The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1263: Kind of way

Listening to the sound of the soul that keeps ringing in the ear, although the old man’s body still sits still, but his mouth is a soft voice: “The fire elders, Zongbai went to Guanjia not long ago, now it should be What are the dangers, please take a look!"

Wuxing Daozong, one of the nine avenues, naturally has its own five-way road, which contains countless worlds.

The sects of the Five Elements of the Taoist Temple are not only in one world, but scattered in six worlds!

Six worlds, one in the center and five in the surrounding area.

From a distance, these five worlds with vivid colors are just like the runners formed by the holes and the five elements of the road. They are connected end to end and stand in the darkness.

As the voice of the old man fell, within the red world of the five worlds, there was a hoarse voice: "Follow!"

Then, I saw a fiery red figure rushing out of the world, the speed is reaching the limit, and it has disappeared into the darkness without waiting for people to see it.

The old man also closed his eyes again and said to himself: "Zong Bai’s strength is not good, but it’s also a good day for the five people. It’s the elder of my five-way Taoist school. Who is so courageous? Dare to shoot him?"


At the same time, Jiang Yun has come to Zong Bai's face, looking at him with a blank expression: "Now you are not qualified to tell me the conditions!"

"Listen well, I only ask once for each question, only give you time to consider the five interest rates. After the five interest, even if you want to say, I will not listen!"

"The first question, when the hole was not hurt, it was because of what was inexplicable from you!"

At the moment, Zong Bai was seriously injured by the power of Lei's palm. Although he still had the strength to shoot, he did not have the courage to shoot.

Jiang Yun’s attitude also made him clearly aware that Jiang Yun was not scaring himself, but he really dared to kill himself.

Therefore, Zong Bai’s brain quickly turned a few thoughts and saw that the five-interest time was coming. He hurriedly said: “I said, I said that the hole is harmless and was taken away by a mysterious person!”

Jiang Yun did not respond, but just fixedly looked at him, waiting for him to continue to say.

Zong Bai swallowed hard and said: "The mysterious man is very strong, at least should exceed me."

"When I noticed that he appeared, although I wanted to stop it, he had already left with a hole without injury, so I don't even know if he is a man or a woman."

After that, Zong Bai’s eyes stared at Jiang Yun nervously.

However, Jiang Yun’s face is still not changed at all, so he does not know whether Jiang Yun believes what he said.

For Zong Bai’s answer, in fact, Jiang Yun did not have the ability to judge the true and false.

Moreover, Jiang Yun did not dare to search for the soul of Zong Bai.

In the identity of Zong Bai, what means should be hidden in the soul, in case his own knowledge invades the soul, and thus is known to the people of the Five Elements, then he will not be able to pay for it.

However, for the answer to this question, Jiang Yun is not too concerned about it.

Because he believes that the hole is harmless and not dead, maybe one day he will return to the Confucius home, and maybe he can see him again, and naturally he will know the answer.

Therefore, Jiang Yun asked quietly: "The second question, Dao Zun has given you a key to the five elements of the Taoist sect, let you keep it. Do you know the key?"

"The key that Dao Zun gives us?"

Zong Bai suddenly said: "I don't know, I have never heard of any keys. If this is the case, then it can only be given to my lord!"

Zong Bai’s reaction this time proves that he should not lie, although this makes Jiang Yun a little disappointed, but it is also expected.

Because Zong Bai is an elder of the Five Elements, but his strength is actually not too strong. His position in the Five Elements is not too high, so he does not know that this hidden thing is also a hidden thing. normal.

Jiang Yun no longer asks: "If you have nothing to add, then I will send you on the road!"

Looking at the palm of Jiang Yun's hand, Zong Bai hurriedly shouted: "Wait, wait, you can't kill me. If you kill me, you will die if you don't hurt!"

This sentence makes Jiang Yun's palm suddenly hang in the air, cold and cold: "reason!"

Zong Baiya Guan a bite: "I, I planted a kind of seed in the soul of the hole!"

"Do you think?" This time it was Jiang Yun’s turn, and he had never heard of any kind of thing.

Zong Bai obviously knows that Jiang Yun doesn't understand, so he hurriedly explained: "Growing beans and getting beans, planting melons, planting seeds, and getting it!"

"The so-called seed path is to plant a road in the soul of others, so that everything that the monk has acquired after the cultivation of the monk will be used as a nutrient to help the growth of the road until the fruit is produced."

"Swallowing the fruit can not improve the cultivation, but it can gain the insight of others."

"Even, even if you have never touched a certain path before, but as long as you swallow the corresponding fruit, you can easily get the corresponding insight!"

"Of course, the fruit also has a quality."

"The higher the monk's cultivation, the deeper the understanding of the Tao, the more nutrients, and the better the nature of the Tao."

"However, because of the influence of qualifications and opportunities, most people's achievements are defective, not really mature."

"The most perfect fruit is that those who have already realized their own way, that is, the strong people of humanity and isomorphism!"

"There is no such thing as a hole in the path of the Five Elements. He is very likely to enter the realm of humanity, and the Five Elements are all in the same way of humanity. So I planted five in his soul. Soul!"

"When he really enters the realm of humanity and isomorphism, at that time, his soul will bear five perfect fruits. Once swallowed, his five elements will become my way!"

I heard this, even if I calm down into Jiang Yun, I can’t help but take a deep breath.

In the past, I only knew the kind of fire, the demon species, but I did not expect that there are still other kinds!

And the role of this species is so amazing that it can directly take away the path that others have learned!

Update the fastest on \\:;I...

However, this robbing should be based on the sacrifice of others.

However, all the doubts about this white in Jiang Yun’s mind have all had reasonable answers.

The disciples that Zong Bai had received before the hole was harmless were all inexplicable deaths or disappearances, naturally because Zong Bai had planted the seeds in their souls!

However, his disciples should not be qualified, so the results will not be perfect.

This is also why, although Zong Bai can exert the power of the Five Elements, he can clearly feel that the power of his five elements is extremely complicated.

Zong Bai did not belong to his own way at all. His way, not by himself, through hard work, he realized it step by step, but robbed the disciples of his disciples and others.

This is like simmering dates. Although Zongbai swallowed the dates, he simply did not know what the taste was.

Only the hole is harmless and the qualifications are extraordinary. Therefore, Zongbai is also the most expectation for the hole that can be produced without injury. Therefore, he thinks that he is a hole without injury. He is eager to recapture himself as a door and bring back the five elements. Dao Zong!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun’s eyes once again showed murderousness.

This Zongbai and Thunder God is the same person, for their own interests, and at the expense of others!

"How can the Tao can be removed or destroyed?"

Zong Bai turned his eyes and apparently was unwilling to answer this question.

Just when Jiang Yun was ready to use the eyes of Liu Xing to force him to say it, the voice of Lei Meng suddenly sounded in the ears of Jiang Yun.

"I know!"

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