The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1304: Four lines of visit

Everyone’s eyes naturally look outside the hall.

And when they saw the five people standing there, they suddenly changed.

Jiang Yun also looked at the past, but he only knew one of them, Tibet.

However, I remembered that Zangnan had said to himself before that he had to pick up a few people, so Jiang Yun naturally understood that the other four should be the people to be picked up in southern Tibet.

At this time, one of the four tall men had already clenched his hand at Dan Daozi, and he said with a smile: "Dan Zongzhu, I am taking the liberty to visit. If there is something disturbing, I still hope a lot of sea culverts!"

While the old man is talking, the eyes of the other three are already looking at everyone in the hall.

Although Dan Daozi’s heart does have unhappiness, but in the face of these four people, he also had to smile with the same smile: “The brothers and brothers are heavy, and the four elements of the five elements of the elders come together, let me Fluffy!"

Five elements of the road!

These four words made Jiang Yun’s heart suddenly shocked, but his face was not revealed at all, even with other people, looking at these four people.

Jiang Yun knows well that the four of them came to the medicinal tract at this time, and there is a great possibility to find themselves.

However, feeling the knowledge they have swept away from them, Jiang Yun can also be sure that they do not know their true identity!

Dan Daozi has already said: "I don't know what the four people came to do with me."

"If it is for the recommendation of a refining pharmacist, then I can only say sorry, because I have found a suitable refining pharmacist."


When I heard this, let's not say that Tumen was from four people. Even the face of southern Tibet was full of surprise, and his gaze was also involuntarily looked at Jiang Yun.

Although he did not witness the entire process of testing, but he has an intuition, the person that Dandao found, should be Jiang Yun!

As for the Tumen from the four people, it is also a bit surprising.

It should be known that the time for Dan Daozi’s Zhao Xianshu was not too short. During this period, a large number of refining pharmacists rushed to the medicinal tract.

Even, even their five-way Taoist and the remaining seven avenues secretly sent several refining pharmacists.

The Eight Avenues are not interested in moving into the medicinal tracts. They care about the kinds of remedies listed in the Dan Daozi recruiting books!

It is a pity that all the refining pharmacists have not been able to get into the eyes of Dan Daozi, and they all failed.

However, I did not expect that they had just come to this medicine, and Dan Daozi had already found a suitable refining pharmacist.

From the eyes of the four men, Tumen looked at the people in the hall again: "I don't know which master of refining medicine can recommend us."

Although they said that Dan Daozi was recommended, their eyes stayed on Xu Lin.

Obviously, they know Xu Lin!

And when they want to come, it should be only Xu Lin can be seen by Dan Daozi.

However, when they found that Xu Lin’s face was covered with a gloomy color, the four could not help but realize that their guess was probably wrong.

And Dan Daozi has also reached out and pointed to Jiang Yundao: "This is the ancient **** friend!"

Jiang Yun rushed to the four people and held a fist: "I have seen four elders!"

While talking, Jiang Yun can clearly feel that the four gods are once again covered in his own body.

After a while, the four people’s knowledge was taken back.

The four of them simply did not think that the **** in front of him was Jiang Yun who he was waiting for.

Since Jiang Yun can be recognized by Dan Daozi, I can imagine that the refining of medicines is high, so the four naturally want to have a good relationship with Jiang Yun, so they also nodded gratefully to Jiang Yun: "It turned out to be an ancient friend. If there is a chance in the future, we may have to be close to each other!"

At this time, a sullen Xu Lin also came out, still facing Dan Daozi: "Dan Zongzhu, just my question, you have not answered me, this ancient **** is more than I have insisted on counting time, Why did he meet your conditions?"

Dan Daozi smiled faintly: "On the basis of the ancient Taoist friends, you can discover the eleven kinds of medicinal properties of the new born under the fusion of the two effects!"

Having said that, Dan Daozi looked up at all the refining pharmacists and said, "I don't care. In the nine medicines given to you, I have hidden a force and wrapped up several kinds of medicines."

"But my strength is only activated when any two herbs are combined, releasing the medicinal properties that lead to the frying."

“If you want to not fry, you must find all the medicinal properties before the two medicinal herbs are fully integrated, and temporarily isolate them with aura.”

"There are a total of 13 medicinal properties in the two medicinal herbs that the ancient Taoist friend has just merged."

"The ancient Taoist friends can discover and isolate 11 of them, which is enough to show that in the power of the soul, no one in the room can match him!"

"And the power of pharmacy and the power of fire, these two conditions, I don't have to elaborate on it!"

Hearing Dan Daozi’s explanation, everyone along with Jiang Yun and Xu Lin suddenly realized.

In particular, Jiang Yun was secretly relieved. The situation he had just encountered made him almost doubt whether his drug path was wrong.

It turned out that Dan Daozi secretly made a hand and foot!

With his strength, he hides the power of medicine in the medicine, unless he is equal to his strength or the power of the soul, otherwise, of course, no one can find it.

The purpose of Dan Daozi’s doing this is naturally to find someone who is strong enough for the soul!

Xu Lin is also good, other pharmacists are worth mentioning. At this time, there is nothing to say, but after Tumen looked at the four people, Tumen suddenly smiled and said: "The power of the ancient masters should be Also very strong? I don't know if I can wait to see it?"

Not waiting for Jiang Yun to respond, Dan Daozi has already browed slightly, and first said in a step: "Four, you come to my medicine, what is it?"

Tumen’s mouth squirmed, and he said to Dan Daozi: “Dan Zongzhu, we are here to find someone according to the command of my patriarch.”

"This person killed two of my elders, and it was extremely embarrassing, leaving no trace."

"We only know that he came to the nobles and is well versed in the power of fire, so this is the only way to come."

"Right, he is still a refining demon, followed by a powerful fire demon!"

"I don't know if Dan Zong has seen such a person?"

"If you don't have one, can you let your disciples check it out for us during the drug path?"

After listening to the Tumen, the wrinkled brow of Dan Daozi gradually loosened. He smiled and looked at Tumen from the road: "Tumen, do you doubt my medicinal tract? Kill your elders?"

In the tone of Dan Daozi, there was already a hint of anger.

Tumen hurriedly accompanied the smile and said: "Dan Zongzhu, please also anger, we certainly do not mean this."

"We suspect that this person is mixed among the refining pharmacists who came for Zhao Xianshu."

"Dan Zongzhu, this matter is related to the reputation of my five-way Taoist dynasty, so I hope that the sect of Dan will be completed. We will thank you four in the future!"

Even if you borrowed a door from a Tumen, Tumen never dared to offend Dan Daozi, so his attitude is extremely sincere.

However, Dan Daozi still shook his head and said: "You want to be famous. Do you want to be famous if I am a drug lord! This matter is free!"

"I need to leave now in a hurry. If you like, you can live in my medicine for a few days. If you don't want to, you can't leave it!"

After that, Dan Daozi stopped paying attention to the Tumen from four people and turned to Jiang Yun. He smiled slightly: "The old friends, let's talk to another place!"

Jiang Yun naturally has no objection, and watching Dan Daozi really take Jiang Yun to leave, Tumen bites from his teeth and once again said: "Dan Zongzhu, one of the two elders we died, one is a fire. Thousands of nights!"

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