The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1317: Women's identity

The illusion experienced in the nine places of silence, and the conversation with the people of Xiaoyao Xiaoletian, let Jiang Yun know the existence of another piece of heaven and earth, knowing that the dead nine people came from there.

Moreover, Xiao Letian also told Jiang Yun that from the world of heaven, it is not only the dead and the nine.

For example, the sky, such as a man named unknown, he is also likely to be Jiang Yun's father.

And apart from them, there may be some people who are also from that world!

Although Jiang Yun has never been to the world, he does not know what the heaven and earth look like, but he knows how to judge the identity of the creatures from that world!

The power of silence!

In the world where Jiang Yun lives, although there is a lot of power, in the final analysis, it is the power of the road.

The power of silence is the force that belongs to another piece of heaven and earth.

Although this power and the power of the avenue are different, there are also many kinds of differences.

For example, the power possessed by each of the nine ethnic groups belongs to the power of silence.

These forces all contain a common feature, that is, silence!

As for Jiang Yun, his body already has the power to remove the other eight races except the sacred beasts. Therefore, he is extremely familiar with the power of silence!

Therefore, when he felt the power of the woman's body with a kind of ruin, he immediately judged it, and it was also the power of silence.

Moreover, it is a brand new power of silence that is different from the power of the nine people.

This makes Jiang Yun enough to infer that this woman is not a person from this world, but from another world.

After thinking about this, Jiang Yun’s other doubts will naturally be solved.

Those eccentric herbs that oneself does not know;

Only the colorless fire that God can see;

And the mysterious attitude of Dan Daozi when he mentioned this woman.

The answer to all this is actually very simple, because they all come from another world!

This is also the reason why the power of the colorless fire is beyond the Dan Daozi.

Because of the colorless fire, the best way to control is to use the power of silence.

Although he is urging a colorless fire with aura, in fact, the power of the nine ethnic groups has long been invisible and his own aura, and his whole person is merged together, so the colorless fire will burst out. More powerful power.

Moreover, Dan Daozi can't compete with the power of the woman's body even if he uses the power of the avenue. This is because the two forces are essentially different.

I also used the power of the real nine people to suppress the power of the woman.

However, even if I want to understand these answers, Jiang Yun is still a little unbelievable.

Because if these answers are true, it means that Dan Dazi, the lord of the medicinal sect, can get the things in the world.

He may have a connection with the creatures in the world, and even he may have been to the world in person.

"You really know!"

After listening to the problem of Jiang Yun, Dan Daozi also silenced for a while before opening.

Although he did not respond positively, his sentence is obviously equal to acknowledging that Jiang Yun is right.

The recognition of Dan Daozi was in the expectation of Jiang Yun, so Jiang Yun looked at him and said: "What kind of world is that?"

This problem, Jiang Yun was prepared to ask Xiao Letian, but as a result he temporarily escaped from the prison, so he never had the opportunity to ask, and finally asked.

However, Dan Daozi said with a slight sigh: "You don't know? You are not from that world?"

Jiang Yun also said: "Of course not!"

"How can you have the power of the nine people?"

"I know the tribes of the Nine!"

Jiang Yun’s answer made Dan Daozi fall silent again, and his eyebrows were twisted together. Obviously, he couldn’t figure it out.

After he saw the power of the three ethnic groups, including the abbot, the demon and the Xiao, which came out of Jiang Yun, he thought that Jiang Yun must come from that world.

I did not expect that Jiang Yun is not!

After a long while, Dan Daozi waved his hand and said: "When you ask each other, you can only get more and more chaotic."

"Let's do this. I will tell you everything I know. After you have finished listening, what are the problems?"

"it is good!"

Dan Daozi silently said for a moment: "First of all, I am not the person of the heavens and the earth. I have never been to the world, and I don't know what it looks like."

"Secondly, this woman, whose name is like a fire, has nothing to do with me. I don't know much about her situation."

"I am completely trusted by others to save her."

Speaking of this, Dan Daozi suddenly changed his voice to say: "This person, you may have heard of his name, he is called Yuezun, that is, the woman's father, all the herbs, including the colorless fire, also He gave it to me."

Moon respect!

Jiang Yun frowned and shook his head and said: "I have not heard of it, who is the Moon, and what does it have to do with Tao Zun?"

Dan Daozi said: "Yue Zun, who is from that piece of heaven and earth, is extremely powerful, and he knows Dao!"

When I heard this sentence, Jiang Yun’s heart suddenly moved.

Because Xiao Letian told him that Tao Zun not only cultivated the three realms of the realm after the realm of humanity, and even the power of Taoism has extended to another world.

Originally, Jiang Yun did not understand the meaning of this sentence, but now he finally understands a bit.

Dao Zun must be cooperating with the Moon God from that world!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun couldn't help but turn his head and look at the woman who had not awake, and she regretted it.

If you know the identity of this woman, you should not come here to help Dan Daozi.

Since she is the daughter of Yuezun, and the Moon respects the alliance with Dao Zun, the father and daughter of the month are naturally equal to their own enemies.

Now, I have personally saved my enemy!

Looking at the cold light in Jiang Yun's eyes, Dan Daozi could not guess his thoughts and hurriedly shook his head: "Brother, I think you are a little misunderstood about the Moon."

"Although I don't know much about Yuezun, but through my several contacts with him, I think he is a good person and I admire it."

"I said that I hope that I will help him save his daughter, and it does not threaten me."

Although Dan Daozi is saying good things for Yue Zun, Jiang Yun does not believe it.

However, he did not show it, just nodded and said: "What happened to the fire this month?"

"I don't know the specific situation. It seems that because of the accident she encountered at the time of her birth, she has fallen from a disease root."

"And Yuezun is also for her, so she will come to our world and look for ways to treat her."

"It’s just that Yuezun is not good at refining medicine, but he is not good at refining medicine. This has found me and provided me with everything I need. I hope I can help him refine the medicine."

"If you say it again, it's thanks to the younger brother. Otherwise, I am afraid that I have already made a big mistake, and I will go see the moon again."

Jiang Yun then asked: "When is the moon, where is he now?"

Dan Daozi shook his head and said: "I don't know, it seems to be another thing. The repair of Yuezun is far beyond our imagination. His whereabouts are what we can know."

Jiang Yun nodded and stopped talking.

Regarding the matter of the moon and his father and daughter, Jiang Yun did not want to have a relationship with himself, so he was prepared to remind him that Dan Daozi had not forgotten the key, and then he left to leave.

But Dan Daozi has already asked one step at a time: "Brother, what is your origin? This ancient **** is not your real name?"

To be honest, Jiang Yun didn't want to lie to Dan Daozi, but considering that there were people from the Five Elements, he shook his head. "It's not my real name. It's just about my identity. Forgive me now. Convenience……"

After waiting for Jiang Yun to finish his words, his heart suddenly trembled, and an inexplicable crisis emerged!

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