The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1249: no problem

At this moment, it appeared in front of the three people in the beginning of Kong, although Jiang Yun is still, but his appearance, his voice, even the temperament of his whole person, is completely different!

Because, he has become the young master of the Confucius----hole is not hurt!

Obviously, Jiang Yun is going to pretend to be a hole, and go to Guan Zhifei to try!

Jiang Yun is proficient in the art of easy-to-shape, and his memory is amazing, and the characteristics of non-injury are also obvious, so he turned himself into no harm, naturally it is not difficult.

As for the three men of Confucius, looking at Jiang Yun’s face that is very familiar to him, although he knows it is a fake, but one can still not help the body tremble slightly, excited to say nothing.

In the end, Kong was the first to return to God. He took a deep breath and then held his fists in his hands. He went straight to Jiang Yun and went straight to him. He said: "Jiang Daoyou, this grace, Kong Jia never forgets!"

The relationship between Jiang Yun and no injury is just the same door!

Before, he helped the Confucius to fight against Tianze, and then left the Confucius in the real Yuan Dynasty. As the same door, Jiang Yun’s work for the Confucian family was considered to be the best.

Therefore, even if Jiang Yun is now letting go of the matter of Kong Jia, no one can say that Jiang Yun’s point is not.

However, in the case of knowing that there are five-way Taoist interventions, Jiang Yun is still willing to help Confucius. For Confucius, it is not just a life-saving grace, but a salvation!

More importantly, Jiang Yun pretends to be a hole without injury. He will go to Kongjia and Guan Zhifei for this matter. If it is exposed, it will bring great trouble to himself and may even have life and worry.

Therefore, Kong Benchu ​​should be good, thank you Jiang Yun.

Kong Xuehai and Kong Meng also thought of this, and they hurriedly worshiped Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun smiled slightly: "Your thanks, I have been, but only once!"

"Yes!" Kong Xuehai nodded, but his face showed a sigh of relief.

Jiang Yun’s eyesight is so sharp, in his eyes, the straightforward opening point breaks: “There are questions for the Confucius, who want to ask, even though they are blunt.”

"Then I will say it!" Kong Xuehai hesitated. "Ginger Daoyou has become harmless. It is true that even I can't see the slightest flaw, but only one point..."

Hearing this, Jiang Yun already understood that he spread his own palm and opened five fingers.

"Gold, wood, water, fire, earth!"

Then, every time Jiang Yun said a word, he would pick up the corresponding five elements on one of his fingers.

After the five words are finished, there are five lines on his five fingers!

Finally, Jiang Yun’s palm suddenly slammed and spread again. In the palm of his hand, the elements of the five elements merged into one, turning into a small runner, which kept spinning.

"This is the technique of the five elements of the road that was not used at the time. It was amazing at the time, so I remembered it!"

"I don't know, is there a problem with the Confucius?"

Kong Xuehai's eyes have been straightened.

Confucius is worried about this!

Although Jiang Yun has become a hole without injury, there is no flaw in appearance. However, it is well known that Kong Kong is the genius of Kong family and Kong Guan, the only one who can practice the Five Elements at the same time.

Since Jiang Yun wants to test with Guan Zhifei in a hole-free identity, it is natural to have the same power of the Five Elements. Otherwise, you can pass Zong Bai and others.

Today, Jiang Yun’s seemingly simple demonstration completely dispels Kong Xuehai’s concerns.

It turns out that Jiang Yun is also a force of the Five Elements.

Kong Xuehai grew a breath: "I have no problems!"

"Well, then you remember, from now on, I am not Jiang Yun, but I am lucky not to die, the hole that comes back safely!"

With Jiang Yun becoming a hole-free appearance, it finally solved the urgent need of Kongjia.

The four people discussed the meeting for a while, and finally decided to set the location of the test after the Confucius. This made Kong Meng go to rest with Jiang Yun by the transmission array.

Confucius and Confucius both began to summon some of the elders in the family, telling them today, so that everyone has a mental preparation.

However, they did not mention anything about Jiang Yun.

Because Kong was initially worried that among the current Confucius, some people would be bought by the Guanjia.

In case of leaking the wind, the Confucius will not only be in danger again, but will also involve Jiang Yun.

In this way, after a full day of work, Kong Xuehai handled all the things.

After sitting in his room for a while, Kong Xuehai stood up again and found Kong Benchu.

Seeing that Kong Xuehai still had a trace of sorrow on his face, Kong Ben’s brow wrinkled, and he was unceremonious: "Study the sea, you have to know that you are the owner of my Confucius family. Anyone in my Confucian family can worry, and can be sad. Only you can't!"

Kong Xuehai hurriedly said: "The ancestors learned! It's just the ancestors, my heart is still a little uneasy."

Kong Benchu ​​faintly said: "You are not worried about Jiang Yun?"

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"Yes!" Kong Xuehai nodded. "I always feel that the time when Jiang Yun appeared is a bit clever."

"Old ancestors, you said, will Jiang Yun also come for the fire spirit beads?"

After a moment of silence, Kong Benchu ​​sighed: "My Confucian family is on the verge of death and death. This Jiang Yun suddenly appeared, and I still do my best to help us without asking for a return. This is indeed doubtful."

"However, even if Jiang Yun is coming for the fire of the spirit beads, then I ask you if you are willing to slay the fire spirit beads waiting for the demise of the Confucian family, or willing to give the fire spirit beads to Jiang Yun, in exchange for the incense of the Confucius family. ?"

"This..." Kong Xuehai suddenly stopped and opened his mouth, not knowing how to answer.

"Study the sea, although the heart of defending people is indispensable, but it depends on the situation. Now, my Confucius, there is nothing that can't be lost."

"As long as Jiang Yun can help me through this crisis, then if he really wants to fire the spirit, we will send him!"

"Not to mention, this is the worst consequence you and I have imagined. In my opinion, Jiang Yun should not be the kind of person you and I imagine."

"Jiang Yun said that no harm has been to avenge him, and he will not hesitate to kill two strong men. Even if you don't believe your judgment, you should at least believe in the eyeless eyes!"

"The most important thing, Jiang Yun, is extremely affectionate!"

Kong Ben clearly remembered the words Jiang Yun said when he said goodbye to Bai Ze!

As a refining demon, even a demon, Jiang Yun can be regarded as a family, able to maintain the other party at all costs, then he helped the Confucius because of the friendship of the same door, there is nothing impossible!

After listening to the words of Kong Benchu, Kong Xuehai still has some doubts in his heart, but it has already faded a lot. He nodded. "My ancestor, I understand, I know how to do it!"


In the room that Confucius specially arranged for himself, Jiang Yun’s hand held the refining pen that Lu Xiaoyu gave to himself.

Although he and Bai Ze have been separated for some time, but for so many days, he is still the first time alone, so the heart has a feeling of empty, and some miss Bai Ze that with a nervous voice.

Although there are other demon people in this refining pen, Jiang Yun’s current strength can easily communicate with them, but Jiang Yun does not have such an idea.

Looking at the refining demon pen, Jiang Yun’s thoughts can’t help but drift back to the mountains and seas. One and another familiar figure began to appear in my mind. The mouth muttered: “You, are you alright?”

After a long sigh, Jiang Yun took the refining pen and collected it. The gods swept through the clouds and the snow in the top of the cloud. The look on his face has returned to calm and slowly closed. eye.

Three days, the blink of an eye!

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