The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1244: Pretending to be a demon

"Sorry, I am not too skilled in the power of the Five Elements!"

Sure enough, Jiang Yun slowly opened his eyes and slowly opened his mouth.

In fact, Jiang Yun even noticed Guan Lin’s sneak attack earlier than Kong Benchu, but since Kong Benchu ​​had already shot, he naturally did not need to shoot again.

And with Guan Lin and others appearing out, Jiang Yun seems to be ignoring everything around him, but actually he is already preparing in secret.

On the way before coming to Zhenyuan City, Jiang Yun also had some understanding of Guanjia from Kong Benchu’s mouth.

Knowing that Guanjia and Confucius are the same, they are attached to the Five Elements.

Naturally, the techniques they are good at, and the practice of practicing are all related to the Five Elements.

Like most of the Confucius, the pursuit of the Five Elements of Fire, and the pursuit of the home is the Five Elements.

Of course, there are also a few talented disciples who will also take several of the five lines.

However, so far, no matter whether it is Confucius or Guan, except for the genius of the enchanting genius, no second person can simultaneously repair the five elements.

Coincidentally, Jiang Yun not only repaired the five elements, but also turned the five elements into his own hole!

However, Jiang Yun and the people fight, most of the time relying on the flesh, or the strength of the Nine, rarely use the power of the Five Elements.

After learning about the situation of Guanjia, Jiang Yun’s energy was concentrated on the cultivation of the power of the Five Elements.

In addition, Jiang Yun has absorbed a lot of Taoyuan, and the perception of the power of the Five Elements is far deeper than other people.

Therefore, in the process of confrontation between Kong Benchu ​​and Guan Lin, he has quietly buried a large amount of wood power in the surrounding land.

Guan Lin simply did not think that there would be a master such as Jiang Yun in the Confucian team, and he did not even think that the soils that he had summoned had already planted the seeds of Muzhi.

These seeds have now broken through the ground, and naturally these ruins have been destroyed.

With the opening of Jiang Yun, Guan Lin’s gaze naturally looked at Jiang Yun immediately, and his brow frowned: “Who are you? Why should I take care of my family and the Confucius!”

Although Guan Lin has never seen Jiang Yun, since it is easy to break down these natives, the strength will not be too weak.

In addition, he also couldn't see Jiang Yun's cultivation as a realm and strength, so he did not dare to despise Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun calmly said: "I am a friend of Confucius!"


Guan Lin’s brow wrinkles more tightly: “That said, you are going to help the Confucian family?”

"It’s not a big deal, but I’m the one who sees the danger of being a savage person, and I’m bullying less, so you better let it go!”

"Hey, gossip, you have to look at how many pounds you have!"

When the voice fell, Guan Lin suddenly raised his hand and took a shot toward Jiang Yunyi.

"Be careful!"

Kong Benchu ​​knew the strength of Guan Lin, especially the pursuit of the land. Therefore, the attacking power of the people who are close to home is much heavier than other monks.

However, Jiang Yun did not hide, but let this palm fall on his own body.

However, his face immediately appeared with the diamonds.


In the roar of the roar, Jiang Yun’s figure was so motionless that he did not even change his face. He still looked at Guan Lin Road calmly: “I don’t know, is my catty enough to be idle?”

Guan Lin’s face is abruptly changed: “Magic, you are a demon!”

The Mozu, although one of the nine people who died, but because of the choice of returning, it still exists today, and its reputation.

In the identity of Guan Lin, it is not difficult to recognize that the lines on Jiang Yun’s face are the unique magic lines of the Mozu.

For Guan Lin's thought, Jiang Yun did not explain it. He only looked at him coldly and then he took his eyes back. He turned to Kong Xiu and others and said, "Let's go!"

After that, Jiang Yun took the lead and walked toward Zhenyuan City, and Kong Xiu and others did not hesitate at all, and hurriedly followed Jiang Yun.

Even, even at the beginning of the hole, Kong was indulged in the same time, and also followed Jiang Yun.

Looking at the leadership of Jiang Yun, the Confucius family and the people went farther and farther, and all the family members looked at Guan Lin and waited for his orders.

Guan Lin’s face is cloudy and uncertain!

He does not know what the Mozu is to return to the Tao. He only knows the power of the Mozu, and he is not at all a self-defense.

Even the five-way Taoist priests will not be willing to succumb to the Mozu.

Therefore, after measuring the pros and cons, Guan Lin did not dare to order to continue to chase down the Confucius family. He could only watch Jiang Yun with the Kong family and walked into the gate of Zhenyuan City!

For Guan Lin's reaction, naturally as early as Jiang Yun's expectation, and revealing the diamonds, let the other party mistakenly think that they are the devil, it is indeed the purpose of Jiang Yun!

Jiang Yun is very clear that although he has entered the heavenly environment, the real strength he can exert is comparable to that of the Tao, but if he does not use the technique of worshiping the heavens, he is still not an opponent in the face of the Taoist power.

The technique of offering sacrifices is the biggest card of his own and cannot be used frequently.

What's more, there are too many strong people in this world.

Among the two families, Lien Guanjia and Kongjia, there are the existence of Taoist powers, not to mention the Jiu Avenue sect, and some ancient forces comparable to the strength of the Jiu Avenue.

Therefore, Jiang Yun is thinking, it is best to let others not dare to provoke themselves without taking the shot, that is, to have an identity that makes everyone jealous.

Although Jiang Yun can borrow the identity of his own disciple, he is not willing to ask Dao Zong for trouble. Secondly, this identity is not too prominent.

In the end, Jiang Yun thought of posing as a Mozu!

In fact, he is not pretending to be impersonating, because in the identity of his nine landlords, the entire Mozu must be the only one who looks at him!

"Jiang Daoyou, Guan Lin, they should not know?"

Although Kong Benchu ​​also followed Jiang Yun's body, it seems that he is not flustered, but his heart is actually very embarrassing, can not help but ask the voice.

After all, through this time and Jiang Yun's get along, he thinks that Jiang Yun's body is not a magic pattern, Jiang Yun is also more likely to be a Mozu people, nothing more than to scare Guan Lin.

Jiang Yun calmly said: "Do not worry, he did not have the courage to shoot!"

In this way, the pedestrians walked into Zhenyuan City safely and without any problems. After entering the shops of their own homes, the hearts of the people were completely put down.

At this time, Jiang Yun’s mouth suddenly made a sigh, and the mouth was overflowing with a trace of blood.

Just after he took off Guan Lin's palm, it seems to be unscathed, but in fact, even with the King Kong body, it is not enough for him to really withstand the full power of the Taoist strong.

However, Jiang Yun forcibly suppressed his own injuries and aggravated Guan Lin’s suspicion, so that he could not see his own depth.

Seeing Jiang Yun vomiting blood, all the family members of the hole suddenly changed their face.

Jiang Yun waved his hand and signaled that he had nothing to lose.

But even so, the Confucius family can not help but be afraid.

If Guan Lin had not been shackled by Jiang Yun’s identity, and still shot, then they are probably too fierce now.

However, fortunately, he is now in his own shop, and Kong Benchu ​​also informed the Confucius, even if Guan Lin is too big, he dare not come in this real yuan city.

Kong Benchu ​​rushed to Kong Xiudao: "Fast, immediately go to prepare for the transmission array, we will go home immediately!"

Kong Xiu promised to leave in a hurry.

However, just a moment later, Kong Xiu went and returned, pale-faced: "Old ancestors, not good, the real Yuan Dao was completely blocked, the transmission array could not work!"

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