The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1337: Overturned

In the case of knowing that Wuyang is the demon of the fire, Dan Daozi still uses the power of fire to deal with Wuyang. It is not difficult to see that he is clearly still merciless.

So far, the five demon, the two avenues, and the four four-way elders have already fought together!

Looking at the radiant glow of the various magical spells, listening to the roaring sounds of the sounds that have continued to sound, the Jiang Yun and others at this moment are completely shocked.

None of them thought that before a moment, their own side still occupied an absolute advantage, and even the five elements were ready to promise Jiang Yun's conditions in exchange for a living.

However, in a blink of an eye, the situation has once again happened to change dramatically!

Although there are only eleven people who are hands-on, there are seven strong people with the same humanity and context, and four powerful people who are comparable to humanity!

Everyone's shots are full of boulevards, releasing the power of horror.

Any one of them, even if only a random wave, can make the seams around them collapse directly.

The fight of this scale is believed to have never appeared in this world since the end of the Battle of the Nine.

Today, it is because of Jiang Yun, in this seam, this group of strong people once again staged such a rare fight!

However, in addition to the shock, Jiang Yun’s brain is also rapidly turning his mind.

Don't look at the fact that the eleven people seem to be evenly matched. It seems that they are indistinguishable, but since the plan that the Five Elements can think of, Jiang Yun can naturally think of it.

Dan Dabie said that he killed Wuyang. Even if Wuyang lost his fighting power, the balance of this battle will immediately tilt toward the five elements.

Once the balance is tilted and you want to restore it to balance, it is hard to go to heaven.

And the final result, maybe five demon will fall here.

The reason why they can still keep their hands now is because Dan Daozi has not used all his strength at all, just entangled Wuyang and prevented her from being separated to help other demon.

For Dan Daozi's shot, Jiang Yun can understand, not even blame Dan Daozi.

Because at this time, Jiang Yun is also able to speculate about the relationship between the nine avenues, the Taoist and the saints.

Although he has no knowledge of the saints, since the five demons are all from the saints, it is conceivable that the saints are strong.

The Taoist and the saints are clearly in a relationship of opposites.

Then, anyway, killing a saint is also killing, killing five is also killing, five demons are degraded, and the strength of the saint will inevitably be greatly weakened.

When the five enchantments fell, it was their turn to wait for someone else.

Escape is simply impossible.

Now, even if you have the power of Wuyang to protect yourself, you can still clearly feel the horrible breath and power fluctuations that people have handed over.

Even from time to time, the Star River will look at the flames of the body around the body, worrying about whether it will collapse at any time.

Once this wind of flames disappears, he and others will be involved in the war, and they will vanish in an instant.

It is equally impossible to participate in the war!

The strength of the Earth Star River and the Earth Spirit are not considered at all.

As for Jiang Yun, although it is not self-defeating, it is not really arrogant to think that he is qualified to be involved in such a war.

Not to mention that today's self is still wounded in the body, even if it is the most peak state, can display the nine sacrifices of heaven, can use all the cards, can not adhere to a moment in this war.

However, if you do not participate in the war, once Dan Daozi is forced to take full action under the persecution of the Five Elements, then the entire situation will change immediately, and there is no possibility of recovery.

"So, the only way is to lead to the power of the sorcerer!"

In such a war, only the power of the sorcerer can participate, and even play a decisive role!

However, the situation of Jiang Yun is actually very bad.

From the beginning of the encounter with the blue woman, until now, he not only has been working hard, but also did not get a break.

In particular, the power to sneak out the Golem for two consecutive times has placed a huge burden on his body.

However, in today's situation, he also knows that only by borrowing the power of the saga, it is possible to reverse the whole situation again.

Therefore, as soon as he gritted his teeth, he said to the five demons at the same time: "Five seniors, give me some lines!"

At the moment, in addition to Wuyang, Jin Ge and other four people are extremely intimate and dignified. Each one has no reservations, and all their strengths are revealed.

Because they can also think that the worst result of today's war will be greatly detrimental to their own demon.

It is a pity that the five elements and Tumen are not desperate to fight with them from five people, just to entangle them, so this makes them unable to withdraw from the moment.

Hearing the voice of Jiang Yun, naturally, Jin Ge four people were slightly surprised, do not understand the meaning of Jiang Yun.

Only Wu Yang took a deep look at Jiang Yun and asked by voice: "Can your body still persist?"

Wuyang did not know how Jiang Yun borrowed the power, but naturally he knew that the lines of his own people did not enter the body of Jiang Yun. Even though Jiang Yun had a hole in his own life, he also suffered a lot.

Jiang Yun’s heavy head: “Yes!”

Wuyang also nodded, no longer open to him, but directly reached out, hundreds of fire trails flew to Jiang Yun.

Then she turned to the Jin Ge four people and said: "Give him a pattern, try to suppress the power of the lines!"

"Where can we leave safely today, I will see him all!"

Since even Wuyang has opened up, the Jin Ge four will naturally not have any hesitation any more, one by one, and they will reach out in the direction of Jiang Yun.

Suddenly, in the body of Jiang Yun immediately appeared a large number of five lines representing the five elements, exudes a strong avenue!

Although the actions of Wuyang Wu Yao, the five elements and others are in the eyes, but they do not understand what this means.

After all, when Wuyang first gave Jiang Yun the pattern, they were trapped in the fire purgatory by Wuyang and did not see it.

Now, in the five elements, they want to come, the five demons use the lines, it should be to protect them, so they did not care, and did not stop.

Only when Dan Dao suddenly thought of the refining of medicine, the pattern of the medicine that he summoned passed through Jiang Yun’s body, and he was left in the body of Jiang Yun, which also made his eyes slightly revealing the gloom.


Jiang Yun opened his mouth and took a deep breath, so he inhaled all the lines in his body!

The lines of the lines entered the body, and Jiang Yun’s mouth immediately gave a sigh of pain, and his entire body was immediately wrapped in the five elements.

The blazing flame, the sky and the waves, the thick and significant, the big tree, the sharp golden light!

The five elements, these five kinds of different, but the strength of each other, are all filled with Jiang Yun's body!

The Dixing River and the Linglingzi, which were originally standing next to Jiang Yun, and the flamingo, had to retire all backwards at this time. Everyone’s face showed a deep horror.

Even Jin Ge and others who are fighting are also shocked. After all, they have never seen such a scene.

Jiang Yun’s body trembled fiercely, but he clenched his teeth and insisted on it, leading all the lines to the scars on his body!

At the same time, Jiang Yun’s heart also made a scream: “Broken!”

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