The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1292: God storm

God's knowledge is invisible and invisible, and it is invisible to see. This is the common understanding of all monks about God.

However, at this moment, with the fall of Jiang Yun’s voice and the frantic surging of his knowledge, in the eyes of everyone in the field, regardless of the level of cultivation, regardless of the strength of the gods, they even saw a group that was vague, but There is a storm of Zhang Xuanyuan!

God knows the storm!

This is just the scene, let everyone face the horror!

Some people can't help but wonder if they are blind or not, and hurriedly turned to look around.

It was only after I saw that everyone’s face was the same reaction as myself, and that was finally ok.

It is not his own gaze, but the strong knowledge of Jiang Yun, which is already strong enough to be visible to the naked eye!

Especially for some monks who know the shape of the gods, they can be sure. Although the knowledge of Jiang Yun is not a real form, it is not far from the shape!

In fact, they did not know that Jiang Yun’s knowledge had already been transformed, and what he showed now is not all his knowledge.

Jiang Yun has always been low-key, and it is impossible to release all his cards as soon as he comes up.

What he has to do at the moment is to let everyone clearly see whether his own knowledge is qualified to pass this first round of screening.

In addition, he also knows that if he comes up to show all the knowledge of God and let the eyes of God appear, then North will inevitably realize that the power of God alone is not his opponent.

At that time, he would not have to use his knowledge to compete with himself, and he would choose other ways to deal with himself.

Just like that, just sneak attack with the power of repair!

In that case, it is against you.

Although Jiebei is not very good, his realm is a real road.

I can't play Nine Sacrifice Heaven now, it's really not his opponent.

Therefore, Jiang Yun did not increase the area of ​​his own knowledge, but it increased the intensity of his own knowledge, so that North was mistaken for his own knowledge is not much stronger than him.

Only in this way, it is possible for Jiebei to use the same knowledge to compete with himself!

After you have defeated the North with your knowledge, in the face of undisputed facts, you have to look at it, and there are other reasons for Jiebei to eliminate yourself!

The face of Jiebei is also suddenly becoming dignified!

In fact, he already knew that Jiang Yun’s knowledge was extremely strong and he was equal to himself.

Originally, he really should have passed Jiang Yun, but as Jiang Yun guessed, the four refining pharmacists who had passed the screening gave him gifts in advance.

In addition to this reason, the most important reason is that in the heart of Jiebei, the Zhaoxian book issued by Dan Daozi is full of unwillingness!

As an elder of the medicinal tract, the seven pharmacists of the Tang dynasty did not meet the conditions of Dan Daozi.

So that Dan Daozi would find a suitable refining pharmacist among the thousands of roads, and even he would not hesitate to make a huge reward for him to be blind.

Therefore, from the bottom of my heart, he hopes that all the refining pharmacists who came to the medicinal tract will be eliminated. I hope that Dandao will never find a qualified refining pharmacist.

What he can't get, he doesn't allow others to get it!

However, not long ago, four people in the dark found him in the dark and gave him a lot of benefits.

After confirming that the knowledge of these four people did not meet the requirements of Dan Daozi, he pretended to be generous in allowing the four to pass their first round of screening.

Since Jiang Yun did not give gifts to himself, and his knowledge is so powerful, if Jiang Yun passed, if Dan Dazi was fancy, those rewards would all be owned by Jiang Yun!

Therefore, he will not let Jiang Yun pass the test.

When he wants to come, Jiang Yun is dissatisfied even in his heart, but he certainly does not dare to attack. He can only admit that he is unlucky and left.

However, he never imagined that Jiang Yun not only did not leave, but also openly questioned and questioned his unfairness.

Even Jiang Yun actually hides the power of God!

In the face of this oncoming storm of understanding, Jiebei is very clear that Jiang Yun’s knowledge is stronger than himself!

You must know that you are a strong leader of Taoism and the elders of the medicinal tract. With the help of various medicinal herbs and some special exercises, you can have such a powerful god.

But Jiang Yun’s name is unknown, and even the refining pharmacist who knows the name of the name can actually have such a strong sense of God, which makes him really can’t believe it.

If you can't compete with Jiang Yun's knowledge, it would be the best proof of Jiang Yun's words.

This test is unfair!

"Absolutely not let this happen!"

"Fortunately, your knowledge is only a little stronger than me, so I can still beat you in God!"

Thinking of this, the eyes of Jiebei showed a hustle and bustle, and the hands were secretly smashed out with a few prints. Finally, at the fingertips, they condensed into a group of yellow beans, and suddenly turned to their own. Eyebrows.

With the point of solving the North, his body trembled slightly, and then his knowledge was also isolated.

Although it did not condense into a storm of consciousness like Jiang Yun, but it also has a vague shape, bringing out the whistling wind.

Especially in the eyes of Jiang Yun, it is clear that the other's gods have doubled and reached two feet.

However, Jiang Yun was not surprised.

Because the speed of the solution to the North was very fast, but it could not escape its own knowledge, so he knew that the solution to the North was the use of some secret law that would temporarily strengthen the knowledge of God.

Such a secret method must be extremely precious, but there is nothing unusual about the generous drug sect.

Seeing the fuzzy gods of the size of the two men in the north, everyone’s face can’t help but change again.

They did not know that the solution to the North was the secret method, and thought that this is the true knowledge of the North.

"While this solution is arrogant, it is not the elder of the medicinal tract. The gods are so powerful!"

"This friend can be dangerous, although his knowledge is not weak, but if you look at the shape of the area, it seems to be twice as small as the North, and naturally it will not be the opponent of North."

"It seems that there should be no injustice in this first round of screening!"

I heard the voice of the people under the high platform, although the face of Jiebei was a bit pale, but the face was smug.

The secret of this powerful demeanor that he exerts is actually the potential to persecute the soul.

After the exhibition, it takes a while to warm up the soul, which is costly.

If it is not to cover up his own injustice, he is reluctant to use it.

Fortunately, the results have finally been achieved, dispelling the doubts of many people.

Next, as long as you defeat Jiang Yun with your knowledge, today's events will be completed.

Jiebei is also cold and cold: "Kid, although your knowledge is not weak, but today I will let you see, what is called heaven and earth, people outside!"

"go with!"

When the voice fell, Jiebei reached out to Jiang Yun, and his knowledge immediately rushed toward Jiang Yun’s god.

As for the eyes of Jiebei, I no longer go to see the two groups of gods, but look at Jiang Yun.

When he wants to come, Jiang Yun at this moment has seen that he has doubled his knowledge. It must be that his face is extremely ugly and even fearful.

However, what surprised him was that Jiang Yun’s calm face did have a look.

Just, not fear, but ridicule!

"On your terms, you are not qualified to call the sky outside of me, people outside the world!

With the taunting color on his face, Jiang Yun opened his mouth coldly.

The finger is also the same finger, and the storm of the size of the squad that saw him was suddenly skyrocketing...

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