The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1280: Way to make up the fire

"Array method!"

Seeing the array of methods consisting of a large number of spiritual stones that suddenly emerged above the earth, although the fire felt that the atmosphere of each formation was extremely strong, it was still not in the heart.

The fire sneered a thousand nights: "I am more and more interested in you, who are you?"

"I am not only pursuing the way of mine, but also being a refining sorcerer, and now I am still proficient in the formation!"

Jiang Yun calmly said: "If you want to know, you can ask Zong Bai!"

The fire has been killing the airway for a thousand nights: "A big tone, I just don't know that the sky is thick when I am in the world of heaven and earth! After I catch you, there is a way to know your true identity!"

"Then you have to catch me first!"

With the fall of Jiang Yun's words, his body shape suddenly became transparent, and even out of thin air disappeared from the eyes of the fire.

This made the face of the fire a thousand times suddenly change, and turned to look at the array of the surrounding Lingshi, the eyes flashed in the eyes: "What is this array, how does it even contain the power of space?"

Although the fire does not understand the law, it is not good at the power of space, but it has been cultivated to his realm, and there will be some understanding of various avenues, various laws, more or less.

Therefore, he can see that Jiang Yun is hiding in another space with the help of the formation method, so he will disappear from his own eyes.

However, he did not care too much.

Although Jiang Yun is hiding in other spaces, unless Jiang Yun does not attack himself, Jiang Yun will certainly appear.

What's more, space is not impossible to break!

When I think of it, the fire will reach out to my own eyebrows in the middle of the night, and I will sigh in the mouth: "Fire!"


On the eyebrows of the fire for thousands of nights, a mark of flame suddenly emerged, but it is not complete!

And this is the mark that represents the Avenue of Fire!

Although the fire has not entered the humane isomorphism in the thousands of nights, but the four days of annihilation of the heavens and the vicissitudes of the fire, the sentiment of the fire way is to let him distance from the real control of the fire, only one step away. .

Naturally, this makes him both the power of the fire system and the degree of control of the flame, which is far more terrible than other fire repairs.

At the same time as the word exports of fire, the word itself has already fallen into the world of fire, and more and more flames have emerged.

This situation is just like the Thunder summoned when Jiang Yunduo robbed.

At this moment, the fire has become the Lord of Fire for thousands of nights. All the flames in this world, regardless of the type, must listen to his orders and use them for him.

In the past, the whole world has been filled with flames.

Even the Confucius who were hiding in the forbidden land, even with a large number of prohibitions and arrays of protection, can still feel the hot temperature, one by one sweat and the face is red.


At this time, the fire spit again and again.

The real overwhelming flame suddenly rushed toward the place where he was.

Obviously, the purpose of the fire for thousands of nights is to arrange Jiang Yun’s array in his body, and control what strength you contain, all burned out!

At this time, it is indeed hiding in the void, Jiang Yun, watching the coming flame, is also quite shocked, the strength of this fire for thousands of nights is indeed too strong.

In this case, Jiang Yun can no longer wait for it, and the palm suddenly grasps: "Break!"

As Jiang Yun’s hands were tight, the fire immediately saw the space within his surroundings, and suddenly twisted and expanded.

In the air, there are countless cracks.

At the same time, a huge pressure is also in this distortion, and it seems to make itself to the body, and it is also distorted with this space, and then collapses.

The look of the fire for thousands of nights can not help but change again: "I understand, his formation has formed an independent space, enveloping me in the space!"

"At this moment, he is going to destroy this space and attack me by the power of destruction!"

"However, it is not enough to hurt me!"

Although the mouth said so, but the fire has never dared to be too arrogant, and the body is also full of flames, wrapped himself, and speeded up the speed of the surrounding flames.

Just when the flames finally arrived and they began to burn around the space, they heard a loud bang from the "bang".

And then, it was "bombing" and several consecutive bursts of sound!

In the midst of the explosion, it was mixed with the fire for thousands of nights. The anger was the ultimate scream: "Damn, how much space there is!"

The speculation of the fire is almost all right. The only guess he made is that at this moment, the space surrounding him is not one, but ten!

As early as half a month ago, Jiang Yun was thinking about what kind of ambush to lay down to kill the fire for thousands of nights.

The fire is not a night of Yue Qing, just relying on the formation of the law, the Tibetan sword, even the soul of the other side of the soul is afraid it is difficult to cause any harm to him.

Therefore, Jiang Yun decided to follow the way of his own help when he went to Dao Sangong to grab the soul of the master!

Xiao Letian incorporated the silently into the other space, and the power of the control of the space was equal to the power of the landlord, which made him succeed in breaking the road. A large array of space outside the Sangong, successfully regained the soul of the master.

Nowadays, although he can't integrate the whole world where Kongjia is located into a space like Xiao Letian, with the help of the squad, combined with the array method, it can arrange several small areas of space.

In the end, Jiang Yun arranged a total of ten independent spaces, which were intertwined with each other and overlapped and added, which is the position where the fire was in the night!

Although the size of the space is not large, the power generated after the space is destroyed is the same.

What's more, the nine spaces are exploding at the same time!

However, looking at the silhouette of the fire that has been revealed in the broken emptiness, Jiang Yun once again said: "The Confucius is now!"

Kong Xuehai and Kong Benchu, who had long been ready to go, heard the voice of Jiang Yun, and swung the big sleeves, and immediately put all the people of Kongjia, and even both of them into the transmission array.

Standing in the array, Kong Xuehai and Kong Benchu ​​looked at each other and looked at the same unbearable and sadness on the other's face. Kong Xuehai smiled sadly: "You, from now on, the Confucian family is gone!"

When the voice fell, Kong Xuehai also reached out and grabbed four words from the teeth: "This world is ruined!"


The light of the transmission array was bright, and everyone from the Confucius went to other worlds.

And with their departure, this Confucius has survived for countless years and finally collapsed at this moment!

This is the true purpose of Jiang Yun!

With the power of destruction in nine separate spaces, it is sure to kill thousands of nights, and then add the power of destruction in the Confucius world.

Just like in the illusion, he let the savage ruin the wild world!

This will not only maximize the attack on the fire for thousands of nights, but the destruction of the Confucius world is equivalent to the demise of the Confucian family.

As long as the Confucius is careful to hide in the future, it should be possible to escape the pursuit of the Five Elements!

"this is……"

The look of the fire for thousands of nights has finally changed with the vibration of the whole world.

Because he also perceives the imminent destruction of the world, although he wants to escape immediately, but in his body, there is another space that Jiang Yun specially left for him!

"Damn, even if this world is destroyed, you can't kill me!"

At this moment, the flame mark above the eyebrows of the fire was suddenly burned up.

The fire of thousands of nights of the mouth screamed: "Complement, the way of fire!"

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