The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1247: Sacrifice hole dream

For Guan Peng’s first road, it’s hard to see Kong Benchu ​​and Kong Xuehai’s unfortunate look.

However, when they heard the words "fire spirit beads", the face was even more difficult to see the extreme.

Kong Xuehai took a strong breath and forced the inner anger, coldly: "Guan Peng, if I don't expect it, I think your real purpose is to be the fire spirit of my Confucian family." !"

Kong did not speak at the beginning of the year, and his eyes did not look at Guan Peng, but looked at the white eyes of the eyes closed!

Guan Peng haha ​​smiled: "No matter what my purpose, your Confucian family wants to continue to exist. If you want to keep all your family members, now you are in front of your Confucius. There are only these two roads."

"Hey, what you said is wrong!" Suddenly, Guan Zhifei smiled and said: "In fact, Kong Jia still has a third road, which is to marry the dream girl to me. From then on, we will close the two families into a family! ”


Guan Peng laughed loudly and said: "When I am older, people are confused, and I have forgotten this third road!"

"Confucius, you have to think about it, which road are you going to choose?"

Kong Xuehai's eyebrows are upright and the lungs are about to blow up.

These three roads, he will not choose one!

However, just as he opened his mouth and was ready to refuse, the breath of the white body suddenly swelled at this moment.


All the tables and chairs in the hall were all broken and crushed under the pressure of this breath.

Even Jiang Yun, who was in the dark, clearly saw that the Lingshi on the surrounding walls had trembled violently.

Obviously, they are arranged in a matrix, and they are simply unable to withstand this breath, and they are about to explode.

In order to prevent the indecent behavior of eavesdropping on himself, Jiang Yun had to pull out a few pieces of Lingshi, and then he slammed these spirits into the original array on the wall, reinforcing the array. This is finally to protect this dark room.

For Jiang Yun’s move, Kong Meng knew nothing about it.

Because at this moment her hands clenched into fists, revealing the color of anger in her eyes, staring at the Zongbai and Guan family in the hall!

Obviously, Zong Bai is warning the Confucius, except for the three roads that Guanjia has issued, unless you choose to disappear forever, otherwise there is no fourth way to go!

Looking at the hall that has been in a mess, Kong Xuehai’s excitement is indeed calming down.

This is the terror strength of being a strong man of heaven and earth. Even if Zong Bai is willing, he can just let his body be like the furniture, the same fried smash!

As a homeowner, Kong Xuehai can not care about his own life, but he can't care about the safety of everyone in the entire Confucius.

Therefore, he had to start thinking about the three roads that the family offered to their family.

However, the three roads, no matter which one, for the Confucius, are actually dead ends.

Although Guan Zhifei is arrogant and arrogant, he is not a child.

Even on the contrary, his talent is extremely high, and his cultivation is very hard.

It is said that he has already been able to enter the Tao, but he hopes to find a suitable world to become a landlord. Therefore, he has been suppressing his cultivation and there is no breakthrough.

In addition, now he has also entered the door of Zong Bai, and the future is even more limitless.

Among the younger generations who looked at the two families, no one could be his opponent.

Except for one person!

Kong Xuehai’s mind can’t help but think of his son.

Even though Guan Zhifei's talent is higher, there are still some gaps compared with his son's hole.

If your son is not missing, then with the resources of the Confucius family, the strength of the hole is now more powerful than that of Guan Zhifei.


Shaking his head, Kong Xuehai did not continue to think about these things that were useless at all, but brought his thoughts back to reality.

The first road is definitely not going to work. As for the second road, it is not good!

Huo Lingzhu, that is the biggest treasure of Confucius, and it is precisely because of the existence of this bead that Confucius can have the scale of today.

Lost the fire spirit beads, the Confucian family will be lost.

Handing over this bead is equivalent to surrendering the future of Confucius.

Today, it seems that the third road is the most appropriate.

It’s just that his son has been missing for decades. I don’t know if I live or die. Now, for the sake of family safety, I have to sacrifice my daughter’s happiness. How can I be willing?

What's more, even if you really let Kong Meng marry Guan Zhifei, let's not say what kind of treatment Kong Dream will receive in Guanjia, but since Guanjia is only for the fire spirit, in order to annex his own Confucius, then this road is also It will only make Guanjia temporarily give up the conquest of Confucius.

It won't take long for the family to be sure to find other reasons to deal with Kong.

In desperation, Kong Xuehai looked at Kong Benchu ​​and looked at his ancestors with his eyes, but Kong Benchu ​​also kept silent.

What Confucius can think of, he can naturally think of it, so he does not know what to choose.

Even if he had already invited Jiang Yun to a foreign aid for his family, but Guan Jia also invited Zong Bai!

In any respect, Jiang Yun and Zong Bai are simply not comparable.

Needless to say, Zong Bai is an elder of the Five Elements, and he really has the support of the entire Five Elements.

Therefore, the arrival of Jiang Yun will not help the Confucian family today.

Inside the hall, there was a dead silence. The father and son did not open their mouths, but looked at Kong Xuehai and Kong Benchu ​​with a smile, waiting for their choice.

They don't care which way the Confucian family chooses, because which way is a dead end!

What they want is that the Confucian family will disappear forever.

After a while, Kong Benchu ​​finally passed the voice to Kong Xuehai: "Or, let's make a mistake!"

Kong Xuehai was silent and did not respond.

And Kong Benchu ​​went on and said: "At the expense of dreams, we can get some time for our Confucius."

"Looking at this time, we can secretly send away some qualified children and send them far away."

"Let them be invisible, and go to other sects, at least to ensure that my Confucian incense is not extinguished!"

"At that time, if we are old and undead, we can safely go to Guanjia, take the dream back, and ask her for the Confucian family!"

With the end of the words of Kong Benchu, Kong Xuehai suddenly raised his head and decided to look at his own ancestor.

He naturally understood the meaning of his ancestors, and the ancestors had to break the net with the customs!

However, before this, the Confucius needs to pass on the incense of his family, so it is necessary to let the Guanjia relax and be alert, so that the Confucius has enough time to carry out these things.

Although this method is too fierce, it is not only a dream, but a sacrifice of a large number of Confucius families.

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However, this is indeed the only way to continue the blood of Confucius.

After all, as long as the home is there, then the Confucian family will never be peaceful!

Although he and others may not be able to go with the customs, at least they will certainly be able to pay a certain price to the customs, and hurt the vitality of the family. In that case, the family will no longer be able to find the descendants of the Confucius.

Thinking of this, Kong Xuehai's eyes showed a decisive color, and finally nodded gently, ready to open his own reply.

However, at this moment, in the hall, suddenly there is a dazzling light shining!

In the light, standing a figure!

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