The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1265: Absurd idea

With the death of Zong Bai, a stone in Jiang Yun’s heart finally fell to the ground.

Anyway, now I have been helping the Confucius to solve the biggest threat.

Without the support of Zong Bai, the strength of Guan Jia is not much stronger than that of Kong Jia.

Although the strength of the Confucius has weakened over the years, Jiang Yun understands that the Confucius hides his strength when he senses the strong atmosphere of the five-day robbery.

As a former strong, Confucius must have a deep understanding of what outsiders do not know.

What's more, the strong people who are now close to home are almost in the territory of Confucius. As long as the Kong family is big enough, then even if they don’t kill all the family members, but they want to weaken their strength, they should still Can do it.

In short, Jiang Yun knows that his help for Guanjia will stop here.

After the development of the Confucius family, whether you can continue to survive or grow, you can only rely on themselves!

Although Jiang Yun determined that there was no flaw in the whole process of killing Zong Bai, and because he was in a different space, even if Zong Bai wanted to inform other people, there should be no way to do it, but Jiang Yun To be on the safe side, there is still no stay here.

Reaching out and grabbing the storage ring of Zong Bai, Jiang Yun’s figure has withdrawn from the space opened by this looming ditch and appeared in the seam.

Then, Jiang Yun reached out and ruined this temporary space, and the powerful gods were also covered by a range of nearly a thousand miles.

After confirming that there were no signs of passing or appearing, Jiang Yun randomly chose a direction to display the scales, and the body shape disappeared from the original place and began to shuttle rapidly in the boundary.

Just a few moments later, Jiang Yun has appeared in the place of tens of thousands of miles away, restored his true appearance, and even replaced the clothes that had just passed.

At this time, he was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

Now even if the five elements of Dao Zong know the death of Zong Bai, send people to come and trace, even if they see themselves, they should not doubt their own body.

In short, Zong Bai’s death has nothing to do with himself!

However, Jiang Yun still did not rush to turn the hole home, but slowed down the speed and continued to walk aimlessly in this boundary.

Because the things I just heard from Zong Bai and Lei Meng are far beyond his imagination, so he needs to take some time to sort out his thoughts.

Road kind, fruit!

If the mother said that everything is true, then this method of Tao is actually not evil.

Especially for some monks who can't understand, or can't cultivate to a higher level, the fruit is just like a panacea, can provide them with unimaginable help!

For example, if you are willing, you can plant your own kind in your own soul.

Then, when you are on the road to success, give the fruit you have made to someone you can't understand.

However, Jiang Yun also knows that this kind of effect is a kind of anti-day, and if you want to plant it, there will be restrictions.

Or, after taking the fruit, some side effects may occur.

What's more, the true fruit of the monk's enlightenment, only the perfect person who can be produced by the strong humanity and the context.

Looking at this world, there will not be too many monks who can go to this step, so the chances of being able to get perfect results are naturally smaller.

"If someone who can't understand is able to get all kinds of perfect fruits, then swallow them all, I don't know what kind of existence this person will become!"

"Perhaps, it is another Taoist!"

For this absurd idea that emerged from himself, Jiang Yun could not help but smile and shook his head.

Because this is simply not possible!

Now, Jiang Yun still has a question that is unclear. It is why Dao Zun wants to tell the Taoist of the Five Elements of the Tao.

"Is it true that the seeding of the species, like the demon species, can allow Taozun to control others?"

"It is very likely that this way, as long as you know this method of Tao, you should become a vassal of the Tao, so that you can make the Tao Master better control this world."

"Just don't know, the Nine Avenues are good, other forces are good, how many people have cultivated the way of farming?"

"What is the way to do this? Is it necessary to cultivate, or can everyone do it?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun’s heart moved, and the gods looked at the storage ring of Zong Bai, which had been taken into the body by himself.

"Will this storage ring contain such a way?"

Jiang Yun simply once again opened up a space with the help of the power of the looting, then drilled in, sat down on the knees, and took out the storage ring of Zongbai.

For this method of Tao, if it is really to sacrifice the lives of others, then Jiang Yun is not interested at all.

But since the mother said, it can not hurt the lives of others, then if Jiang Yun is not tempted, it is simply impossible.

Anyway, now he has nothing to do, simply take a look at this white storage ring.

As the gods explored the storage ring, Jiang Yun had to feel that Zong Bai was the elder of the Five Elements, and his family was really expensive!

The area inside this ring alone is nearly a thousand feet, which is equivalent to a small world.

There are at least tens of thousands of pieces of light, and there are hundreds of different kinds of medicinal herbs. The grades are not low, and there are dozens of versatile instruments.

However, Jiang Yun’s knowledge is that in the deepest part of the ring, there is still a hidden space, and there is an isolation array outside.

If it is not Jiang’s powerful knowledge and the fact that the formation is not low, I am afraid that this space cannot be found.

I don't want to know that since Zong Bai deliberately made this space so secret, there must be good things in it.

Jiang Yun will naturally be polite, and immediately began to study this isolation method.

However, at this moment, Jiang Yun’s face suddenly changed, and he heard a huge thunder in the body of the “bang”!

Even the Leim, who had just fallen asleep, was awakened and blurted out and said: "Child, your thunder is..."


At the same time, a red figure finally appeared near the place where Zong Bai died.

This is a middle-aged man in a red dress, his face is covered with all kinds of scars, and he can't see his original appearance.

And all the scars, without exception, are all clearly burned out by the flames.

He is the elder of the five-way Taoist dynasty, the fire is a thousand nights!

Standing near the place where Zongbai died, the fire closed his eyes for thousands of nights, and the space around his body suddenly became distorted, just like the burning of high temperature.

After only a few moments, the fire opened his eyes again and again, and his brows wrinkled: "This person is clearly prepared, and it is easy to start, and it seems that the place to kill Zongbai is in another space. This makes it hard to detect."

"However, I can feel that Zong Bai should have died on the power of the Thunder."

"Only the thundering people who are good at the power of the Thunder, Thunder and my five-way priests are also allies, and their people can't kill Zong Bai!"

"Zong Bai is also less likely to provoke Thunder Sky!"

"And, Thunder Day has changed now. Although the two men blocked the news, it is very likely that the thunderstorm guy is dead, even if he wants to check it, he can't check it."

"Zong Bai, you can only be considered unlucky, not that I will not help you revenge, but the people who kill you are too meticulous, and there is no clue!"

The fire shook his head for thousands of nights, turned and went, ready to leave.

However, at this moment, his ear suddenly stopped, turned his head and looked in a direction, the eyes of the sky rose sharply: "The power of a powerful Thunder, if not guessed, it should be you!" ”

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