The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1300: make it their own

The words that Jiang Yun suddenly popped up made everyone confused and unclear.

Even if Dan Danzi is a slight glimpse, I did not understand the meaning of Jiang Yun.

Only Xu Lin’s yin and yang sighs: “If you can’t surrender, you can’t surrender. Directly acknowledging is that there’s nothing shameful. Why bother to make a mystery here and pretend to be a ghost!”

"You can't even surrender this fire, but you still have to take it for yourself. I think, you are clearly in the crowd!"

Xu Lin’s words flashed a cold light in Jiang Yun’s eyes, and looked coldly at Xu Lindao: “Noisy!”

Jiang Yun has been tolerant of this Xu Lin, but the other side has become more and more insatiable. If this is not the main hall of the medicinal tract, Jiang Yun really can't help but shoot.

"what did you say!"

Xu Lin’s face changed abruptly. He was the one who was swayed by the great sects. Anyone who saw him was a polite person. Why did anyone dare to speak to himself like this?

Seeing that the two men are arrogant, there is a momentum that is about to be shot. Dan Dao’s fluttering wave is waving: "Two, both of them are suffocating!"

Although the voice of Dan Daozi was understated, his voice was directly introduced into the souls of Jiang Yun and Xu Lin. The souls of both of them were slightly trembled, and they could not help but close their mouths. .

For Xu Lin, in fact, Dan Daozi has long been dissatisfied, but after all, Xu Lin is the closest person to his request, so Dan Daozi has tolerated it again and again.

Jiang Yun, although he has some expectations for him, but here is the main hall of the medicinal tract, which is the place where anyone can scatter wildly.

Seeing that both of them are no longer open, Dan Daozi looked back at Jiang Yun and said: "The old friend, I don't understand what you mean? You want to take this colorless flame for yourself?"

Jiang Yun nodded: "Not bad!"

Dan Daozi said after he sank: "Yes, as long as you can do it!"

Jiang Yun no longer spoke, but under the watchful eyes of everyone, he suddenly made a move that made everyone even more jaw-dropping.

Jiang Yun took the colorless flame in his palm directly into the mouth and swallowed it!

This scene is really shocking everyone!

Just when other people surrendered this fire, they were all cautious and even needed Dan Dao to protect them.

Because this colorless fire can fight back and endanger life.

However, Jiang Yun even swallowed the fire directly, and it was still in a situation where it could not be surrendered.

In this way, if this colorless flame erupts in Jiang Yun, then even Dan Dao will not necessarily save him.

By then, Jiang Yun will be swallowed up by the flames.

Jiang Yun was simply shocked by the disregard of everyone, closed his eyes, all his attention was concentrated on his own - above the fire!

After discovering that it was impossible to surrender the colorless fire from the fire, Jiang Yun thought of swallowing this colorless fire with his own fire!

The most powerful flame in Jiang Yun’s body is not a fire, but a fire!

Although this colorless fire is extremely eccentric, Jiang Yun is more confident in his own practice of nirvana, and he should be able to completely integrate it into his own.

Once this fire becomes its own thing, it is equivalent to surrendering it.

However, this flame belongs to Dan Daozi, and he takes it for himself. If Dandao does not agree, he can ask for it himself, but he can't get it, so he will ask Dan Daozi.

At this moment, the colorless fire has been placed in the burning fire of Jiang Yun!

Jiang Yun’s fire has already completed four nirvana, which is extremely powerful!

Moreover, the fire of life also represents the power of the soul!

Since there is a looming will in the fire of colorlessness, then at this moment surrounded by this fire of life, nature can clearly sense the horror of fire!

And Jiang Yun did not give the chance of rebellion against the colorless fire. All the fires suddenly flocked and rushed toward the colorless fire.

All of this happened in the soul of Jiang Yun, even if Dan Daozi could not see it, so everyone could only wait with doubts.

After just counting the money, Jiang Yun reopened his eyes and opened his palms in the face of all the eyes that were concentrated on him.

In the palm of my hand, the group of colorless fires have become extremely docile, gently swaying up and down.

After a moment of silence, the voices of cheers burst out in the mouths of many refining pharmacists.

Jiang Yun not only succeeded in surrendering this colorless fire, but also spent less time than Xu Linlai, which is equivalent to hitting Xu Lin’s face again.

Dan Daozi’s face also showed approval and unexpected color. He nodded to Jiang Yun and said: “The ancient Taoist friend has succeeded!”

Listening to the cheers of everyone, especially the words of Dan Daozi, Xu Lin’s face suddenly became gloomy.

He stared at the colorless fire on Jiang Yun’s palm and suddenly said: “Dan Zongzhu, the purpose of letting us surrender this fire is to see if our control over the power of fire meets your requirements. ""

"And the ancient Taoist friend just swallowed the fire into the body, although it also surrendered the fire, but none of us saw how he surrendered."

"I think he is probably using something that we don't know, and it can be done with some magic weapon that has nothing to do with fire!"

"So, can't count him as a surrender!"

Xu Lin’s voice fell, and the interior of the hall became quiet again.

Although everyone knows that this is Xu Lin's intentional entanglement, but he also said that there are some reasons.

All other refining pharmacists, including Xu Lin, who are skilled, use flames to try to surrender the colorless fire, which everyone can see clearly.

Only Jiang Yun surrendered the fire, and everyone could not see it.

Then, naturally, he is likely to surrender in other ways.

If this is the case, then it is unfair to others.

Therefore, all the eyes of the people also looked at Dan Daozi to see how the lord of the medicinal tract is prepared to deal with this matter.

Dan Dao's brows are slightly wrinkled, although he believes that Jiang Yun should have no courage to falsify in front of himself, but he is also curious about how Jiang Yun did it.

After a pause, Dan Daozi can only say: "The old friends, since everyone is confused about the process of surrendering this fire, is it better to explain it to everyone?"

Not waiting for Jiang Yun to open, Xu Lin has already rushed to say: "Without his explanation, if you have the ability, let him surrender this fire once again!"

"Just, this time in front of us, let us all see the whole process clearly!"

I have to say that Xu Lin’s proposal is really difficult for the strong.

Someone in the place has surrendered this fire, knowing the difficulty of surrendering, and now Jiang Yun is not easy to surrender, but let him surrender again.

For Xu Lin's proposal, Dan Daozi's eyes flashed a cold light that was not easy to detect, and his patience with Xu Lin was about to reach its limit.

"The old friend, what do you think?"

Jiang Yun turned and looked at Xu Lindao: "Do you really want to see?"

"Of course!" Xu Lin sneered: "Do you dare not let us see?"

Jiang Yun said coldly: "I am not afraid, I am afraid, scare you!"

"Ha ha ha!" Xu Lin said with a loud laugh: "The old man has not been scared by the monk to the present, come and come, trouble the ancient Taoist friends to show the magical powers, so that the old man is also scared!"

Just as Xu Lin’s voice fell, everyone only heard a loud bang from the “bang”.

From the body of Jiang Yun, a burst of hot flames burst out, covering almost half of the main hall, with a radius of five hundred feet!

It is also wrapped in Xu Lin!

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