The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1223: last step

At this moment, all the descendants of the dead nine people in this heaven and earth, no matter where they are, can see the scene of the scene being performed during the Thunder Day in their eyes.

Naturally, they did not really see the vortex until then. The nine blessed land belonging to Jiang Yun saw that Jiang Yun had already merged into the nine Taoists in the blessed land and saw Jiang Yun!

Whether it is a blessed land or a **** cloud, some people know that some people are strangers.


In the endless emptiness of the land, the hundreds of sculpture-like figures, at this moment suddenly burst into a burst of earth-shattering cheers.

"Ginger Village!"

"100,000 miles!"

"Cloud baby!"

"Cloud baby!"

Because they recognized the village of Jiang and the 100,000 mountains in the nine blessed land, they even shouted out the name of the face that was in their eyes and very familiar to them!

That is the name that belongs only to the family!

Everyone's face is too excited and joyful, with tears falling down.

Especially a girl who seems to be only sixteen or seven years old, even more excited to hug the shoulders of an old man, shaking hard.

The beautiful face was also covered with tears, excitedly screaming: "Grandpa, Grandpa, look, it is a cloud brother, really a cloud brother, he did not forget us, Yun brother is so good now!"

This girl is naturally Jiang Yuerou!

When she left the mountains and seas, she was eight or nine years old. Because the passage of time in this void is different from the outside world, she seems to be only 16 or 17 years old.

The old man who is held by her is naturally Jiang Wanli.

At this moment, even Jiang Wanli couldn’t help but shed tears and even nodded, even unable to speak.

In addition to excitement, his heart is more gratified and proud!

For sixteen years, for the monk, especially for him who is a Ginger of the Ginger, it is almost like a gap, and it is fleeting.

However, if these sixteen years are used in a child who is in his arms and is taken up by his own hands and is taught by one hand, then these sixteen years are very tense. It is long and precious.

At the beginning of their separation, Jiang Yun was just a mountain boy who did not have the slightest repair and bent on his way to get out of Jiangcun and walk out of the 100,000 mountains.

But now, this boy has not only grown into a strong person, but also turned Jiang Yun and Lushan into their own blessed land.

This means that in his heart, he never forgot Jiang Village and has not forgotten all his family.

Although Jiang Wanli did not know the experience of Jiang Yun in these years, but looking at Jiang Yun at the moment, it is not difficult for him to imagine that Jiang Yun must have created one miracle after another, in order to have today's achievements!

Moreover, now Jiang Yun is striking another great miracle that has never happened in the past.

"Cloud baby, Grandpa believes that one day, you will definitely come here, appear in front of us, take us away from this place!"


Looking at Jiang Yun, who appeared in the whirlpool in the palm of his hand, a handsome old man with a close look closed his eyes: "I have never seen this child, but his blessed land is clearly a mountain and sea world."

"And, from his body, I can feel the familiar atmosphere."

"Especially his life is much stronger than others, even more than my people..."

"If you didn't guess wrong, then he should have got my inheritance, so he can be regarded as my half disciple!"

The old man opened his eyes and showed a kind smile on his face: "I don't know how this little guy's accomplishments in the pharmacy. If you have the chance to see him, you need to test him!"


"Sure enough, he!"

Ginger’s face also showed a gratifying smile, whispering.

The middle-aged man on the side frowned slightly: "He is the child that Jiang Shu raised and raised?"


"But I remember telling you when you came back from the mountains and seas, his strength is not weak, but it is just a spiritual environment?"

"It’s only been a few decades now. Has he already entered the heavens?"

Jiang Zhan smiled slightly: "The patriarch, don't forget, he is the father of Jiang Shu spent 16 years, training the children!"


"Yes!" This sentence made the middle-aged man's brow slowly loosen, and his face finally showed a smile: "Ginger Uncle's vision is never wrong, this child will definitely succeed!" ”


Whether it is to know Jiang Yun, recognize the mountains and seas, or see Jiang Yun for the first time, the first time to see the descendants of the nine ethnic groups in the mountains and seas, their hearts are full of hope and excitement.

Perhaps other people still don't know what kind of world is in the whirlpool, but all the descendants of the nine ethnic groups are well aware.

Among the whirlpools, it is the sky that has killed the nine places!

As long as Jiang Yun integrates his nine blessed land with the Tao Ling into the whirlpool, then Jiang Yun's cultivation will enter the heavenly environment, and thus will also enjoy the protection of the nine places.

Even, become the master of the nine places!

The Lord of the Nine Lands, the nine people share the Lord!


The vast thunder of the sky, at this moment, completely fell into a dead silence.

Everyone's eyes are almost dull looking at the nine blessed land, and the nine souls in the blessed land!

Dao Ling, as the root of a monk, every monk is naturally not strange.

As for the fact that monks have multiple Taoists, although rare, they are not uncommon.

However, like Jiang Yun, he was able to have nine Taoist spirits, and he could make the spirits merge into one, and then divide them into nine. They saw it for the first time. Before, they even couldn’t even think about it.

Although Dao Er is also in shock, his gaze is to watch the same armor worn by Jiang Yun's nine Tao Ling!

When Jiang Yun Dao Ling appeared, he saw this armor, but he didn't care too much.

Now, Jiang Yun’s Tao Ling is divided into nine, and the nine spirits are all wearing this armor, which caught his attention.

"This should be a star spirit, but if I remember correctly, the star spirit is a piece of the moon that was built with the power of the stars. It is for her daughter to use for self-defense. How can it run? Got to Jiang Yun's body?"

“Is it true that Jiang Yun and Yue Zun have nothing to do with it?”

Because Jiang Yun’s nine Taoists have already completed the fusion, they are now scattered again and merged into the nine blessed land. It is like connecting the nine blessed land with nine lines. .

In this way, it is equivalent to letting Jiang Yun and other monks merge into a blessed land.

It is also necessary to send the blessed land to the vortex of the size of one hundred feet in one go, and the final step into the heavenly environment can be completed.

However, even though Jiang Yun showed nine Taoist spirits, most people still feel that Jiang Yun will have a great chance of impacting the failure of Tianyou.

Because of the nine blessed land that Jiang Yun showed up, especially the sea, the area is too large, and the area of ​​the vortex is only a hundred feet.

Then, if you want to integrate the nine blessings into the vortex at the same time, the difficulty is naturally not small. The only way is to compress the blessed land.

If the nine blessings are separated, it is not difficult to compress, but it is almost impossible to compress the nine blessings at the same time.

However, just when most people think that Jiang Yun is definitely not able to do anything, Jiang Yun is not flustered and reaches out to his own eyebrows!

In the eyebrows, the desert lines reappeared, divided into seven.

The seven wild lines were separated from the body of Jiang Yun, and they rushed toward the hundred vortex.

At the same time, the calm voice of Jiang Yun also resounded in this thunder.

"With the power of my abandon, open, the world of this world!"

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