The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1227: I cursed you

When the voice fell, Jiang Yun’s finger suddenly inserted directly into the thunderstorm’s eyebrows.

The screams of screaming with the thunderstorm sounded, and the blood suddenly splashed. The mark of his eyebrows was condensed by the nine-way thunder, and even the hard-born was dug out by Jiang Yun.

At the same time, the nine-color ray that radiated from the vast sky above the Thunder Day, shook it, and turned into a nine-million-dollar light dragon, rushing to the nine-way yuan. mine.

Every light dragon happens to be wrapped around a Yuan Lei!

Under the entanglement of the light dragon, these nine arrogance and arrogance, the Yuan Lei with the power to destroy the earth and the earth is suddenly quiet, even the volume is shrinking at an extremely speed.

In the twinkling of an eye, it has once again become the length of the length of the Zhang, and turned the direction, and once again went straight to the Yuan Leiyin in the hands of Jiang Yun, until it was not included.

This scene naturally made everyone as shocked by the thunder.

Especially thunderstorms, even under too much shock, they temporarily forgot the severe pain in the eyebrows. They just opened their mouths and looked at the nine light dragons.

Jiu Daoyuan Lei has been feeding for tens of thousands of years, so that they are always at their peak.

Their power, thunderstorms are also clearer than anyone else, so he dared to boast of Haikou, even the Lei mother is not necessarily the opponent of nine yuan.

But now, the nine Yuan Lei is so easily succumbed to the entanglement of the nine light dragons, and even there is no possibility of rebellion, which makes him really unacceptable.

Among all the people, only the second, although the face also has the color of shock, but the heart is true.

Because he knows that these nine lights represent the power of the Nine!

The power of the Nine, which is the power that even the teachers of their own are pursuing, how powerful, and it is the ninth Yuan Lei of the district can compete.

However, in any case, the disappearance of Jiu Dao Yuan Lei has finally saved a lot of Thunder's natural life, so that they are also taking a breath.

However, at this time, the nine light dragons suddenly exploded, turned into countless light spots, rushed to all directions, immersed in countless worlds, countless living bodies.

This naturally makes everyone feel puzzled and does not understand what is going on.

After only a moment, suddenly there was a scream of screams coming from all the worlds.

Moreover, in this scream, there are individual figures from their respective worlds, and they are separated from the boundaries.

These figures, there are old and young, there are men and women, plus a total of tens of thousands of people, repairs are also high and low.

At this moment, they are all suspended in the seams, the five senses are distorted, the face is miserable, and the body is constantly struggling.

Within their bodies, there are countless spots of light that are being erased a little bit by their own until they form a seal.

Seeing these tens of thousands of personal shadows, the face of thunderstorms finally became pale.

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Because these people are all his descendants, and each of them has his blood flowing!

Naturally, this reminds him of what Jiang Yun said.

From then on, my descendants will never be able to exercise the right to rob the thunder, never step out of the Thunder and a half step, and even never be able to embark on the road of Lei Xiu!

Originally, he thought that Jiang Yun was just scaring himself, but now that he saw this scene, he only knows that Jiang Yun really said it.

In fact, it is not Jiang Yun that does this, but the sacred objects of the Nine.

In the land of the world, the sacred objects of the nine ethnic groups appear one after another at a certain time, in order to enter the body of the living beings to find out whether there are descendants of various ethnic groups.

Now Jiang Yun borrows this method. According to the thunderstorms contained in the nine yuan mines, he finds all the blood in his thunder days, erases their cultivation, and seals their path of practice.

After a while, the light spots finally disappeared, and the pain in the faces of these tens of thousands of people gradually dissipated, but each of them used a hateful look and stared at the thunderstorm.

Most of them don't even know that they have the blood of thunderstorms in their bodies, and they don't know the relationship between themselves and thunderstorms.

However, thanks to the thunderstorms, they all become ordinary people, and they have permanently blocked the way of practice. It is conceivable how much they hate thunderstorms!

A young man screamed at the thunderstorm: "It is my shame to have your blood!"

"Although I can't erase the blood in my body, every moment of my life, I will curse you, curse you forever in hell, and eternal life will be tortured!"

A gray-haired old man gnashed his teeth: "Thunderstorms, I also curse you, not to die!"

"I curse you!"

"I curse you!"

One by one, the figures opened one after another and spoke the same words to the thunderstorm.

And after everyone has finished speaking, the face of the thunderstorm will be pale.

As an ancestor, now I have to be cursed by all my descendants, even if the thunderstorm is ruthless, at this time, there is a trembling in my heart.

And all the thundering creatures around him are staring at him with anger and disgust, which makes the thunderstorm scream and scream: "Haha, since you hate me so much, it is better to die with me. Let's go!"

"Especially, you, Jiang Yun!"

When the voice fell, the body of the thunderstorm suddenly swelled. Obviously, he was going to blew himself!

With his current strength, if it is really blew, the power that erupted is at least equivalent to the shot of a humane and powerful.

This makes everyone can't help but change their face. This thunderstorm is indeed vicious to the extreme. At this time, I still want to pull people to bury.

Jiang Yun is not moving for a move, a blue light directly enveloped the thunderstorm that has expanded to the ultimate body.


A loud bang came, and the thunderstorm's body really exploded, and a burst of turbulence broke out.

However, all the qi and waves were all tied to the blue light, and there was no leak at all. Naturally, it did not cause any harm.

Because this blue light comes from the power of the Xiao people!

It seems that only one light shrouded thunderstorms, but in fact even Jiang Yun did not know how many levels of space the thunderstorm had been sent into.

When the ray of light in the light is exhausted, the thunderstorm, the ambitious Thunder God, finally chose to end his life full of sin.

With the death of thunderstorms, everyone’s eyes are naturally concentrated on Jiang Yun’s body.

Because today's Jiang Yun, clearly has replaced the thunderstorm, has become the owner of Thunder Sky.

To be honest, for Jiang Yun, most of the monks in the Thunder days did not have any hostility.

In particular, Jiang Yun also easily seized the nine-way yuan mine, and they have a life-saving grace.

Coupled with a group of Lei Hai, who became the slave of Jiang Yun, so at the moment their hearts are a bit awkward, but they are not too scared.

At least the death of thunderstorms should make this all over.

Jiang Yun fixed the place where the thunderstorm disappeared. After a short stop, this turned around, and a ray of light descended from the sky, bringing a figure from a world and bringing it directly to him.

It is Mu Shaofeng!

The thunderstorm is dead, and Jiang Yun has no need to continue to stay in this Thunderday.

What's more, he also knows that this piece of heaven is about to dissipate, so he must leave Thunder Day before he dissipates.

However, when Jiang Yun sent Mu Shaofeng into the top of the black cloud, his face was suddenly condensed, and he looked at the second!

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