun.

Their hearts have the same doubts as thunderstorms.

It’s just that thunderstorms are temporarily unable to get close to Jiang Yun’s side, not to mention other people, so what they can do now is wait.

Wait for Jiang Yun to appear on his own, or wait for this endless terrorist power to disappear!

Just as everyone is waiting, in the midst of a few million miles away from the Thunder, a young man in a robe is about to take a step forward.

It seems that he is not walking fast, but every step is tens of thousands of miles away.

And his mouth is also talking to himself: "In the early days, I promised thunderstorms. When he was on the way to Leihai, I would make sure that his thunder was innocent. I didn't expect to delay the time."

"I don't know if the right way, Lei Hai has ended. I don't know that among the nine people selected by the Master, several of them have made the congenital body."

The effort to speak, he has crossed the distance of millions of miles, and even in his eyes, can see the Thunder.

But at this moment, his face suddenly changed, and his eyes were brighter and brighter: "How can there be such a huge force of the sun during the Thunder?"

As his voice fell, he had already taken another step, crossed the remaining distance and entered the Thunder day.

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