The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1335: Why not

With the opening of the firebird, everyone's eyes are naturally concentrated on it.

At this time, Wuyang and other five demons are already well-known, this flamingo is the new awakened people of their own saints.

Although the firebird is not strong now, but it can be awakened three times in such a short period of time, it shows that its qualification is definitely the best choice.

If you bring it back to the family, the achievements in the future may even be above yourself.

For it to open at this time, and the attitude is tough, everyone is also very curious.

Because the five elements obviously did not attract it, so it has no reason to hate the five elements!

The flamingo simply ignored the eyes of everyone. A wing fell directly on the shoulder of Jiang Yun. The eyes looked at the five elements: "You and your men, Jiang Yun, who was just forced, almost blew himself. With this in mind, no matter what the price you pay, don't want to leave today!"

Hearing the words of the Firebird, Wuyang and other five demon hearts could not help but move a little, understand the reason of the firebird opening, and understand the relationship between this new ethnic group and Jiang Yun, extraordinary.

As for Jiang Yun’s heart, there is a warm current.

Although Firebird seems to be sleeping all the time, in fact, since it swallowed the red remedy, it has already woken up.

However, the medicinal properties of the medicinal remedy were too great, so that it had to go all out to dissolve it into its own body, so it could not be distracted.

Naturally, every word that Jiang Yun said with it, every word, it can be heard clearly, and it is also extremely anxious.

The relationship between it and Jiang Yun, as Wuyang guessed, is definitely not just an ordinary friend.

Since the birth of the flamingo, it has always been a loner, until in the **** world, met Jiang Yun, it is a companion.

In particular, Jiang Yun has provided him with countless remedies, and several times to maintain it, so that it has already made Jiang Yun the closest person.

Therefore, when Jiang Yun sent it to the squadron, it almost eagerly wanted to blew himself.

It is precisely because of this kind of urgency that it not only succeeded in resolving the medicinal properties of the medicinal remedy, but also maximally activated its own blood, which can resonate with Wuyang when it screams. Thus completed three awakenings!

Now, it finally comes out of the looting, although Jiang Yun is no longer dangerous, but it can not swallow this tone, in any case, they must kill the five elements.

The Five Elements are simply disregarding the words of the Firebird. They still look at Wuyang and others: "Although I really want to kill Wuyang, now Wuyang has no loss."

"And you should also be clear that killing me and the four elders under my command is not good for you, but it may lead to unnecessary wars."

"Not to mention, if we know that we must die, and you are desperate, you will pay a price, so it is still the same sentence, what conditions can you let this matter be revealed?"

The five elements of the line, let Wuyang and others can not help but look at each other.

Although everyone is expressionless, I know that the Five Elements is a fact.

It is not so easy to kill their opponents in this realm.

The strength of the Five Elements is on top of each of them, and they are single-handedly fighting. The five of them are not opponents of the Five Elements.

If you add the Tumen who are still in the state of replenishing the road from four people, although the five demons have an absolute advantage, the process and results will certainly not be easy.

More importantly, behind the Five Elements Road is the Taoist Temple and Tao Zun!

Although this matter is self-sufficient, if the five-way sect goes to the lord and goes down to the elders of the five elements, all of whom die in the hands of themselves and others, the five-way patriarch is equal to the name.

The Nine Avenues became the Eighth Avenue sect, and the Taoist priests will certainly not be willing to give up. Maybe this will be used as an excuse to fight the saints!

In the war, the saints are not afraid, but the saints have been squatting to this day and have other purposes.

The Holy Ghost also said that it is not the time when the Holy Family was born.

Is there a need in the end, because a five-way sect led to the early birth of the saints?

"How, let go or kill?"

Jin Ge and other four demon eyes finally concentrated on Wuyang's body.

They can't care about the words of the firebird, but they can't care about Wuyang's opinions.

After all, Wuyang almost died in the hands of the five elements, so in the end is to let go, but also to see Wuyang's decision.

After Wuyang was silent for a while, he turned his eyes to Jiang Yundao: "What is your opinion?"

Wuyang’s words made Jin Ge’s four people a little surprised.

Although they understand why Jiang Yun will have a familiar feeling, but in their eyes, Jiang Yun is still not worthy of their attention.

Unexpectedly, such a major decision, Wuyang actually asked Jiang Yun's opinion.

Where did they know that after seeing the accident that Jiang Yun had repeatedly brought to himself, and seeing the relationship between Firebird and Jiang Yun, Wuyang never dared to despise Jiang Yun.

Today's Jiang Yun is just a blessing, and it has been able to kill the fire for thousands of nights. It can destroy the body of the blue-dressed woman. The Tumen can be forced to die from the four people and even bring in the power of the horrible Mozu.

Then as long as Jiang Yun does not die, the achievements and strengths in the future are absolutely limitless.

Such a person, even a saint, will not be willing to offend, but will try to pull him as much as possible.

Plus, let Jiang Yun be satisfied, the Firebird can be satisfied!

Firebird, in the future, may also become a presence above himself and others, so now give Jiang Yun and Firebird a favor, why not!

When I heard Wuyang, Jiang Yun was also a glimpse. I didn’t know how to answer it.

Instead, the Firebird said again: "Yes, Jiang Yun, listen to you, if you want them to die, I will help you kill them. If you want to let them go, you will kill them. You must not Lightly spare them!"

Everyone's eyes are concentrated on Jiang Yun's body, even the five elements are no exception.

He also did not think that the life and death of his own five-way patriarch and four elders would have to look at the attitude of such a monk who was not a god.

Feeling the eyes of everyone around, Jiang Yunwei sinks into the air and screams at Wuyang and others: "Is the five seniors really let me decide?"

Wuyang nodded: "You have the final say!"

Jin Ge four demon even a little unwilling, but can not face the face of Wuyang face, so all remain silent.

"Good!" Jiang Yun was not polite, but turned to look at the five elements: "Let you go, but I have two conditions."


"First, I want a complete seed and remedy;"

The five elements of the five eyes were slightly raised, and they nodded and thought, "Yes!"

"Second, I want, a key!"

This condition of Jiang Yun changed the face of the five elements suddenly: "How do you know the key?"

The conversation between the two people makes the five demons a fog.

Obviously, even they don't know the things and the keys.

Jiang Yun said faintly: "This will not care for you, two conditions, as long as you promise, you can leave!"

"But don't think about the fish, the fake tricks and the keys to fool me."

"Especially the key, since I can know the key, there are naturally ways to tell the truth."

"If you give me a fake, then today, you will stay here forever!"

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