The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1282: Snatching insight

This is the sound of Firebird!

Obviously, this firebird finally woke up.

But now Jiang Yun is not arrogant about it, because the fire dragon has come to his own.


However, just as Jiang Yun was ready to fight the price of the injury, he was able to pick up the fire dragon with his own physical strength, but he heard an inhalation sound.

The red light flashed in front of him, and the fire dragon disappeared without a trace. Instead, a firebird appeared!

At this moment, the firebird is habitually licking his mouth, and his eyes are filled with satisfaction and unsatisfactory color.

Not only is Jiang Yun, but even the fire sees this scene for thousands of nights, all of which are suddenly stunned, and all four eyes are staring at the flamingo.

Because, the fire dragon, clearly is given by the firebird... eaten!

That is not the general fire dragon, but the fire dragon that was derived from the Avenue of Fire.

In other words, it contains the power of the road!

The horror of the power of the road, Jiang Yun is deeply experienced.

With the help of the double-in-one, with the help of the Leimu imprint, the summoned nine consecutive Thunders can barely compete with it.

But the Firebird now has the power to avenue it!

"You, how are you feeling?"

After a while, Jiang Yun finally stuttered.

"What is it?" The Firebird put out his tongue and licked his mouth. "Although there is no such delicious bead, the taste is good. Unfortunately, it is less, it is not enough to break the teeth!"

That bead, naturally, is the fire spirit bead that belongs to the Confucius family of the Confucius!

Although Jiang Yun would like to think that the Firebird is boasting here, but looking at its relaxed appearance, he knows that it does not lie.

The power of swallowing a avenue has no effect on it!

The flamingo's eyes turned, and suddenly looked at the same near-sluggish fire and thousands of nights: "The fire dragon is released by you? There is nothing, don't be stingy, let's have a few more!"

"You don't know, I have slept for a long time, I am going to starve, come and come, come back!"

At this moment, the fire hit by thousands of nights is definitely much bigger than Jiang Yun.

He finally filled the road of fire with the method of cultivating the Tao. At this time, he can already be regarded as the situation of humanity and isomorphism.

However, the attack that he released on the Avenue of Fire was swallowed up by the firebird as food.

And the firebird is not enough, let yourself come a few more ways, which makes him live with it!

However, the fire has finally come back to God, and the murderous sighs in the eyes: "Well, since you want to eat, then I will let you eat enough!"

The voice fell, and the fire suddenly reached out and shot toward the firebird!

This palm, let alone the power of the road, even without the slightest power of fire, is purely aura.

With the strength of the fire for thousands of nights, since I can see that the firebird can swallow the power of the road, although he does not know the reason, but he can really be stupid enough to send the power of the road to the other side to swallow.

Therefore, he only used the purest cultivation to attack the firebird.

After all, the breath of the firebird is faint, only the heavenly environment, so with his strength, you can easily kill it!

"Be careful!"

Jiang Yun’s eyes flashed in the cold, and he did not want to condense all the power. He also shot the palm of his hand and greeted the palm of his hand.

Jiang Yun naturally understands the idea of ​​a thousand nights of fire, and it is true that the fire is thinking for thousands of nights.

The flamingo is said to have been born from the fire, although its flame is indeed extraordinary, but if it is a single strength, it will certainly not be an opponent of the fire.

If this palm is photographed, then the firebird is not dead and is seriously injured.

Jiang Yun certainly can't let the eye of the firebird be hurt by the fire.


When the two palms are docked, Jiang Yun only feels that a violent force is pouring into the body, and the body is like a falling apart. While the blood in the mouth is mad, the whole person has already flew out like the broken kite toward the darkness of the rear. .

The strength of Jiang Yun, compared with the fire of thousands of nights, is also the difference between heaven and earth, where can take his hand.

Even if it is not because of the fire, it will hurt Jiang Yun’s life.

In an instant, Jiang Yun’s mind was immediately swallowed up by layers of endless darkness, leaving only a trace of light, which was the lucidity he tried to keep!

If you are in a coma at this time, then Jiang Yun knows that he will never have another chance to wake up.

The flamingo, who is waiting for the color of the fire, waits for the fire of the fire, sees the palm of the fire, and sees the shape of Jiang Yun’s flight, and sees the fire that Jiang Yun spurts like a fire. Blood, first, a glimpse, but then the eyes showed the color of anger: "You dare to lie to me!"


The feathers on the flamingo suddenly ignited and turned into a blazing flame.

And its mouth is even more angry with the voice: "Since you don't give it, then I will grab it myself!"

Then, the flamingo raised his head and gave a shouting scream in the mouth again!

With the sound of this humming sound, the face of the fire can not help but change.

Because he clearly felt that the mark on the avenue of fire above his eyebrows was trembling uncontrollably.

It seems that I want to leave my own eyebrows!

The plaque imprint is not just a cultivation, it represents the understanding of the avenue, and it is something that cannot be exchanged at any cost.

If you haven't gained insights, you won't have such an experience. But for those who have already gained insights, especially those who are going to be enlightened, like the fire and the night, the importance of insight is the monk of the five heavens. Even more than their cultivation, more than their lives!

In any case, the fire and the night will not let your own insights have the slightest loss.

"Damn weedy bird, I killed you!"

The fire was crumbling, and the scars on his face were like living. It looked like a terrible horror. He raised his palm again and gathered all his strength. He shot the firebird.

In the face of the fire of the night, the burning flame of the flamingo also rises madly, and the sound of the humming sound in its mouth is more and more high.



The two sounds sounded almost at the same time!

Although the fire of the night of the palm of the hand took the firebird, the flamingo flew directly out of the fight, but the flame mark on his eyebrow was finally separated from his eyebrows, turned into a fire, followed by the fire The shape of the bird rushed out.

This made the fire suddenly stay in place.

Because he has never heard of it, the sensation of the avenue can actually be taken away by people. No, it was taken away by a flamingo!

For the feeling of the fire at the moment, I am afraid that only a few days ago, Jiang Yun could understand it a little.

The insights that were finally obtained were erased by the students, but the taste was very uncomfortable.

"Do not!"

In the mouth of the fire, a sudden screaming screaming, the whole person’s knowledge of the gods, the soul, or immediately, a huge sense of loss!

The disappearance of the avenue of the avenue really made his feelings about the way of fire disappear all!

This moment of fire, thousands of nights, although still the strongest of the peak of the five heavens, but it is definitely the only one in history, the only one who does not have the slightest insight!


The fire screamed in the mouth of the night, and the body trembled fiercely, his hands rubbing his own eyebrows, but his gaze suddenly looked at the flamingo that was flying backwards, and his eyes showed a color of grievance.

"Kill you, Daowu is still mine!"

The voice fell, and the fire hurriedly walked for a thousand nights, chasing away to the flamingo.

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